General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the appropriate response to somebody who's trash talking you?

What's the appropriate response to somebody who's trash talking you? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    ...and is way worse then you even though you're trash yourself? I feel "git good" is not fitting because I'm trash myself. FML low bracket problems.


      muted ;3


        I am addicted to communication, I have strong problems when my team doesnt communicate enough with me on what is happening etc.

        stilll, when someone trash talks and flames, the only smart option is to:

        1. warn him one time about muting
        2. mute if he continues




            i usually write ok
            sometimes i write i fuck your dog -> this leads to a lot of laughter


              "You're a f**king retard"

              Me: "I will take your opinion into consideration :)"


                saw this on reddit once "Don't worry guys im a garbage collector irl,im used to carrying trash like you/him"

                lm ao

                  NICE COPYPASTA YOW YWN

                  lm ao

                    FML 1469 CHARS

                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                      bark bark bark bark

                      King of Low Prio

                        Get better at flaming


                          You either flame back harder or mute. Since flaming back puts you under stress, muting is probably best option there is.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Well, yeah, I was actually trash talked by this spectre player:

                            The guy has sub 50% ranked winrate this month and is really stuck in this 2.2k trash bracket because he's literally dogshit. He has more games than me and can't get out of 2.2k, how does that even happen? People are brain damaged at this MMR, I expect all of them to have like 500-600 games max, but I find these 2k games people all the time, and then I'd expect them to either be high skill unranked due to not playing ranked, or to have something like 60-80% ranked winrate. This guy has a total of 4 high skill matches, and that's likely party.

                            I mean, I am not offended that he's trash talking me for spamming LC, I am not offended that he's telling me I'll remain 2k forever (I plan to get out of 2k in a week, or a few weeks), I am just wondering what goes inside of his head, so that I can respond in a way that "works". Obviously he's butthurt he got dumpstered really hard and has a strong emotional response, but why not just kinda, you know, play better? He has 55% wr with spectre which sounds okay until you realize spectre has 60% winrate in this bracket, making him complete dogshit even though he's trying to boost himself using a high winrate hero. It was in fact his supports' fault they didn't ward the map as much as they could, but I had caught him out of position every fucking time, the guy literally has zero map awareness, and blames others for it. Every time he respawned, I'd go close to where the creeps meet, because I KNOW he's going for it, and every fucking time, yes he is. He does not learn.

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                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                              bark bark bark bark

                              Dire Wolf

                                Flame back harder. Lot of fuck yous mostly.

                                The worst was this one recently:


                                I had shadowed some carry top, don't remember which. At the pick screen the guy who eventually picked invoker mid says dire wolf let ramalen go hard carry he is better. So I went "lol what are you in a group or something?" And invoker says no, I checked his and your profiles and he is a better carry. Like seriously what the fuck? You can't check someone's dotabuff that fast cus dotabuff search sucks, plus you'd have to take a few minutes to filter their matches, so I'm like fuck you asshole how the hell did you come to that conclusion? And he said well you lost two jugger games in a row with shitty builds and are a bad carry. I was so fucking mad, the ramalen guy didn't even want to carry, he said chill guys that's stupid, everyone was backing me up cus this mid was being retarded but he wouldn't get off it.

                                To make things even more unbelieveable I quickly found him on dotabuff and realized he had just lost an invoker game and was 1-6 his last 7. Of course I flamed the everliving shit out of him. Then he fucking gave up first blood and started 0-2. I flamed this guy the entire fucking game and made sarcastic comments after every kill I got about how shit I was, must've been luck, and every time I died late said oh shit sorry guys I'm throwing cus I'm a shit carry, my bad! I mean this guy was so ridiculous, I didn't take his pick, I didn't pick something stupid, and he was throwing insults from the pick screen. His end stats eventually came out ok but he lost mid hard. Like why would you even do that minute one unless you wanted to throw someone off their game? It makes no sense.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  Yeah, this is pretty prevalent in online games, DotA in particular, but maybe I just don't quite get the loser psychology, sometimes it starts even before the game starts like in your case, I had a meepo picker telling me not to pick LC because I was 1.8k at that time, he was 2k, what ended up happening is him feeding the lane and game hard, getting heart and vlads and being useless in general while I carried the fucking game.

                                  Other funny shit I see is MoM Shadowblade snipers teaching me how to play the game, and they're usually something like 5-13 and those 5 kills are due to getting stray kills with the ultimate. Those people literally live in denial for some reason.

