General Discussion

General DiscussionHigh Skills Bracket

High Skills Bracket in General Discussion

    ive played quite well. lots of kill and my last 2 day was 70% winrate. but why im still at NORMAL SKILLS BRACKET.. can anyone explain me ? Im so jealous for THOSE WHO PLAY 1st MATCH and get HIGH SKILLS from the start. I really want to get 3k above ;(

    Riguma Borusu

      Your uncertainty level past the first 10 games goes to almost zero, meaning if you aren't hs/vhs in the first 10 games with some consistency, what you do after does not really matter. Looking at your general stats in your normal skill games, you're not a high skill player.

      Also, you pick lifestealer against 5 squishy heroes, and four of them have a good escape mechanism.

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        fack u arenother shit smurf.

        Livin' Real Good

          It's one thing that you're in normal skill (which doesn't matter to me cause i'm not as harsh as some people here) but you're losing normal skill UNRANKED MATCHES pretty badly, they're not even RANKED normal skill, so you DEFINITELY BELONG in 2K dude.

          I'm not even saying that to feel better about myself, you should just try playing on your main. There's also no reason to be jealous of your friends.

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          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            I wonder if there's an exploit bout these 'skill' brackets. Coz I see someone calibrated their new account and the solo MMR is already at 5200. Maybe a hero selection that deals lot of damage like Zeus or Spec? Or GPM masters like Alche and AM? Your winning rate is impressive. Cpntinue playing and you'll eventually reach the Higher skill bracket. :)

            Mr. Furryhentai

              OP is a shit player

              Homme viril

                If you want to play high skill that badly: two options: First, get better, find a main hero and tryhard it until you can own any normal skill game with it, whatever the pick is, it will help you alot to focus on game mechanics and other heroes knowledge since you won't have to learn your own hero's skills. Second, get experimented/high skill friends to play with, I've started to get in high skill brackets in normal matchmaking because of these two reasons. Gl.


                  TY for all of ur suggestion and commend. really apreciate it. ;) i will try my best !