General Discussion

General DiscussionLuna - the Moon Rider (need help)

Luna - the Moon Rider (need help) in General Discussion


    I was 3.9k on main, pure support, and gave that account to a friend when I quit DotA 1.5 year ago. I came back with this account recently but changed my role to core.

    I have tried few cores (off, mid, carry) on so far and have garnered quite success with them. I sometimes have to ward myself and smoke-gank enemies having that support-itch to get few things done.

    Also, I'm normal skill on this account so expecting supports to support is a luxury I can't have.

    The difficulty I'm having so far is with Luna. I have played 3 games so far and have yet to win with her.

    I actually thought Invoker, Dragon Knight, and Razor would be difficult for me but they were fairly easier.

    So, how do I run Luna next time?

    1. What skill build should I follow? I know I can't afford to ignore Lucent Beam because of her relation to Eclipse but should I take glaives or Lunar Blessing with Beam?

    Will 4-1-1 will be good? Or, do I need to take stats?

    2. Items? Should I get Aether Lens on her? Shadow Blade will be good? Do I always have to get Helm? BKB? Just how do I itemise her?

    3. How to approach battles? And when to approach them? Any tips on that?

    4. The reason I'm having difficulty with her is that she is too frail. And, more I find her difficult to play her, the more I want to get better with her. Even, I know almost every other nukes of support and what they can do having been support for 3 years myself, I still mess up with Luna and die a lot.

    Thank you.


      Skill Build : 3 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 0 - 4 - 0 - 0... keep skill points of glaives till later(you want to skill Glaives then, when it doesn't matter anymore that you push, or when you jungle)
      Shadow blade is good for pickoffs, take it when there are supports(or maybe cores) that can't kill you or escape when you ult
      HoD is rly good because of ancient stacking, and she can clear them VERY fast
      BKB core item when they have much disable and nukes
      skadi, bfly, maybe daedalus, mkb, satanic as last items, usually: aquila>treads>HoD>manta>/<bkb(they can be exchanged, but usually go for manta first)>Damage/stat item
      Approach on battle: activate bkb and run in and kill things
      Be careful and a good way to stay safe in fights is buying the aghanims, because it doubles the dps of the ult (to 1000 dps) and you don't need to stay in the middle but can stay back(or behind them and kill supports)->Safer

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        Thank you, OM3N. I have really underestimated Manta on Luna so far to the extent that I didn't even buy Yasha. Given the movement speed of Luna herself, I think I would prioritise Manta this time.

        You have 100% win rate with Luna at 4 games. That's pretty impressive considering how frail she is. Thanks for the tips.

        May be Selemene will smile upon me if I just show her Manta Style.

        Mike Tl Kwar :')

          Drums is a pretty decent item on Luna if you want to fight earlier than the usual timing and I suggest going for a smoke gank whenever your ulti is off cooldown to get a kill or two.

          Phase boots is a decent item as well for luna but I really prefer Treads for the tread switching and the attack speed. Aquila --> Treads --> Drums --> Bkb --> Hotd -->Manta/SnY --> Skadi/Fly (I prefer Skadi) --> Satanic (a must get item on Luna) --> replace Drums with a luxury item.

          This item build focuses on fighting really early, but I suggest getting Hotd first if your team plans on going late game and avoiding fights early. Manta is a must get if there are silences or dis-jointable stuns. SnY is actually pretty good on Luna but I prefer manta.

          She is really frail, that's why stats items are really important on her. Linken could be a plausible choice depending on the situation, same goes for Assasult Cuirass or Aghs. Don't ever go shadow blade. ^^

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            Drums (if u feel like u need them), dominator, Aghs (as a first large item),bkb is needed almost in 99% of the games as she is not kinda wk and her survivability is low, (daedalus or mkb). bfly, satan. Buy moon shard if u like this item



              shadow blade luna asdf asdfasdffsagsdf

              Sw1ft Sc0ut

                naw just go bots helm drums manta bkb if kneaded then h1t that mkb up, or like a butterfly, and use the bots to farm free lanes and shit. ur also gunna b fast as fuck with drums and manta, so combined with a bkb u will b hard to gank. GL m8. also dont listen to these noobs who say get aghs thats so bad. her ult is very long cooldown, and is unreliable in fights due to it being ineffactive against large masses of enemies.


                  today i was rekt by aghs luna

                  Sw1ft Sc0ut

                    well her ult doesnt go through bkb so ur team was clearly bad or something, theres no way she wins a manfight against ur carry if he just uses bkb


                      thanks for your #Deep analysis 4Head

                      Sw1ft Sc0ut


                        Dire Wolf

                          well your three matches on her aren't good examples:
                 alch abandoned at lv 2
                 not much support to protect you plus viper rolls your mid
                 your team is all carries vs three really strong early game heroes that fuck luna in wk, timber and slardar

                          Basically you need safe lane with a strong support protecting you. She has super high dmg early but is extremely fragile and with limited range you can't avoid getting hit if you wish to fight. You can go offlane if you know their lane will be weak early like if you and lion or something go take on a spectre lane.

                          Other than that she's one of the easiest heroes to play cus her build is practically the same every game. Treads, aquilla, dominator, bkb, manta, mkb/butterfly/daedulus, satanic. Max Q and her passive basically alternate points, glaives last. Farm like crazy.

                          Just remember to hit your windows. She is super strong mid game just before everyone get's bkbs on enemy team with her ult up. Then she kinda falls off til her big item butter/mkb/daedulus, and then she's a right clicking beast.

