I guess this is kinda stupid since you can easily see the winrates and game impact so it's not really hard to guess, but since you're NS in both ranked and unranked I'd say just spam Slark, people seem to be rather unable to deal with you way too often so you just run over them, finish the game and don't die that often (which is of crucial importance for Slark, even at lower levels). You do have a high winrate with Sven but he definitely needs more farm to start doing his thing so I am not particularly sure that's a playstyle you'd favor. You seem to have good KDAs accross the board so you aren't gonna remain NS for too long. If you're support/offlane obviously go magi/undying since you seem to be pretty impactful with those heroes.
Cheers, I'm actually only normal skill in party, high/vhs in solo, still I only ever play party so its generally easy wins unless there's feeders etc. You obviously seem to have it figured out w/ legion, so I'll say play more sven because playing one hero gets boring after a while (at least for me)
Ah, so that's it, I found it weird to see somebody in normal skill with such KDAs, I guess I can't really tell you what you should spam in case you're playing way bellow your MMR range, then, since your data is kinda misguiding. I wanna get back to Sven a bit too, but the games just get kinda boring @this range for me because it turns into a farm fest way too often, I can be more active early with heroes like LC and get solo kills much easier, but I should probably expand/go back. And yeah, I am really bored of LC, I just kinda want to get my ranked to my ranked zone so I spam something I can play without thinking and being able to fall back to jungle in case my laner is a retard or picks another carry.
Ah, the Timbersaw god, what should he play, a real mystery. BTW I've watched some of your timber replays, you make it look so fucking easy.
All my threads are useless, also what the fuck is up with your winrates with other heroes, spam timber I guess
I wasn't just copying the response, Hanter is a legit pudge spammer/player, I really suck at pudge, though I haven't played him in a while.
Ofc LC
@Son: Too little data, can't say really
what do you mean? yes you got no so many games on any other hero but your stats with lc are enough to assume that you can get out of this 3k bracket
@Burn, I mean for Son, his account is a smurf with too little games on any particular hero to confirm he should play it
@Felt, LC jungle is really good at lower levels
@Goethe, probably spam the shit out of omni
You play zeus too much. You should play tony more, he's a chill guy, and zeus is all high and mighty. Tony is the kinda guy you just chill out and smoke weed with.
@fuck my life, I don't spam Pudge, I counter pick with him.
If I was a pudge spammer I would be playing him every game, it just depends on what the enemy team picks, sometimes I go weeks without playing Pudge because enemy doesn't pick bad heroes against pudge.
Y spam naga
That hero is sh1t
Betrer sperm mora iarth spert
^ Delete dota2. I will show you how by deleting it myself.
On a serious note: Spam OMNI
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Comment below and tell the previous guy what hero he should spam to win games easily in his bracket. It could be a hero they have high winrate with, or one they have a lot of experience with and fits the current meta.