General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to itemize an Ember Spirit?

How to itemize an Ember Spirit? in General Discussion

    Of course early game it's BoTs, bottle, ring of Aquila, maybe drums if fighting a lot (right?), then into bf, Daedalus. after I normally linkens unless the enemy team has multiple single spell lock downs, then bkb. but what after? another Daedalus, bf, rapier? I'm a newer ember player and just trying to figure it out. Thanks in advance. (I'm playing ember on my 1k acc to try him out to which I will take what I learned to my main which is 3.7)

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      it's a bit funny how you're asking for itemization but you summed up one of the builds alone


        I'm just wondering if this is the only way to build, and what to get after the bkb/linkens, more dmg, survivability? just looking for suggestions.


          rtz goes dagger after bots before fury


            try to avoid building bkb, its literally the worst item on ember, if possible go for manta instead, and imo u should go for either linkens or bkb or manta, but its all situational anyway


              manta is pretty good to get rid of orchid silence for example


                Manta is too expensive compared to diffusal if you wanna get rid off silences. Manta is better if enemies have projectile stuns which you can dodge.

                Invoke A God

                  I am a newb but just wondering why people dont build likens more often on ember spirit. I feel it is a good item on him.

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                  the realm's delight

                    i go with ur build except i get dagger after bf (not always0

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                        I've seen the phase drums and deso build, my friend runs it. he fights a lot early with ember too, I might try it soon. thanks all.


                          one of my buds plays ember in 4.5-5.5k bracket:


                          ~62% winrate, 90 games, might be worth looking at his replays. Hes a big fan of rapier, and I have seen him win impossible games with it.

                          Bren (Bren Dota, youtuber) made some good videos about ember spirit recently (6.85 and 6.86).


                            My win rate with ember is 81%

                            The real trick that determines your success is picking your fights.

                            Ask your self before you ever fight if you have enough mana to either win the fight and / or escape.

                            If you sit there and run out of mana and you die.. Good opponents are gonna push and punish you cause they know if they give you a chance to farm you can rape them.

                            Basically just afk farm unless you see kill potentials in lanes / carry tps on you to turn fights around cause ember is mobile and can change out come of fights with his skills.

                            WATCH YOUR MANA POOL.

                            and remember, in very high level games people are given space to farm ring of Aquila / drums /.blink

                            But in low lvl games ur team can lose both lanes and ur expected to carry and fight a lot which requires you to rush bfury and get your items so you can come online to basically save the day and carry.

                            If your team is losing early you don't have time to farm blink / drums / so just rush bfury of travel so you can make space and farm quickly .

                            Desolator is amazing with daedelus and bfury..

                            Just remember deso armor reduction and sladi slow don't stack.


                              What's the deal with dagger on ember spirit? Escape?