General Discussion

General Discussionappears tinker is still the hero to win ranked amigos

appears tinker is still the hero to win ranked amigos in General Discussion


    Welt aus Eis

      it's because you have super human reaction speed so you outplay everybody and win we mortals cant do that


        must be related to you doing the same as 2k mmr players, but faster and more frequent!

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              how the fuck do you finish the game with tinker
              like i usually beat the shit out of everyone but when i get to the point where we're pushing highground and i can't oneshot people anymore, i'm stuck


                Tinkers awful


                  i love blinking on tinkers with 30k networth killin them in 4 sec with my doom at 7k networth LOLS XD


                    whats ur opinion on bloodstone after blink or just bloodstone in general on tinker

                    and when should you go safe lane? the few times that I go safe lane it's to have better lane matchups. is there any reason to pick tinker safe lane after you've already got a mid hero


                      lotus orb tinker is the future everyone

                        the realm's delight

                          Get Shadowblade on Doom at low MMR when people are slow and fail to use truesight well. It is better because of the extra burst damage. It does also give you a passive slow when upgraded to sliver edge.
                          In Very High games you have to get blink, people will usually punish shadow blade.
                          While it is true that you can catch some players with shadow blade, the chances of doing this decrease the higher MMR you reach. The odds increase that someone will kill you because you relied on an escape that is easier to counter. It's not like SB and silver edge are trash, they just are not as effective as blink when players are very fast to react and likely to position correctly and use true sight correctly.
                          Good support will be ready to disable you before you can cast doom, having a gem or a sentry already placed. That is why you have to blink in, anything else is too slow. Even when you think you are attacking a solo split-pusher... you don't know they are not smoked behind him. The higher the MMR the more likely SB based attacks will fail.
                          Bounty Hunter used to be popular in pro games because track was so good. It has nothing to do with invisibility. While invisibility is not worthless, it is much easier to counter and riskier than blink initiations.
                          Scouting with an invis support hero is lower risk. Scouting with an invis core is not a good plan. If you get picked off it could mean your team cannot take a teamfight - a good team will automatically take a tower or rosh when you get picked-off because you trusted invisibility to scout.
                          Invisibility can be used to apply pressure early in the game, but once supports can afford true sight easily invis puts you at high risk and is easily countered. Unless you are slark you cannot know when you have been seen by wards.
                          Riki is picked 2.58 times as much below 2k than above 5k MMR. Riki loses 4.64% winrate from sub 2k to above 5k MMR.
                          Weaver is picked 2.37 times as much below 2k than above 5k MMR. Weaver loses 3.15% winrate from sub 2k to above 5k MMR.
                          Slark is a wininng hero in sub 2k MMR (51.15%) and a losing hero above 5k MMR (49.31%).
                          I am not saying that using invisibility is sure to fail at top MMR levels, or that it does not apply pressure to supports. All I am saying that blink is a better choice for initiating when people can react quickly and are likely to correctly use truesight. It may be that Doom can get away with using shadow blade in pub games often. But blink is much more certain.
                          Blink costs 2250 gold => pub winrate 56.39%
                          Shadoblade costs 2800 gold => pub winrate 47.69%
                          Silver Edge costs 5450 gold => pub winrate 62.82%
                          If you consider the games where ShadowBlade failed to be upgraded to Silver Edge in combination... then Silver Edge actually has a winrate of only 654,684/1,266,738 = 51.17% this month. It is worse than getting blink and costs 3X as much.
                          It is clear that Shadowblade is an inferior pub build overall to blink dagger. The cost to upgrade to Silver Edge is so large, you could get blink AND shadowblade for less.
                          And this may in fact be a good option, to go back for SB later, depending on the game situation. If you don't already have invis heroes on your team driving the enemy to get lots of true-sight, SB later may be a good option. If you need to use Break against one target (maybe PA) and would rather use Doom on a Storm Spirit, Silver Edge may be a good choice.
                          If you are going to use it to counter split pushing heroes more likely to be alone and without truesight, SB becomes more viable.


                            you did not write this urself did u lol why am i even asking u didnt write this urself


