General Discussion

General Discussionpls post your Smurf stomping

pls post your Smurf stomping in General Discussion
inst:  MissMissclick

    i actually really like watching 5-6ks smurf stomp 3k games. please post your stomps. must be at least 5k, stomping a 3k game. no 4k noobs plz. and no stomping 2ks pls, thats just mean.

    recent matches pls.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    King of Low Prio

      you are actually retarded


        What the hell is wrong with you are you retarded with some weird fetish? I may not be very good but why are you promoting the idea of ruining other people's games?


          I was playing with my friend


            I see russian 6-7k streamers(y0nd for example) shitstomp 3k games, its actually a much better learning experience if you're in that same mmr than watching 6ks play honestly. Also never expect proper responses from dotabuffers everyone here is an autist

            inst:  MissMissclick

              lol. why are u people being so honourable? shut the fuck up. smurf stomping happens, is entertaining as fuck and i actually like to watch such matches to learn. you know, it broadens ones perspective to see people you normally struggle to play against be systematically exploited. it helps me understand why people in my bracket (and myself included) can be so retarded at dota. also, it gives me ideas how i can try to exploit the same weaknesses.

              inst:  MissMissclick

                forgot to mention: pls post your recent glorious stomps *replay available

                King of Low Prio

                  there is nothing honorable about not being retarded, that is suppose to be the norm. You dont gain anything from having smurfs in your game at all.


                    do i get a prize ???????

                    biggest stomp right here boys...


                    look @ dat graph, my team had so much autism it was actually a close game.

                    ps: why is hanter posting he isnt 5k

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                    inst:  MissMissclick

                      did u actually play with midas? lol that would be really funny. to bad its 3 months old

                      inst:  MissMissclick

                        @sampson. getting pissed about someone much better than you in ur games is whats not normal. deal with it noob

                        lm ao

                          I actually made a similar thread like this 2 weeks ago

                          lm ao

                            Guys go send some good shit I'm actually enthusiastic about this

                            inst:  MissMissclick

                              i watched one of hanters games. i think you lie. you are not 5k

                              lm ao

                                hanter is 3k 4Head EleGiggle Kappa MingLee


                                  can someone predict my mmr :O

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    why is this 2k monkey talking about shit he has no idea about? Dumb shits like you try so hard to justify smurfing that it only makes you look brain damaged. The only time smurfing makes actual sense is when you are too high (7k+) and you q during off hours. Nobody gains any knowledge from watching smurfs stomp their games.

                                    meatballs most of the forum regulars here know each others mmr so you using you 2k detective skills just makes you look even more retarded.


                                      why is this guy talking like hes 5k when hes on the edge of 3k




                                        Go see my games. I usually dumpster 4-6k's tho :)


                                          @ sampson:

                                          i mean yeah, i could queue with my friend on my main... he is 2.9k mmr so yeah, sure, i can queue with him because of party mmr... but even though my party mmr is 4k, you still often see 5-6k players. fuck one time i saw a 7.3k solo guy with 4.9k party...

                                          queueing with him would lower average a bit, but still, does a 2.9k really want to play against 4.5k players? it's no fun for him because he gets raped no matter what, and its no fun for me because if i don't try hard we lose (which i generally don't want to do when playing with new friends)


                                            lol so much hate

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              Jo started the hate.


                                                This is like watching a 15 year old play basketball against 7 year olds.

                                                not arcana boy anymore ku...

                                                  ^ deymmmnn



                                                    my team average 710 MMR i was much higher @ 1310 but not able to carry them

                                                    i pick wrong hero?

                                                    inst:  MissMissclick

                                                      @sampson. sorry if you feel that you dont learn. personally i feel that i do learn. and it obviously won't make me better overnight, but i know for instance, what to work on to take advantage in a lane. no one here is claiming they can emulate 5k players overnight. chill the fuck out, did i hurt ur pride or something? rofl. i'm not even saying that i'm good. i'll admit that im bad if it means that much to you. calm your tits. sure smurfing ruins games. i'm just not too bothered by every insignificant fukn injustice in life. holy shit.

