General Discussion

General Discussionstarted playing dota...whats new meta ?

started playing dota...whats new meta ? in General Discussion

    played few games after 7 months of not playing, back then stats / right click jugg was OP, sniper, slark etc... i see ursa is still great even with new skill

    Looks like PA one of the most picked heros again..why is that ? also slark dont seem to be so popular anymore...did they nerf something ?

    whats good mid / late game carries atm

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    Livin' Real Good

      Too lazy to answer most of your questions, so I just picked the fun one.

      No, Slark didn't get nerfed, actually, Slark hasn't gotten nerfed for over 3 patches (Or buffed) he's been pretty much the same, not picked competitive like always (even though he has been picked rarely in 6.86 for some tournaments) but still a pub stomper like always.

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      Riguma Borusu

        Jugg: Still great (not 6.83 great though) despite the nerfs
        Sniper: Completely dogshit, never pick that shit
        Slark: Pubstomp if you know what you're doing, but definitely not op or anything
        Ursa: Fucking broken, fuck that bear, pick him for boring games and ez mmr
        PA: Dogshit but popular, she got nerfed to ground by nerfing +dmg items like abyssal and mkb, might as well build deso vlads on her now rofl

        Mid/Late carries:
        If I cared enough to pick good safelane carries I'd pick Jugg, Sven, WK, Gyro pretty much, pretty sure I forgot some guys

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        Livin' Real Good

          I second that, NEVER EVER pick sniper, or I will report you.


            The current meta revolves around memes. If you have more memes than your opponent you can gain a significant meme advantage in the early game. This transitions into the mid game, where memefights are more common. Winning those memefights allows you to meme objectives such as racks, towers etc.


              @fuck my life: i'm seeing you post everywhere, you are silly. 1). You are low mmr. 2). you actually think pub and rank mmr are different. They are not. so how can you be 1.8 and 3.5k, LOL. Ranked and pub games just play out different, rank is harder. You get paired up in pub games based off your mmr or 'hidden' mmr if you are not ranked yet. Stop posting, lol.

              Riguma Borusu

                No, you stop posting if you don't know what you're talking about and are just going to spread disinformation, I have been playing in High Skill unranked exclusively for a while because I am 3.2k+ unranked (hidden mmr and mind you that's still really shit), and if I calculate it with winrate and -+25 avg, it's around 3.5k, and I am 1.8k ranked because I didn't play ranked for too long, so now I get really easy games and 80+% winrate in ranked in the past month.

                Also yes, ranked and unranked mmr are different in a sense that you can have a great discrepancy between them (my ranked is 1/2 of my unranked), otherwise they function the same, and the unranked is used for calibration and once you calibrate, they go on a separate paths.

                Plus, you're normal skill in both ranked and unranked, so you're way more shit than even I am and the worst thing is you're 50% winrate which means you're exactly where you belong.

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                  On these forums, we don't be dicks to people based on their MMR or skill level. especially if you have no valid point to discredit their opinions except skill level.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    Well, you could actually make an argument that most <insert MMR range here> guys don't know what they're talking about when it comes to certain subjects, and this guy would be an example of it since he doesn't realize your unranked has nothing to do with your ranked after calibration, so he's spewing shit that's demonstrably wrong. What I wrote above is actually what I've learned from much higher MMR guys and what I've seen in 5k+ games. If you want to play PA, for example, the most effective way nowadays seems to do what BrenDota@Youtube is doing (and he's 7k mind you), and that is building her for early fights and dominating the game early on, instead of making a farmfest out of it. Another 7k player, Vroksnak, pretty much does the same thing with a slightly different build.

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                    saving private RTZ

                      I think BrenDota's youtube profile picture is great LMAO.

                      @fuck my life I think he wanted to said that High Skill in Unranked =/= High SKill in ranked and that is somewhat true because one could assume that unrankeds don't tryhard as much because they got nothing to win or lose. He is beind a dick tho and try to discredit your point becasue you are HS while he is still NS anyway so.

                      Anyway ontopic:

                      Jugg is good now, for the last patches he was always good, just not like in 6.83.
                      Slark still the same, good in pubs, not picked competitively.
                      PA is shitty as always.

                      MIDs: invoker, OD, DP seems okayish but its too early to say.
                      Carries: jugg, spectre, ursa, OD, LD, some say morph and TB

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                      Riguma Borusu

                        MingLee, the way he worded his post though it appears that he thinks that once you calibrate ranked, you get the same kind of opponents in unranked, he seems to disregard the fact that hidden mmr persists after you calibrate, and has a 'life' of its own, he proves this by being weirded out that I am about 3.5k unranked and 1.8k ranked, which is perfectly attainable and demonstrable.