                          Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                            well her ult doesnt go through bkb so ur team was clearly bad or something, theres no way she wins a manfight against ur carry if he just uses bkb



                              I recommend Witch doctor as lane support because of his high attack damage, it is ridiculous seeing a luna and a witch doctor hitting any hero with the aura, both get ~70 damage per hit with the aura, so they melt everything on the lane away

                              The Ice Truck Killer

                                If you need bkb, don't beat around the bush and get it asap. If you do get a bkb, MoM becomes very viable; otherwise, stick with HotD.

                                I believe SnY is superior to Manta unless you can win a fight on enemy highground in which case Manta is better.

                                If you're struggling early game, get drums. The only reason I wouldn't recommend getting Drums every game is because you'll run out slots and SnY is superior.

                                Get an Aquilla.

                                After that I get an AC instead of a Bffly. My reasoning is you cannot manfight a single target carry. You win by taking fights with your team and getting objectives very fast if you win fights. An AC helps your team and helps to take objectives. If you're needed to manfight enemy carries then you need other items like MKB, Satanic, Blink for superior initiation or positioning yourself better, Hex, Orchid, purchase whatever item that will enable you to win the game even if it doesn't seem viable for a right click agi carry. You don't want to take it late but rather to get objectives after winning one decisive fight so it doesn't matter if your items don't synergise for late game agi carries.

                                As for laning, idk really. You can hold your points in glaive to to keep the creep equilibrium OR you can spend them and pushout the lane asap allowing you to farm one or two jungle camps before the next wave arrives. Obviously this will make you more vulnerable but on the other hand it forces the enemy offlane to stay on lane to protect the tower. Consider to tping to other lanes since you push fast. If you see an opportunity, take it. Your team might not fully be aware how strong the aura is when it comes to teamfights and pushing so if you see an opportunity, tell them group up with you and push/take rosh.

                                Also it might be worth experimenting with mek if you go down the 5 man route.

                                If you're not the sole right click carry and you have an initiator like clock, you can get aghs to have some fun with global eclipse. Aghs isn't even that bad since you can stay right at the back of fights and let your team bait.

                                In terms of skill points, I haven't done that maths but I'm pretty sure you should max aura before you get the 4th point in glaives, maybe even max aura after getting only 2 points in glaives.


                                  one level in aura lvl1, then you forget this spell till the level 23-24-25 (easy last hit early, but then you need glaive maxed asap to farm, but you have to take lucent beam, also as you mentionned you are very squishy, so those +6 early stat will help you a lot)

                                  Sb can work, you don't have to dominator always, bkb is a must have as 1st or 2nd item after the boot of choice and eventually drum/aquila

                                  If you play with sb, you'll don't have that much trouble to enter the battle, however it's true that it's one of the hardest hero to enter battle in with, even though it's what she designed for (along with killing enemy base ^^)

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                    Thank you, guys.

                                    I have figured her out with your tips & help.

                                    Skill Build: 4-1-1 till lvl 7. Stats at lvl 8, 9, 10 then max glaives after lvl 11 ultimate.

                                    Aquila, Treads, SnY, Skadi + then anything. Tried in Insane bot mode and then Normal match, same result.

                                    Thanks Dire wolf, Gerrard Slip and Tinky Winky for the heads up. SnY tip from Tinky Winky & Gerrard Slip was OP (have yet to try AC).

                                    Tips for Drums from some of you guys is good but I wouldn't really recommend it if you're not in party. When solo, SnY and Skadi ASAP after Treads & Aquila.

                                    Finally, I did it. I had to lose forth consecutive time with her. It's 4-1 now. But, man, getting Ultra Kills with Luna is just extraterrestrial.

                                    Cheers everyone.

                                    May Selemene smile upon you, too.

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                                      You don't need the point in glaives at level 5. It's too early to push the lane and too early to farm the jungle. Nor are stats superior to taking luna blessing. It's a damage aura for your whole team so you are giving +40 damage in auto attacks to your whole team (5x8) for each extra point of it. Get at least 2 levels in it early rather than a useless point in glaives. Then finish skilling it - at level 4 it gives 190 extra auto attack damage to your team. Even if it is just you farming the jungle then it gives plus 38 damage which is a lot more than the plus 6 damage from stats. Thinking that +2 stats is better than that is seriously some 1k level of theory crafting.


                                        Haha you should try Death from above luna, 4-1-1-1 Boots>Aghs>Hotd


                                          @Murranji Would had definitely prioritised taking Lunar Blessing if it was global. In normal skill games, people don't start going 5men that early. So, stats better for you not being kite-d by enemy.

                                          Doesn't mean it has to be that way every match.


                                            I haven't seen this vid, but I'm sure it's going to be enough for you to learn a lot from it.



                                              go ham with orbital cannon build

                                              you will never have more fun i guarantee it

                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                It's true you don't want bouncing glaive at lvl 4, but you just keep the point for later, when you need it, instead of wasting it in lunar blessing.

                                                and putting in bouncing glaive, when you no longer need to hold the lane.

                                                Big Daddy Pudge

                                                  get at least 3 levels of your lucent beam first then u get one level of our blessing and your gloves before lvl 6, shadow blade is necessary for luna and aim for a manta or a sange and yasha in the mid stage, then u get luxury like satanic, butterfly, or an mob


                                                    Normally I would say matrice is correct because he's 6.8k, but since he's lost his last 5 matches he has clearly been driven mad or something.