                                  I probably need to treat myself some Chi Long Qua DotA psychology in order to understand better.

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                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Well I understand if I get flamed cus I do something stupid, I'll ususally just say my bad and mute or they chill out if you admit mistakes. But flaming someone who hasn't done shit is stupid, so is flaming someones build just cus you don't like it.

                                    Like I got flamed a lot this match for "farming too much."


                                    but truth is our mid started like 0-6 and invoker stompped us all game til morph came online. I was farming cus we were literally losing every fight due to fed middle.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      I remember a "Is sven going to farm all game?" comment some retard made while we were barely winning and that was due to me farming, he literally trash talked me for farming while I carried his sorry ass. Yeah, those people are just bad, I actually got flamed for picking up solar crest on LC but the reality is, nobody could 1v1 me that game due to that, and I picked it up to partially counter bash (if the enemy has 25% miss rate and you have 25% evasion, you're not gonna get bashed that often but you have to use solar before PTA).

                                      play for fan

                                        dont say any thing just mute them and relax when the game ends if u was still mad go add them with smurf account pretend u wanna be his friend then find his address and murder his family but i usually like to rape their dad in front of them and their mom
                                        am i sick ? fuck do i know

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                                          i tell them "what are you fucking gay?" and they stop flaming unless they are

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                                            this works in any scenario trust me


                                              have to try that shit out XD

                                              EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                bark bark bark bark

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                    "This negativity will get you nowhere. For instance, if you keep doing this, we may not win this match."

                                                    "Please tell me how old all of you are so I know what I'm dealing with. "


                                                      ^ for somebody who calls me pedantic you're pretty pedantic yourself lmao


                                                        ^ GGWP, FF. Throne please. AFK.

                                                        I'm sorry, I said that. I didn't mean to make you feel bad about it. I mean it. I apologise, again.

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                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                          Zzz, stfu, you're trash, just focus on the game, not me, muted.

                                                          Say that before an argument starts, leave before the stupidity even begins.

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                                                            waku waku

                                                              just report them for communication abuse

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                                                                Trash talk back until he will silence...


                                                                  Step 1: you would simply have to take your mind off him first. Don't let his words hurt you in the first place.
                                                                  Step 2: tell him things that make him think that u are an idiot. (It might make him give up talking to you.)
                                                                  Step 3: He might continue scolding, then just laugh, then provide him with more materials to trash talk with and continure laughing.
                                                                  (Never scold back, will just make him continue trash talking.) Wait this is quite sadistic

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    "play good enough so u dont get called trash"

                                                                    Actually, he called me trash LC spammer after I completely dumpstered his whole team in a game and there was nothing he could do about it, he didn't call me trash because I played badly, he also remarked how LC is an 'ez noob hero' (he spams spectre and loses games with it rofl) and how I will never get out of 2k, while I have 60-70% winrate in ranked by just mindlessly spamming jungle lc.

                                                                    "Trash talk back until he will silence..."

                                                                    I just kinda don't trash talk, even if I get dumpstered by someone really hard and it shows some skills, I actually tell them they played well.

                                                                    @Jayeff: As I said, he doesn't hurt me, I just cannot understand his mentality, hence how to communicate with such people. Well he probably thinks I am an idiot for spamming lc anyway, I just provided him some hard data that supports my theory that it's not me who won't get out of 2k but him, because unlike me he has sub 50% ranked winrate rofl.

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                                                                      sometimes people trashtalk to me when i use the 6 mango zoning support build on a random hero that boosts the shit out of our gameplay


                                                                        the word 'virgin' gets thrown around by computer nerds a lot, maybe try that, seems to get people more pissed off than 'autistic'

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          @Cai: Yes, but you kinda want that when you play the CLQ^tm way.


                                                                            I usually just mute them because I don't want to be bothered by 10yo kids being angry on the Internet.


                                                                              people @ 5.5k mmr flame more often... and get butthurt more often-.-

                                                                              the key is to instant mute the guy with the negative attidute in ur team and try to coordinate with the others

                                                                              sometimes i like muting all 9 players and at the end of the game i unmute them if we win XD

                                                                              oh and call me Fyyq

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                I usually tell him to calm down we're doing fine,if he keeps flaming i just report him and write on that little box "racism"

                                                                                Pale Mannie


                                                                                    If you're really shit which might be your case, don't say anything, listen and play better
                                                                                    If it's not thecase, like with me, flame the fuck back, report and he doesn't udnerstand fuckign ruin his fucking gam and make sure you lose!