General Discussion

General DiscussionWho are the tank kings in 6.86?

Who are the tank kings in 6.86? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Just wondering who are the best tanks right now? Is BB the king now? or is it the king of wraiths? probly tide? Who calls the dragon knight? Cent underated tank? Etc etc?

    Based on your recent exp, thoughts?


      Dragon Knight with that regeneration is pretty awesome. I prefer Shadow Blade on him this patch more than Armlet for that reason.


        Wouldnt u prefer armlet instead of shadowblade now? Ur taking it the other way around lmao

        Sexo Meister

          Bb always be the king kek

          40% passive reduction op

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                lmao abaddon master race


                  uh, nothing about 'tanks' has really changed.




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                      Riguma Borusu

                        DK is kinda cancer in prolonged early fights, his passive is just ridiculous right now. If he builds even more armor he can be even more cancer lategame though, and he can use his early advantage to achieve that and chew at your towers and five man.

                        saving private RTZ

                          I really miss the balliest hero in the game, the one true king.


                            DK is weak due to no flashfarming abilities so he falls off if he gets ganked in early game. I see him very rarely in ranked.

                            For offlane:
                            A good Bristle is the most cancer tank to play against. Not only he is very hard to kill but also deals shittons of physical dmg - very good lane counter to Juggernaut.

                            Tidehunter - very good EHP passive, good initiator

                            Centaur - another very good tank but comparing to Tide, he needs extra hp after dagger (Vanguards for example). Very good with Tiny+Toss Offlane Combo

                            Doom - with some armor and maxed Scorched Earth he is still very durable despite slight nerf.


                            When your team needs a tank and already have support/carry/mider/offlaner i would also take pudge into consideration

                            Despite being very unpopular - Treant Protector can be a very good roamer with his huge base dmg and nice slow vs. enemies who lack mobility.

                            If your team has 2 supports/midder/offlaner pick spectre - ultimate carry/tank.


                              Dragon Knight or Wraith King (maybe I'm biased because I love Wraith King)