General Discussion

General DiscussionSF is literally unstoppable in trash tier MMR

SF is literally unstoppable in trash tier MMR in General Discussion
bog water

    I've been playing SF recently in good old 1.3k cancer mmr (thanks matchmaking calibration ayylmao) and people just don't seem to know how to kill me. Is this normal or should I consult a doctor?


      you farm like shit , xD soz bro

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      bog water

        Thanks m9


          farming and wining the mid lane is what sf excels at. learn to farm and you will climb so much mmr, also learn how to pus, gank, rosh, all in between farming. always be farming and doing something as sf.

          bog water

            I always seem to catch myself doing nothing when I go up to gank and the enemy fell back into their tower and think "I should be farming right now." I just always think my team needs me for every small fight so I stop farming to help. Maybe that's just because of my PTSD due to teammates feeding when I'm doing well


              It doesn't matter if he farms in 1.3k or not. If he can farm heroes instead of creeps, even better.

              He is crazy even in 2k and 3k, it gets trickier after @ 3.8k with him.

              If you are good SF you'll easily get out of 2k MMR. 1k will be piss easy.

              Livin' Real Good

                I started playing SF more this patch actually, sucks, cause I wish I learned him when he was OP the last 2 patches. (not OP, but insanely strong)

                I can feel that mana nerf, and 1 armor reduction nerf. lol

                Still fun to play. :D

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                  Yeah, but you just need to adapt a bit more, it's not really that hard.

                  That mana nerf actually hits a lot when it comes to Meka build in my opinion.

                  Maximazing power-t. switching is crucial now.

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