General Discussion

General DiscussionWP Alliance.

WP Alliance. in General Discussion

    Really. Nice rat doto

    saving private RTZ

      didn't seem rat to me lol

      i mean from a analytical point of view i think they were able to control the keyboard and the mouse, put it togheter and like, play Dota and annihilate Secret

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        Terrorblade, Lone Druid seems pretty rat doto to me, I don't know. Let's not forget how they managed to chop Secrets baracks and towers in game 2 with TB and Lone Druid man.


          They didn't rat in any of the games they played. Hats off for Alliance *urghh* S4 *urghh* for good showing. Alliance is black.

          saving private RTZ


            you know what rat means right? Rat means when you splitpush and avoid fights. They didnt do that. They killed envy on his gyro and pld on oracle, and because Envy didnt have buyback they got mid rax.

            You either have no idea what rat means or you didn't watch the games


              Tbh it looked more like deathball to be honest. But still I think we'll see some good rat Doto in the future!


                I know what's rat doto, it's just I forgot for definition of "deathball" so I kinda used "ratdoto" instead.

                And tbh when I see TB/Furion/Druid it always reminds me of ratdoto.

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                  Alliance is gonna be a lot stronger then they were few last patches, especially cause heroes Bulldong plays got buffed (Lone Druid is fuckin gayest shit atm) and this new patch is focused more on pushing fast so it's perfect for them.



                    saving private RTZ

                      Deathball means when by 15-20 min you are knocking on T3 while Alliance made a comeback after a roshan fight.

                      Again, you don't know how to use these terms or you didnt watch the game

                      A waifu a day keeps socie...

                        Tbh it looked more like deathball to be honest
                        Tbh it looked more like deathball to be honest
                        Tbh it looked more like deathball to be honest
                        Tbh it looked more like deathball to be honest


                          Minglee, yeah, I see. Seems like you know better what it means. Nah, I watched it, I just don't know how to use terms right way.

                          @ 123, thats what I wanted to say, you said it better. I think this patch favors alliance.


                            how is ld gay spell in the game

                            bum farto

                              LD is so gay right now.

                              saving private RTZ

                                Not more than your profile pic Havoc Kappa


                                  Lol havoc changed picture, hadn't noticed lol. He's joining the selfie benao group ^^


                                    havoc sexy af

                                    inner corpse

                                      No matter how they play the disgust me since TI winning dream coil

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        TB pick by Secret was uncalled for. So was Timbersaw. All their cores had just damage and no fucking control, not even their supports.


                                          Puppey played the worst Chen I've ever seen in competitive. He was more than dog shit. Level 6 at 10min without being pressured at all. Zero impact on the map for the whole game. That was the case how not to play Chen. His drafts were also shit, he got outdrafted in all games they lost. The only way Secret could have advanced is if Alliance 2 times picked Puck, coz this hero is dog shit & I can't believe any team drafts him...Seriously how can u not ban Venge when u pick mid batrider? (he had 2 bans for it). This guy is brain damaged & he can't draft at all. He is one of the worst drafters in the pro scene. For sure most overrated one. He can draft in games, which don't matter at all, but when he needs to deliver a draft in the important game he fails super hard. His play is also very underwhelming. The worst Tusk, the worst Chen. His only good hero is Dazzle, besides Dazzle he is no factor & he can't draft.

                                          Misery is always shit or average. He never carries the games. I think they should kick him after Major (coz they will lose it for 100%).

                                          W33 is very good, but has pretty small hero pool. He needs to improve it.

                                          Pieledie in most games is pretty good.

                                          EE is their best player & recently he always delivers. They're tier 1 team only, because of him. He should quit from Secret & look for a better team. He deserves to play with better players & with better drafter.


                                            and you should have your posting rights revoked.

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              just because they're alliance, doesn't mean it's always going to be rato doto.


                                                That wasnt Rat Dota as far as I am concerned. As S4 stated they just hit their power level timing perfectly and were able to 5 man team fight/push to win. Lone Druid does do insane amounts of damage to towers but it isnt really the best rat hero. You can rat pretty well with aghs maybe but its situational at best and wouldnt be gotten until very late game anyways. Lone druid is great when you siege with a team around you though which is exactly what Alliance did. I dont think that falls under the rat doto category at all.... If that is Rat then so is every lineup with strong push in it


                                                  It was Chinese turtle, esp in game 2, all Alliance do was play defensively until Bulldog/Loda farm enough items to 5v5. In game 3, their intention was turtle, too. They picked 2 strong cores Spec+LD, which undoubtedly stronger in late game than TB+Timbersaw. But ofc Timber normally reaches power spike sooner, and TB was picked to destroy tower, not for late game fighting. As we can see, the deathball Secret was quite successful ( destroying the tier 2 top/mid tower quite early). The biggest failure is the Roshan, where 4/5 Secret died except EE, after that point, [A] was strong enough to win 5v5 teamfight against Secret and they can control map better with Batrider. The loss was irreversible.