General Discussion

General DiscussionLone Druid as an offlaner

Lone Druid as an offlaner in General Discussion

    So Lone Druid is one of the very few heroes I never played, but since rat doto is playable now I might try to incorporate him in offlane role. Is he viable as a position 3, and if so, in what situations would I be looking to pick him?

    7Mad About You

      jungle LD better

      Riguma Borusu

        I still don't get why you'd pick the hero at all.


          I mean he does have a skill that is BASICALLY a get out of jail free card


            Ld is a great hero at offlane,you usually look to pick him when they have a weak safelane and support that can't harass you out of lane.

            the realm's delight

              ye hes ok on all pos 1 2 and 3


                He can play jungle or off, but hes a 1 or 2 remember that



                  "Ju ngle LD Better" "I stIlL dONT get why youd pick hii mat all"

                  He's like top 5 heros this patch what uj mean u, fucking monkeys LMAO xD AHaHHAHAHaHAHHAhAHAHahah


                    i cane across u in my friendlist and for some reason i wanted to spam u with "m0ngoloid" badly, but i forced myself to not do it. apparently i was wrong.