General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR math, 25=0

MMR math, 25=0 in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      Just Dota 2 things

      No, seriously, it's not even just a Reborn thing.

      lm ao

        Zano how much is your mmr why do you still have High skill matches?

        lm ao

          Abandono dont you speak Spanish in Peru instead of Portogues?


            I'm 3.9k, haven't played a solo rank match in about half a year though, so it's either higher or lower.

            When I play, I stack with either some 5k dudes, 2k-3k dudes or 5k dudes with their gais who haven't calibrated yet but are scrubs enough to drag them into high skill games and make them lose anyway because my other friends just fool around and sometimes feed too. I'm always in the middle of it all.

            And yes, we speak spanish here, in fact, "abandono" does mean "abandon" in spanish. But if you are unfamiliar with both languages, you'd have a very hard time telling apart a spanish text from a portuguese one.

            play for fan

              lc picker :|| you go jungle and ur team win the game even without u so when u win u dont deserve +25 because the other 4 player won the game without u but when u lose u get -25 because ur team lost be cause of u picked lc

              Riguma Borusu

                Yeah, tell me about how your team wins you the game @ 1.3k - 2.4k, you're delusional xD I'll have retards picking antimage against 5 tanky heroes, and he'll lose his lane hard because he's brain damaged, I could pick a second support and instalose the game, if I pick LC and get a 7 minute blink dagger I will actually be able to end up victorious. At this MMR range, more cores = win since the game goes into a stalemate way too often, and more exp/gold = win since people are really bad at farming either way, jungling really pays off here, plus I tp support dives and heal my mid hero while jungling so I am not actually afk farming.

                Obviously at 3.7k and 4.2k I don't jungle legion because people are not as brain damaged there and they'll put some effort to pressure lanes and/or contest my jungle farm.

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                play for fan

                  look bro u played over 500 games as lc if 500 games on lc didnt make u get out of 2k dont u think u should stop playing him ?
                  you talk about 2k players like u are 5k but your in 2k because dota 2 is not fair
                  can u tell me whats ur difference between you and 2k players they try to get out but they cant so as u do


                    While I don't really like his realize that out of those 500 LC games, only 118 of them are in Ranked Matchmaking, don't you? Between his wins and losses, the former more numerous than the latter, it's more than enough to get out of the 1k bracket he started in.

                    And who knows? Maybe it will take him out of 2k bracket, if you bothered to do look at his stats. Once/if he gets there, we'll see if he can play a wider hero pool in it.


                      how to do nothing and be ~4.5k mmr


                        run around for first 10 minutes of the game, saying that you gank but actually feed


                          then jsut use w on an important hero (your mid or carry)



                            Riguma Borusu

                              "can u tell me whats ur difference between you and 2k players they try to get out but they cant so as u do"

                              I'm 3.5k unranked and have almost 70% ranked winrate in the last month, and am steadily rising. When I play my High Skill unranked matches I simply no longer see Sniper being picked at all, let alone the shadowblade mom build. Here it's fucking prevalent. That's the difference. Obviously people are shit @ 3.5k unranked too, but far less so than at 2.4k ranked.

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                                Lol, that guy was in my team in a game in 2014. 1-5-2 LD. Such skill, much wow...

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