General Discussion

General DiscussionApparently spec is broken

Apparently spec is broken in General Discussion
acc buyers in my team


    ¤ ϟ Musashi ϟ ¤

      she's not broken i mean i soloed a specter a few time's.
      with a night stalker in a 58 min game.

      Flying Donkey

        :) Good title, but wrong hero. She's very good hard carry that's all.

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          You mean broken with new Break from Silver Edge that isn't dispelled by anything now and makes her a creep for 5 seconds?

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          Riguma Borusu

            "she's not broken i mean i soloed a specter a few time's.
            with a night stalker in a 58 min game."

            Normal Skill Chronicles, nobody cares. No sane people even play a right click nightstalker. Also your team had FOUR FUCKING DESOLATORS that game, holy shit.

            You aren't supposed to be able to kill spec 60 minutes into the game if she's really farmed up, else it really takes a silver edge and a team effort to kill her, and then hope she doesn't have a refresher-buyback and just comes back and kills everyone.

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            Sexo Meister

              But i cared for you sven guy :((


                sven whats ur Legion item build ?


                  Spectre is strong late game, the balance is that she has shit laning and can be easily killed early.

                  Riguma Borusu

                    @JoyBoy: Life is tough, it is a shit idea, much like legion jungle, I just can't bitch if somebody tells me it's shit because I know it is, if I ever get to much higher MMR than I am now (boosting ranked from 1.8k since I didn't play ranked for too long, and about 3.5k unranked) I will have to stop doing it, I can only do it and get a 60% winrate over half a thousand games because the people I play against are as brain damaged as I am, so it works, and I know I am retarded myself. Still, if you can win most games with right click NS, that's cool and all, but if your opponents are any good, they'll fuck NS up while it's day, and they'll fuck up lc's jungle, and we both know this.

                    @Desfase!: I pretty much get Blink/PT first and then it depends, if I'm getting rekt I get a medallion for cheap damage amplification, if I'm getting rekt but they have squishy right clickers like jugg/am I get a blademail to farm them for damage, if I am doing well I get a deso, once they start fivemanning I get a BKB and then an AC (or ac instead of BKB first if they have weak/no lockdown) and then BoTs most games, so I can push even if my team's retarded but I don't really have a fixed build, I may get a basher early if I know the opponents are gonna get a linkens, so I have an abyssal by the time I need to pop it, it's also good for manfighting carries lategame, i go shadowblade first sometimes if there's something I really need to break like spec's passive (or else I just get a blink and rape her early), really, pretty much use your brain and don't follow a specific build.

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                      relentless part 2 is here apparently

                      Riguma Borusu

                        The only thing relentless and me have in common is writing blankets. Except his blankets are shit and have nothing to do with reality, and he persists with it even after being proven wrong or shown to abuse statistics. Also he's a devout Ben Carson idolater.

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                          fuck my life says fuck your lives too

                          I play right click NS in my normal skill stories too :-)

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Yeah, well, what can I say, abuse it while you can and get free MMR. There's no point in playing utility aghs-rushing NS in normal skill since your team is not going to use your advantage anyway so you might as well (and kinda should) play every hero carry.