General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone up for some Dota?

Anyone up for some Dota? in General Discussion

    Yo, anyone want to play with me? Normal skill, High skill, VHS, 2k-6k Mmr, AP, Ranked, Captain's Mode, anything? No low-prio. No toxicity.

    I can be Puppey to your XBOCT, G to your Fy, or Zai to your Shiki. Let's play.

    Add me, Friend ID: 214976410

    I'll wait 20 minutes, then queue.



      I can play in SEA and Europe West.



        Yo, let's do this.

        Add or Invite to party.

        I'll wait 15 minutes, then queue.


          FeelsBadMan if u said it an hour ago i would've came but this last game of mine broke my heart. I always say it's bc of u that u lose not ur m8s but this last game...


            Thank you @FeedandBlame, Good game.

            @son, it's okay. Next time, may be.


              Yo, let's play.

              Add or Invite to party.

              Will wait 20 minutes then queue. Cheers.

              Sw1ft Sc0ut

                get good at luna then ill play EleGiggle


                  how the heck u can play on both eu west and sea server?


                    @wet fase K.

                    @coventry boy 8mb connection, bro.


                      3k scrub here, added for EU fun


                        Yo! Let's play!
                        Best Invoker SEA, Best CM EU, etc.
                        Add or Invite.
                        I'll wait 20 minutes.


                          Thanks, RagingsiuX & one Russian name I can't even type.
                          > Good game!


                            feel free to add/join me for 4-5k bracket games ;)