General Discussion

General DiscussionEarly/mid game sheepstick?

Early/mid game sheepstick? in General Discussion
I'm 1%

    Hey, I'm still fairly new to the game and I've decided basically to go full support, position 4 or 5, I've noticed most people take sheepstick fairly late, is it actually beneficial to get it more early if there is a mech on the team or is it better to get rod of atos or other support items first

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      I've had one at 16 minutes on Ta, man I had the best time of my life, their anti mage just got his battlefury finished without anything else, just walked up to him used sheepstick and he died.


        well have fun farming an early scythe on a support

        Riguma Borusu

          The reason you don't get them early on a support is because it's 5k+ gold that's not doing anything for a while. Instead of that you could build a forcestaff, urn and euls and actually not be useless until you get your 5k item.

          Pale Mannie

            Enjoy farming 6k gold for one item


              as the 5 make sure your team has a courier, and that it can fly, make sure your team has wards, and smokes/Dust if the are needed. Then if you still have money you should go for things like Mech, force staff, or glimmer. If you ever get a sheep on a 5 it shouldn't be until late game.

              Some 4s might be able to get it in the mid game if the game is going well, but often it is better to just go for mobility and items that help your team. It really depends on the hero and the game, if your team really needs hard lock down it might be a good idea to get sheep sooner rather then later. Most of the time you will be better off spending the money on something else at least until the late game.

              As a side note the build up for sheep is really bad, it is expensive and its components don't do anything useful. Supports might not have the gold they need to finish it for a long time. It is almost always better to spend gold on things that are useful now rather then things that wont be useful for a long time, if you buy stuff that helps now then you will win more fights and get more gold to spend on more stuff that helps now. If you try to save up for something that you wont complete for 15 minutes(or more) you may lose fights and spend the whole game trying to save up for that one item that you never get.

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                @todd nickerson
                If you can get enough gold to buy sheepstick early - do it!
                *On some heroes it is more beneficial to buy Aghanim or Refresher.

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  Early sheepstick on a 4 position is fine, but 5th is bad cuz you aren't buying wards or supporting then if you are going that greedy. If you're lich/aa/rhasta the early aghs would help out more. Heck just picking rhasta or lion already kicks that item into luxury status.


                    Despite how good Scythe is on a support hero, getting it early is extremely situational.


                      Idk,getting it takes some time since you need to farm 5k gold,imo you should get better items that cost less like glimmer or force


                        5600 gold early as a support? How is that even possible? Just buy force staff, mek, arcane boots, glimmer. These 4 are around 7-8k gold and having these items will always help more than a single sheepstick (escape/initation, sustain, survivability)


                          early sythe isnt good because the buildup is very bad, even for a core much less a support. as a supprot you want to aim for cheap items that have good buildup.


                            as a support, u dont have enough gold to purchase it erly, and it is much more beneficial to get less costly items like glimmer's cape, force staff, or solar crest.


                              yeah buildup is very bad, how can a support have 2100 or 2700 gold in early game