                        And I don't think there's much difference in ranked/unranked up until like 3.5k or something, I've played both ranked and unranked at high 3k and what I've noticed is that there's hardly any difference until it's above say 3.8k, since sub 3.8k people seem to tryhard in unranked/play the same in ranked either way. I could be wrong though, but I don't think somebody who's in NS in both ranked and in unranked would really know this due to lack of experience, but I've played on friends' 4k accounts (with ~45% winrate so far though cause I am not a 4k player) and you really feel the difference, unlike in sub 4k.

                        Oh yeah, I have no fucking idea what's up with that picture rofl.

                        Also, invoker seems to be a legit good pick right now, in low mmr especially and especially if you're good with it, but Bren says he's really shit even despite the fact is that he's the most picked hero in 5k+ and has a solid winrate, so... Dunno what to make out of it, he does seem kinda broken right now, since actually skilled players have profited on the buffs meant to make invoker viable for worse players.

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                        plz do

                          meta is not very relevant in normal skill. pick ur best and win the lane. imo that is the safest option.
                          anyways, u want to be strong in mid game - i feel like most games are decided now around 30 min mark. so u should look for hybrids, who are strong early and easily transition - wk, jugg, od, ld, invo. but honestly, this patch i think you can play any hero, if u are specifically good w it.
                          *edit: forgot to mention counterpicks - more important than ever i believe.

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                          Riguma Borusu

                            hushush, in normal skill ranked you can literally pick LC and go jungle with Iron Talon, get a min 7 lvl 7 and blink and go gank and farm the enemy jungle and gank and go kill more people and gank etc. Literally free wins if you know what you're doing. Then just push and build to rat since nobody cares about structures in normal skill, etc.

                            So I don't think it's really important what you pick as long as you can play the hero and it has a lategame potential, seriously.

                            plz do

                              ^i agree. u can do whatever, but considering that op plays on his true niveau in ns. i just tried to give some hints. and u are right, ns games tend to go longer than higher skilled games.

                              i pick am in my ns parties and farm all game until i won. 1v9 styles

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Yeah, people just can't close out games, whatever hero you pick in NS make sure it can rat and rat hard. I mean, I've had games where my team feeds really bad and if I were at that level, I'd just conclude the game with "my team sucked gg they are not letting me out of NS" but in reality, their team five manned and tried to take our mid rax, while I BoTs'd to their rax and took two lanes before they came to stop me, I killed the two guys that did, and took a third lane of rax. This "lets not defend at all" shit hardly happens in High Skill, but in NS it's a common occurrence. So as long as you know when to fight and when to push you can win in NS, because you're better than an average NS player, and the OP sits at 55% winrate and has good winrate with some good 1v9 heroes so really, he'll raise out of NS eventually.

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                                  thanks for info dudes. btw i also have 2nd account that i leveled up to ranked games and its 3500 mmr, its also vhs in non ranked. I usually play there this is my main to play with my irl friends and all my steam games

                                  while on this topic, i never quit dota before for so long all my MMR is gone...will it go back to same MMR as it was before after 1 ranked game ?

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                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Yeah, so the OP's doing fine in general. If you're actually 3.5k you can still boost this acc for fun and have some easy solo games.


                                      i actually struggle to carry on my low skill acc, i mean ill play good and get loads of kills etc but my in game lead sucks i cant ingame lead and make decisions on when to push etc... i really suck at it =[ when i play on my other account with higher MMR i usually relay on my team mates to ingame lead and i just kill and make space on map. It usually works well with my game play and their ingame lead combined. But on low skill you cant get any ingame lead from your team mates and even if im doing good i cant finish the game. Dont rly know how to fix that...i guess by just playing more ?

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                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        Well, when I started playing ranked again (1.5k mmr rofl) I struggled to win and actually lost a few games. Then I realized I just need to push. And that's the whole idea, kill some people but also buy your own wards and split push all game, there's literally no counter to splitpushing in normal skill in general, so just do it, I spam legion like an idiot and try to take towers rax and ancient, while ganking beforehand to get some +damage and gold for items like ac and desolator for that juicy -12 armor on towers. So just get a hero that can push really hardcore and play 1v9 and that's about it.

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