General Discussion

General DiscussionTroll Warlord - Why don't more people play him?

Troll Warlord - Why don't more people play him? in General Discussion

    I have heard people say "Oh he's too boring" but I believe there are more boring heroes than Troll.

    Does he have some weakness that I don't know about?

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        I am not really sure either. If I would make a guess it would be because troll warlord (1)lacks a natural escape mechanism or superior tankiness, making him easy to gank. (2) Lacks aoe damage
        Which is not suitable for a carry.
        Also, troll warlord is (3) hardly picked in competitive gaming, hence it lacks publicity. (There are many player who like to become like their supported dota player and picks the heroes they play)
        These are guesses. dont take me seriously

        Miku Plays

          ded hero, only troll players can play him. 15 dmg nerf, flying vision nerf on range whirling axes.


            Patch 6.84:

            - Berserker's Rage no longer provides +15 damage

            - Ranged Whirling Axes no longer provide 800 vision

            - Melee Whirling Axes no longer provide 500 vision

            - Battle Trance duration reduced from 7 to 5 seconds

            - Berserker’s Rage is no longer removed on death

            He was all rage in 6.83 & was picked a lot in competitive matches as Gyro in 6.85 & onwards.

            With those nerfs, he's near to useless.

            Livin' Real Good

              eh I still thinks he's good, it's just not a late game type of meta, he's very well rounded, even after the nerfs.


              Funny that you say he's "easy to gank" when I remember reading from a 6K player on here saying to this one guy " You're seriously asking why is Troll so good in this meta? (6.83 at the time) he has great start damage for last hitting, great move speed, especially once he gets his phase and some levels on Q (sange and yasha) almost unbeatable 1v1 when he has farm, " hard to gank cause of whirling axe miss chance " and more! "

              Funny how times change, now he's "easy to gank." lol

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                he got absolutely murdered by 6.84


                  idk he was ok when i randomed him, just that he has low damage now even in melee form, axes don't give vision and some other stuff


                    Still he is the best carry to pick versus LC in pubs IMO


                      I don't think those nerfs are a huge hit. If you look at his winrate he's just sitting under 50% atm. Only just!

                      Personally I never noticed about nor cared for the sight provided by his W so I don't feel that is really a nerf if I never noticed it to begin with.

                      I think he's a great carry because most of the time, a team that wins is a team that pushes after a team fight. If you have bad push, then you won't ever be able to achieve anything after a team fight.

                      Also we live in the age of Rat Dota and he's great for that shit. So you only get to buff people with huge AS for 5 seconds instead of 7, big deal.


                        when people juke you in the trees the vision+slow was really good to finish off targets


                          and he had like 10 more damage in melee form so he could easily go aggro on some1 and kill them early/zone them.


                            i dont play this hero but if u look at his matchups he eats meta carries like lycan and jugg apparently so u can go for him then

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                            Pale Mannie

                              Battlefury on Troll is the new strat


                                I remember ganking him as Riki, man that shit was hard