General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do 4ks insult 4ks by calling them 4k?

Why do 4ks insult 4ks by calling them 4k? in General Discussion

    I'm 4.7k mmr. I am a 4k bad.

    However, other 4k bads will often insult me (or others) by calling them "4ks." I don't get it.

    It's like trying to bully the guy sitting next to you on the short bus by calling him retarded.

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        Remember this shit:
        Dont hate things or ppl
        When u hate them, u r putting a part of ur mind into smthng not important
        Just ignore madafakas


          probably former 5ks who dropped or smurfs or autism

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              OMG 4k NUB! 4k cant even play.


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              Livin' Real Good
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                bum farto

                  What molesterman said, I will admit when I dropped from 5 to 4 I may have swung this out a couple times.

                  Reason for me using it, is mostly because of their defeatist attitudes where they literally pull you into a tilt and if you're struggling to get better than it's really not that helpful.

                  4k is the new 3k FYI

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                    I had a game where a 3.8k guy said "you're so close to 5k, but that is the reason why you'll never be 5k".
                    I don't know how i should have felt abut that comment.


                      Molesterman I don't even


                        4k is the bracket with hardest attitude and communication problems, on average


                          cos i call myself 4k trash but at least i admit it


                            people are tards, just play the game have fun, stop giving a fuck what idiots think

                            plz do

                              nobody likes to be 4k, not even 4ks like to be 4k. its part of being delusional.

                              King of Low Prio

                                I'm alrdy almost 5k


                                  I mean, 4k is an insult no matter what's your mmr

                                  If a 4k starts acting like he's a pro or something u can say St.fu ur just a 4k trashcan no matter what's your mmr

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    4k shitstain BH picker carries Sano


                                      4k bracket is trash, only here and there you really find a guy that knows something about dota and doesnt lack in other areas like positioning, execution, etc. I met a guy 1 year ago when i calibrated at 4.3k in solo and we fuckin stomped that game together like we were playing vs 2k's. He is 5.3k mmr now and i knew it straight away the guy is nowhere near the skill of usual 4k donkey.

                                      There are few people on my friendlist that are 4k and some of them really belong in 5k, while other 4k's are actually typical 3k's. I guess 4k mmr bracket is most versatile mix of players with different skill.


                                        Ur not even 4k scrubson


                                          Chi Long Qua is that 4k that belongs in 5k me by any chance???? :)))))))))))))))0000000000000?????

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            Sano my solo is almost 5k now

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              I can't lose in solo ranked this patch cuz I just pick doom


                                                If 3.9 is almost 5 then sure


                                                  rank match high skill= close to5k ? wp


                                                    @Hanter - ya dude, you can get 5k if you fix few things :)

                                                    King of Low Prio


                                                      braindead shit 3k smurfs so autistic that they try and talk about mmr while being clueless


                                                        the reason is obvious, the ones who currently have 4xxx solo mmr dont feel like they belong there, they think they are worth actually 5k or above, but other people who have 4xxx solo mmr do belong there. this way they can think they are better than them and allowed to insult them as "4k shitbags"

                                                        but whats more pathetic is, the ones who has higher party mmr than their solo mmr who define themselves a player as their party mmr. like, "i have xk solo and 5k party mmr (x here is smaller than 5) then i must be a 5k mmr player"



                                                          @Chi Long Qua, less salt more peper right?


                                                            I can vouch on 4k being the most delusional and toxic bracket from my experience.

                                                            I calibrated on 3,5k whe ranked came out, and 4k was hard to climb. The above 4,7k that is. Then I figured playing support winning ur team all lanes (which is extremely easy at this mmr) was the best go.

                                                            When I made smurf I calibrated 4670 and went to 5k with 0 losses, then I dropped to 4900 and stood there for a good 5 days or something. I've actually not been more mad at dota during this time. People are so FUCKING BAD, yet they think they are good.