                                                      @chu4lyfe. yes the way you put it sounds cruel. but that's exactly what i want to see. i want to see fkn grown ups beating little children, so i can analyse what mistakes/habits 3ks make that make them so exploitable. yes it helps me at least understand what i can work on, despite you honourable folks thinking there are more usual/hardworking? ways to learning. i personally feel like i cannot learn from close matches. i don't know. close matches are often dictated by small variables or chance that turn the tide. these small factors are not stable in the long run. what the fuck can you learn from that? i wanna learn to win by domination. that i feel, is the only way you know you''ve got a real edge over your opponents. that's when you know you've actually learnt something. no?

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                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          ^Another good way to learn is thus to watch good casters casting good games (who are not shit players to begin with), they usually explain a lot of stuff that you might otherwise not catch, like why people do things that they do.


                                                            Replicating is fine.... You don't have to understand it, although honestly, how dumb do you have to be to not understand something a better player does? Sometimes it doesn't make sense though, so just ask.

                                                            I saw devilish buy diffusal on Meepo a lot so I asked him why and he explained it to me. Other things aren't so confusing though... Just think about it for a second.

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              I think the primary problem with people is that they don't understand some basic mechanics, like lane mechanics for example. They might find it weird that a pro player keeps hitting creeps far away from last hit range, because they're taught they should last hit and not push the lane, BUT they are taught nothing about the lane equilibrium aside from that, they can't position the creepwaves to meet just in front of their tower, they will never tank the creeps for 3 seconds in order not to last hit under the tower, etc. So a new player who's only taught he "needs to wait for creeps to get low to last hit them" will not understand why a good player would:

                                                              1) Tank creeps for a while (wants to get a good equilibrium but so that he does not have to fight tower for last hits, and this way push the lane)
                                                              2) Kill the enemy ranged creep first/aggro the creeps when nobody's in the lane (he wants to push the wave out to the tower as soon as possible and so that his own creeps lose as little hp as possible)
                                                              3) Pull the enemy creepwave to the small camp (he wants to push the enemy safelane tower out)
                                                              4) Right click the enemy hero (so that creeps come to him, if he's a melee offlaner)
                                                              5) Wave clear and push before going for the rune (so that he gets all the exp he can, the opponent has a problem last hitting under the tower, or maybe lose exp if he goes for rune)

                                                              And so on. Those things are apparent to pretty much all of us here, but if someone has never bothered to understand why people do what they do, they are just not going to be good at something, especially if they don't, in fact, watch good players play, if all you watch is people in your team, and people against you, you aren't going to improve up to some more advanced mechanics because you won't see good plays in your games, and subsequently, you won't come into position to make them. A lot of stuff is actually very logical, but if you never see stuff done well, you can be very insecure and just do what others do, and if you've just started playing and have terrible opponents/teammates you just won't improve much.

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                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                replication rarely helps because in dota the situation can change all the time. For example if I see a offlane without a stout shield I will pump im 10x more harass into him early levels to burn through his regen/kill. Trying to replicate that on a stout shield RoP offlane will waste your time and is not worth losing a couple last hits


                                                                  I actually understand where OP is coming from, I think I would learn from watching these games aswell..

                                                                  Watching 6k players vs 6k players they will make mistakes that wouldnt even be considered "mistakes" in 3k games, i guess most of the scenarios are just too irrelevant...

                                                                  So if ur a 7year old basketball player in fuckin elementary school or whatever, 1st u wanna learn how to beat the other 7year olds, u dont wanna concern urself with trying to beat college league players at this point..

