General Discussion

General Discussionwtf does sniper's headshot do?

wtf does sniper's headshot do? in General Discussion
inst:  MissMissclick

    slow attack speed by 100?

    Dire Wolf

      and slows move speed to minimum value which is 100. Move speed can't go below that

      Pale Mannie

        Still better than ministun

        Dire Wolf

          mini stun was wayyyyy better cus casters like earthsaker with slow animations couldn't do shit. Interuppted tps, channels etc. New version is a little better against right clickers, worse againt everyone else.


            demn ministun headshot is op
            just dont, dont, we already know how op sniper before headshot nerfed into slow
            more like free mkb rather than skill -_-


              i heard google is a decent website


                it's not better than a mini stun. early game the new effects are comparable to the ministun in terms of cancelling attacks (cos min attack speed makes 1 attack take ~8s) and the movement that you prevent from the slow is comparable to what you'd get from a mini stun.

                later on 100 attack speed slow lowers dps but not as much as the dps from a 0.4s ministun cos the mini stun itself willcancel an attack and a 0.4s stun is basically another attack lost, that's basically negating 2 attacks while a loss of 100 attack speed is 1 attack lost per interval (your base attack time)

                100% movement speed slow is probably similar though.

                it's as close to the old version as you can get minus the ability to cancel channeling / long cast animation spells.

                Dire Wolf

                  Pretty much, which is why the old version was a billion times better. So easy to cancel enigmas, witch drs, crystal maidens. Though I think the shrapnel changes have more to do with his decline than those. You could be a tower killer before, now it's so nerfed, piss poor regen rate, terrible activation time.

                  plz do

                    i bui skull bash0r everytiem

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I usually hope snipers go with stupid glass canon builds and die to lc's blademail, if they go tanky it's tricky to manfight them without a bkb.