                                                            I also agree on Tractør about "but whats more pathetic is, the ones who has higher party mmr than their solo mmr who define themselves a player as their party mmr. like, "i have xk solo and 5k party mmr (x here is smaller than 5) then i must be a 5k mmr player"


                                                              4k trashcan confirmed. I'm 3.7k solo and I usually play party with some mid 4k friends and our party mmr is abou 4.2k. The people we get in our team and enemy team are like miles away in skill level.
                                                              Some of them are like really good players, other are autistic 1k who don't even have the most basic dota 2 knowledge (the kind of tards that would buy mkb to counter void's backtrack, you all must have seen those).

                                                              Whenever i play solo offlane vs some high 4k safelane carry and solo rek them I'm like: "how much luck do you have to have to get carried to that mmr?"


                                                                i am 4k, i am delusional. Checks out


                                                                  Isn't Sampson 3k


                                                                    i am 4k and i'm a retard
                                                                    seems about right

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      Sorry Links I am a delusional 4k player


                                                                        I was 3.9k on main, pure support, but gave up that ID to a friend as had to quit DotA 1.5 year ago.

                                                                        I came back with this ID recently but changing role to cores on this one.

                                                                        My experience from both accounts say: It's pretty difficult to support SEA players and rather hard to carry EU players, no matter the Mmr.

                                                                        SEA players lack counter-mechanism. Say, if your team picked TA as 3rd pick amidst support and carry picks, the 5th guy on SEA would pick SF when the team needs offlane.

                                                                        EU players (mostly West as that's the server where I've played) were/are at least decent enough to pick a support if the team lacks one. But, they mostly fail to understand what their carry needs.

                                                                        Both servers, regardless of Mmr or skill-brackets are found fighting enemy teams without their carry in the battle. If carry is involved then the fight is costly & rushed before comparing the items & levels.

                                                                        It's just a myth that 4ks are better than 3ks.

                                                                        If someone is 5k and has played lesser than 1800-2000 games and still has a pool of heroes yet to play then that 5k may not be better than 4k itself.







                                                                              It doesn't make sense for 4k players to use 4k MMR as an insult. I have only seen it done on dotabuff by people insulting themselves to try to avoid being attacked by forum trolls. I suppose it must happen in games as well, though i have never seen it.

                                                                              I think a lot of dota players are very immature and have fragile egos. They don't have confidence in themselves and believe the criticisms of others over objective evidence and their own experience. So even though they play all games labeled by Valve as "Very High Skill", they accept that they "suck" at dota because they have low self-esteem. Instead of saying something reasonable like "Although I am very good at dota, there are lots of people much better and I would like to improve."... instead they say something irrational like "I'm a retard, trash tier, 4k badie" etc.

                                                                              This negetive self-talk doesn't make any sense and does not help you improve as a player. It won't really deflect criticism from haters either. They do what they do because of who they are, not because you deserve to be put down.

                                                                              4k is not bad. It's excellent. It's not as amazing as 5k MMR... but seriously saying 4k is bad is nonsense. It's an A+ grade. Any normal person who got that score on any test they took their whole life would be celebrating. Dotabuff showcases a bunch of nerds comparing their 99.5% score to your 98% score and calling you a dunce. You should be laughing at them for being such nerds.

                                                                              You are better than 40 million players, but a million players are better still? Gee I guess you suck.

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                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                gawd why hasn't relentless died of old age yet?


                                                                                  Tough luck Sampson. I may be old, but I plan to live to be 700. So don't hold your breath.

                                                                                  I remmeber when I was young. I used to be like these kids. I was #1 and everyone else was trash. I was not just best in my class, not best in the city, I won the State science fair in 5th grade. I didn't just get high scores; I got perfect scores. I was not just the highest locally on SATs, I was highest in the nation. I went pro at being a math and science nerd.

                                                                                  So I was the jerk that would laugh at people who had 98% and point at my 100%.

                                                                                  But that's just natural talent. In retrospect what I did was not really impressive for me - in fact I could have done a lot more if I worked hard instead of relying on talent.