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    @Sampson, pretty much, yeah, unless somebody is commenting on it, seeing the safelaner click the enemy offlaner and then proceed to attack him (and usually in a way that makes him take the least hits from the creeps) will teach you nothing if you don't understand that he was actually checking the starting item build and then decided he has the upper hand in terms of sustain and damage. That's why I like to go ham on people who go stout tango quelling blade in my games, because as an LC offlaner that means I have huge relative sustain with stout tango mango salve, and obviously since it's shit tier high skill game, people rarely understand that even though they do have a quelling blade (if they actually bothered to look at my items, and found out that I don't), I will get more farm because I can actually come in and take some hits, and harass them in return and heal from it, all while being able to snatch some CS in the process.

                                                                    @ceesa, well, that's a fine argument, except for, getting good against your bracket is not good in the long run. Because you learn to instapick sniper and buy shadowblade because that WORKS. But at the same time, if you watch a pro game and try to support self-sacrificially like pro supports, you'll just end up being underleveled, so I get what you mean all the same. If you do shit that works in your bracket but not above, you should at least learn why that's so and be prepared to change your approach once you can no longer abuse the opponent's shittiness. Like, the only reason I go jungle is that my teammates are going to force me to jungle anyway AND I can get decent farm in the jungle since few people will come to try to fuck my farm in high skill. But I am very well aware that if somebody's got a brain I won't be able to get away with it. And if somebody is like THIS FUCKING SAMPSON he'll pick fucking bounty hunter and ruin my life.

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                      yea i think its a stepping-stone, its only going to get u so far. gain +500 mmr for example and then adjust from there...

                                                                      i'd like to see some stomps with classic mid heroes in particular, TA, QoP of pain, Zeus, Ember

                                                                      inst:  MissMissclick

                                                                        its good that you guys are having a healthy discussion. now can we pls have some stomps.

                                                                        on a side note: watching 3k vs 3k. learn nothing (every1 plays in the same shit way). watching 6k vs 6k (games are too different). learn nothing. watching a 6k exploit 3k, learn a lot. learn that there exists very simple solutions in ur game that can result in confirmed wins. obviously some shit u cant really learn and understand... but you have no idea how much i learnt and improved my laning by watching lane domination happen. i learn to improve my positioning, use creepwave advantage, learn how to recognise harass opportunities more. simple lane mechanics like that, you know?


                                                                          ^ur right partly.. Except that being good at Dota mostly is 1000 tiny things you do. Each one makes you 0.1% better at the game, and all added up makes you immensely better, so there is no magic tricks. There are some strategies you can abuse in low mmr though.


                                                                            or stack with higher mmr players, cry, get rekt over and over, cry some more and get slowly better

                                                                            inst:  MissMissclick

                                                                              @marlan. and you are exactly right. i know that dota is all about 1000 different things that make a good player execute so perfectly. but if i can learn one thing, i'm one step closer aren't i? watching smurfs not only helps one try to emulate a good player, it also helps one learn what mistakes to avoid as well.

                                                                              @arin. playing with higher skilled players is very different experience. its hard to learn while you are playing.


                                                                                im 6k .

                                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                                                    @meatballs go to liquid or whatever site you want and check the stream tabs and scroll for a bit, usually russian 5-6kers are boosting accounts and if you dont mind having any english audio they're extremely fun to watch


                                                                                      i know, because i'm doing exactly this
                                                                                      but once you get used to playing at like.. 500 mmr above your rating where everything is a bit tougher, you can learn since it's not that big skill gap and once you play solo rankeds, you will suddenly start seeing people doing retarded stuff you wouldn't normally notice and take advantage of it (since that's what people did to you when you came into higher bracket)


                                                                               sometimes playing on this acc

                                                                                        lm ao

                                                                                          OP i think you phrased the tyhread wrongly hence all the flames from le samps



                                                                                            BUT its against 5-7k players

                                                                                            my last win as techie with wagagaming in my team !
                                                                                            the wagamama twitch guy with 7.2k solo mmr



                                                                                              i dont think it counts if everyone abandons....

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                              The Tree®

                                                                                                Think it's pretty sad making a smurf tbh.


                                                                                                  i am normal and i stomp pubs on smurf