General Discussion

General DiscussionMy fucking god, how is it even remotely possible that people are this...

My fucking god, how is it even remotely possible that people are this fucking thick in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    How hard is it to understand that you only use tornado once omni has used guardian angel, and not before that to FUCKING RUIN wd's cask and ult, and let omni and silencer use their ults freely? My fucking god, I cannot believe people this brain damaged are allowed to own computers or a name, let alone play DotA.

    Also fucking 2k trash cans are telling me whom to duel, despite the fact the enemy team has silencer AND omni, rofl, they are gonna remain fucking 2k for-fucking-ever.

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      so will u lol

      Riguma Borusu

        Yeah, with 67% ranked winrate this month rofl

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          Jesus,someone's fucking salty af


            Wow, easy dude.

            I cant understand the situation you describe :D.

            Riguma Borusu

              Okay, here's the thing, there's a teamfight coming up, WD throws his cask, I jump omniknight to duel him, but as it turns out, invoker already threw the fucking tornado, fucked up WD's cask, silencer and omni drop from tornado, and they get to activate GA and GS before i can duel either of them because of invoker's autistic tornado. So I either need to jump silencer to deny global silence, or omni to deny guardian angel, but I cannot do either because this fucking retard decided to tornado for the kicks of it. And we were already losing 4v5 because those fucking retards don't know whom to focus in fights.

              My fucking god.

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                  legion commander picker


                  Bad Intentions

                    lmao mann yo op add me up so i can spy on your gamez :]] seems hilarious, mann i hate dem tornadoes too mannn :D

                    Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                      solution: dont pick lc when theres a silencer + omni on the other team

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Invokers tend to be hard to deal with @ hs unranked, but those 2k invokers literally use tornadoes to kill steal and fuck up duels. Had a batch of okay ones these days though, so not all are as brain damaged as this one.

                        "solution: dont pick lc when theres a silencer + omni on the other team"

                        I could have picked second support, and that'd be an instaloss. I had no problems with either of those heroes, I could deal with them, but there was no followup because we had a fucking safelane bristleback and a batrider who focused juggernaut instead of dealing with either silencer or omni. We literally had a perfect way to counter omni and silencer, but bat rider was almost as thick as this invoker.

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                        JULIAN "SPARTANS" SIBARANI

                          Can u now guess my calibration in this ID? I always play with 4,3K+ MMR and there is always a 5K+ or 6K player in my team and enemy.


                            @OP: Then I guess you are fucked, man.

                            I'm not in a high bracket, so I can hardly give you any technical advice :D. But in my game, when my teammate do something stupid and not work, I will try to adapt to that. If Invoker tries to open combat with a tornado, maybe you can bait enemy team using their ulti and quickly disengage? Or you can choose to rat, or to smoke and pick on one of them.

                            Anyway, combo silencer + omni is really a pain in the ass :D


                              its everyone else bro


                                i'm 4k and i can't even hit tornado


                                  Cool story bro

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