                                                                                  Don't compare yourself to the best players and say you are bad. It doesn't make any sense. Compare yourself to yourself. Don't compare yourself to those far less talented than you and make fun of them either. It's a false sense of accomplishment.


                                                                                    I play this match -

                                                                                    Guy randoms LC and goes jungle, okay whatever. Then goes for a shadow blade build, I call him out on it as a bad item (my friend later does the same too when he lets a guy escape cause of no blink). Guy trash talks me as being "3k" ranked.

                                                                                    I had beat him in a 3k match only 4 months earlier - (the SF)


                                                                                      4k isn't an A+ this metaphor doesn't even make sense because the vast majority of players don't study Dota and are simply casuals hence why the avg mmr is so low

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        I got a A+

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          "Tough luck Sampson. I may be old, but I plan to live to be 700. So don't hold your breath."

                                                                                          Oh noes, he read the Bible again.

                                                                                          "Don't compare yourself to the best players and say you are bad. It doesn't make any sense. Compare yourself to yourself. Don't compare yourself to those far less talented than you and make fun of them either. It's a false sense of accomplishment."

                                                                                          No, this is bullshit, you are always on some relative level to other players, that's why the whole MMR system exists, I am dogshit and I don't care because I know I neither played DotA 1 nor do I have as much experience with certain heroes as I should, I don't pick heroes just because they are part of the meta, or even if they're a good pick, nor am I trying hard to win even in my bracket(s). Just accepting that you're dogshit and that you favor fun over winning should not come with emotional ramifications, ffs. You just accept things and move on, and don't bitch about it. This "compare yourself to yourself" only makes sense if you're actively improving, and after a few years, people who aren't trying hard and/or improving are going to get locked at 49-51% winrate and in the same bracket, probably for years to come.

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                                                                                          saint leon

                                                                                            follow this steps and forget your problems

                                                                                            - mute trashtalkers
                                                                                            - Take a deep breath
                                                                                            - if you are not ganking, farming, stacking, warding, pulling, pushing, you are wasting time.
                                                                                            - stop flaming xd
                                                                                            - play dota


                                                                                              You forgot the most important item

                                                                                              -move out of Brazil dogshit servers

                                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                                I am a delusional 4k player stuck in normal bnracket

                                                                                                jadhnwiodjbhawygghfuawhfawfawhfa fuvk you bitc hes

                                                                                                Paid actor

                                                                                                  well im not delusional at all im swinging between 4.6-4.8 for like 6 month or smth like that, and i hate myself coz i suck :D, honestly idk sometimes i know in myself that i will 100% die if i make that last step, and 9/10 i actually die but still i fckin do that shit.

                                                                                                  That drives me crazy XD, i have no problem with ppl being jerks or whatever, i do understand my limits and i know that im not some kind of flashy player, im tryin to reach 5k (nothing new there) but i do rly want to deserve it.
                                                                                                  My main problem is that i cant play dota consistently after 4-5months i usually quit dota for some strategy games (eu4 fan) it just gets boring, then after 4-5months the strategy game gets boring and i return to dota, so its always the first one or two months to get in the game coz obviously it has been patched and 2 other month to get back to feet, then i leave XD



                                                                                                    4.5k is like top 99% and it's considered bad?

                                                                                                    what a nice community

                                                                                                    plz do

                                                                                                      there are approx. 60 million unique players (ok, dunno how many of those are smurfs) still makes ca. 600.000, who are up there. lots of nice badasses. dunno about ur 99% though, if thats true. (avg. playtime of those 60 million is 215hrs though)

                                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                                        there are not 60 million unique players, where did you get that number from? I always heard it's around 10 million.

                                                                                                        But anyway the worst is when someones like you are so bad fucking 3k, then you say uh you just insulted yourself you're in here with me, then they scream how they are account boosting. Like I really care or even believe in most cases. Like fuck you so condescending.