General Discussion

General DiscussionTo 6k+ people

To 6k+ people in General Discussion
acc buyers in my team

    Sup guys,
    so I'm in a dilemma. I can not handle this meta at all. I can't get out of the range of 5.3k - 5.6k, my farming & splitpush style doesn't work since i can't outfarm the feed my team is doing. In the older patches i could always mute my team, let them flame and feed as much they want and would still be able to outfarm and push to win the game. In This patch i cannot handle the fact that my team feeds, since i can't outfarm their feed due to recent changes, but i also cannot unmute them since i start to tilt when i see their flame and how shit they are.

    So does anyone have an idea how i can keep my playstyle? Cuz joingin retards ain't happening :3


      You don't. You just accept it that you get retards in team and you lose it, it's a team game, you're a good player, the only thing that will help you get mmr is if you get good team mates, you can't win this game 1v9.

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        i think any 2k player could answer your question.
        your losses are your fault, if you play a lot of games and are still in that mmr range, it means u belong there and cant climb higher cz of ur own limitations, not because of ur teammates.


          So you are losing a lot recently, does this mean you got worse?


            Perhaps the reason why your team "feeds" is that they are lacking a player...
            Nobody in a serious game tries to feed. If you get feeders on your team in every game then you're the problem m8.

            And that playstyle takes no real skill. You might as well play a game like Tetris trying to get a high score on the leaderboards instead of a game like DotA where other people's decisions actually affect your success.


              Mire rotations , play more


                @mmr grinch
                it means i suck


                  nah nah, everything is gonna git gud triplo


                    This meta is not for you, if you can't adapt you're not really gonna improve


                      ^ being able to play meta doesn't mean you're a good player. I had fun watching all the inflated players fall after the troll/bs patch dropped them back into their bracket.

                      You use the meta to up your MMR, you use your skill to maintain it.


                        ^ yes true, I meant to say more with my post but don't feel like going into detail

                        Alexandra Daddario Enthus...

                          I mean sometimes you just hit a rough spot. I sat at the horrible trench 2.2k for so long, then one week I just decided I was going to work on changing my play style and by the time I had finished perfecting my split push/farming I was up to 3.3k. But I go back to my fighting style and even when I do 35k hero damage in one game, we still lose. It's not possible to single handedly carry the game, there is a factor of luck honestly. Just keep playing your style, adapt as needed, and you can get better. Or do what I do and learn a new hero in pubs and take a break from ranked.


                            So many 6k+ people

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                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                  lmao 5k players with most of the game in normal skill bracket and cant even outrun those retards? nice try 3k bro


                                    To everyone who wish to know how sucks is him , disguise himself as a 5k player lose in normal match

                                    acc buyers in my team

                                      You are adorable, you know that right?


                                        at least not a noob like you ;)


                                          "To everyone who wish to know how sucks is him , disguise himself as a 5k player lose in normal match"

                                          Cant comprehend the text


                                            Play unranked and try random shit.

                                            That said i'm not 5k and i haven't played solo queue ranked in about 2 years. Maybe just find a group and do some party queues.

                                            Sexo Meister

                                              Dont play on holiday season

                                              You get twice as much retards than usual

                                              acc buyers in my team


                                                "at least not a noob like you ;)"

                                                3k SEA player smurf talking to 5k EU player like that. Damn son.


                                                  lol , 3k scrubs eu player, if i was 3k , i would suicide long time ago, so why dont u do that ?


                                                    Just teach me how to get a normal skill match please .... and how to lose


                                                      It's about the supports bro before they they needed farm now they dont.


                                                        Yo guys, he asked 6k ppl to comment here. Idk why are you 3-4k's commenting here, get the fuck out!


                                                          the amount of 6ks in this thread is 0

                                                          if we dont count oP HueHuUehUheuHueHueHue
                                                          i wish wave was still alive


                                                            Wave plz get back and do ur job. Man db was so much better back then...

                                                            lm ao

                                                              So u lost in a normal skill match as pudge omg son


                                                                haha mods banned him and his accounts or some shit.
                                                                the last time i lent him my account to post it got banned too i think xD

                                                                lm ao

                                                                  how do i add wave


                                                                    lmao i am 3-4k player? that was cute


                                                                      can you kindly do a new forum about how to lose in a normal match with pudge. please .you will be famous , not everyone can do that


                                                                        how can calling someone 3k be comprehended as cute

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                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!