General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to be good at DotA 2

How to be good at DotA 2 in General Discussion

    Please gimme tips, I'm currently in a game and I can't stand on how much I suck


      don't feed.


        change ur dp please kanbaru is absolute dog shit


          I won tho, but I'm always waving between being a normal player and a bad player

          Flying Donkey

            Don't get so work out. In time you become a better player.

            King of Low Prio

              I think the thing that makes players bad is that they care too much about their stats. There are soooo many winnable games that inexperienced players throw away by worrying that they could die even if that death could create a environment to win. The most common example of this is AM players who don't farm the enemy jungle and deny their teammates access to a safer jungle leaving them extremely under farmed

              Riguma Borusu

                ^I regularly suicide to destroy the rax and it works out really nicely since I build for maximum building damage (optimally) so I can dish out tons of damage before anybody comes, but I always try to make sure to bait the glyph out first.


                  How do you guys measure your power attack in the early~mid game? Sometimes when I'm carrying I don't know if I can go in and shut down the enemy quickly or if I'll do a shitty damage and get destroyed instead, damage itens are so important in the early game for heroes like Void/Slark? Their damage output generally is horrible, but sometimes it works, I never know for sure.


                    ^^mostly experience to know "can x item on y hero beat z item on n hero"

                    Riguma Borusu

                      When I play legion I always check if the assholes have a poor man's or even vanguard in their inventory, that shit completely wrecks me early game.


                        Learn from your mistakes and watch best of the best and try to take in as much as you can.