                              lel just noticed that this is the wrong thread -.-


                                Getting with an invis core is not a good plan. If you get picked off it could mean yow and fail to use truesight well. It is better because of the extra burst damage. It does also early in o be alone and without truesight,
                                Inpport hero is lower risk. Scouting with an invis core is not a good plan. If you get SB becomes mor shadow blade, SB becomes mor SB becomes mor shadow blade, teamfight - a good team will automatically Get Shadowblade on Doom at low MMR when people are slow and fail to uou SB becomes mor shadow blade,
                                Invisibility can be used to apply pressure early in o be alone and without truesight, SB becomes mor shadow blade, the chances of doing this decrease the higher MMR you reach. The odds increase that someone will kill you because you relied on an escape that is easier to counter. It's not like SB and silver edge are trash, they just are not as effective as blink when players are very fast to react and likely to position correctly and use true sight correctly.
                                Good support will be ready to disable you before you can cast doom, having a gem or a sentry already placed. That is why you have to blink in, anything else is too slow. Even when you think you are attacking a solo split-pusher... you don't know they are not smoked behind him. The higher the MMR the more likely SB based attacks will fail.
                                Bounty Hunter used to be popular in pro games because track was so good. It has nothing to do with invisibility. While invisibility is not worthless, it is much easier to counter and riskier than blink initiations.
                                Scouting with an invis support hero is lower risk. Scouting with an invis core is not a good plan. If you get picked off it could mean your team cannot take a teamfight - a good team will automatically take a tower or rosh when you get picked-off because you trusted invisibility to scout.
                                Invisibility can be used to apply pressure early in the game, but once supports can afford true sight easily invis puts you at high risk and dowblade for less.
                                And this may in fact be a good option, to go back for SB later, depending on the game situation. If you don't already have invis heroes on your team driving the enemy to get lots of true-sight, SB later may be a good option. If you need to use Break against one target (maybe PA) and would rather use Doom on a Storm Splosing hero above 5k MMR (49.31%).
                                I am not saying that using invisibility is sure to fail at top MMR levels, or that it does not apply pressure to supports. All I am saying that blink is a beam will automatically take a tower or rosh when you get picked-off because you trusted invisibility to scout.
                                Invisibility can be used to apply pressure early in o be alone and without truesight, SB becomes more viable.ub winrate 47.69%
                                Silver Edge costs 5450 gold => pub winrate 62.82%
                                If you consider the games where ShadowBlade failed to be upgraded to Silver Edge in combination... then Silver Edge actually has a winrate of only 654,684/1,266,738 = 51.17% this month. It is worse than getting blink and costs 3X as much.
                                It is clear that Shadowblade is an inferior pub build overall to blink dagger. The cost to upgrade to Silver Edge is so large, you could get blinkuting with an invis support hero is lower risk. Scouting with an invis core is not a good plan. If you get picked off it could mean your team cannot take a teamfight - a good team will automatically take a tower or rosh when you get picked-off because you trusted invisibility to scout.
                                an invis support hero is lower risk. Scouting with an invis core is not a good plan. If you get picked off it could mean your team cannot take a teamfight - a good team will auto as effective as blink when players are very fast to react and likely to position correctly and use true sight correctly.

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                                  rofl i read first paragraph and died


                                    "im sure if people just went mid with this hero theyd win every game" Kitrak.

                                    This must be why you have a 40% winrate in ranked for 6.85b. You didn't take Tinker mid and win every game like you think you could.
                                    I guess you just don't like to win games anymore.


                                      relentless strikes back

                                      waku waku

                                        nah its io i lost 2 games against io so far and didn't win a single one must be a strong hero
                                        he can even relocate on top of your shitty tinker to desutroy him, and attack while retreating!!!!!

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                                          ever heard about guardian greaves tinker? :horse:

                                          the realm's delight

                                            if i could be bothered to talk to my teammates id literally play wisp 24/7 in ranked



                                              Thing is some people take ranked a game at a time, looking at ranked per patch is a sure fire way to discourage yourself.

                                              Stats without context are useless.

                                              He played his rating down by playing Alch which turned out even with OCTO split to be useless for the most part. Take that out of the mix and his stats look tidier and he won't be playing alch anymore so could look good.

                                              By playing what didn't work he found out what did.

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                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                      Right, so spam Tinker mid and win all games. You have a net loss of 20 games this patch so far so there is ground to recover.

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                                                        Does this thread mark the birth of the new Wave/Relentless, only replacing the "Wave" part?


                                                          "You have a net loss of 20 games this patch so far so there is ground to recover." SHOTS

                                                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                            @Kitrat I'm curious about how much mmr do you have .


                                                              Was 6054 about a week ago and considering losses I would put him about 5.7 at the moment there abouts.


                                                                HUMAN CALCULATOR WAOW

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                                                                  Welt aus Eis

                                                                    give him a couple of weeks and he'll be in the low 5k trash tier with me 4Head

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                                                                      Welt aus Eis

                                                                        see I just played like shit again and won my theory is 100% correct


                                                                          i agree with u OP ,
                                                                          sometimes there will be a game where u got to 1st pick tinker and yet you get someone who born with the "mid or feed" planted in their mind.

                                                                          Turns up losing mid and blaming picking tinker at 1st pick.

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                                                                            Welt aus Eis

                                                                              whenever ur feeling down remember ur not playing in south america and gets 5050 avg mmr game at 6.8k

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                                                                                  Can anyone explain to me why someone who has blademail and bracer as two of his most common items in ranked try to talk down to people and tell us how we should play when hes actually a super dumpster player

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                                                                                      yeah.. mines wand blink mana, tranquil, power treads tp scroll.



                                                                                        blademail bracer relentless item farming bot confirmed


                                                                                          the bots in shadowban pool always go for bracer headress blademail or some shit haha

                                                                                          lm ao


                                                                                            Welt aus Eis

                                                                                              alRIGHT im finally on a winning streak wait for me ktirak

                                                                                              NextStep ®

                                                                                                Is tinker difficult to play?

                                                                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                                                                  its not difficult to play him decently but at a high level yes


                                                                                                    but 2k players have slow reactions so they don't blink + dagon fast enough

                                                                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                                                                      ironies aside, yeah tinkers a somewhat challenging hero mechanic wise but the most difficult part is that he's super fragile, if someone touches you you're pretty much dead so you have little space for mistakes


                                                                                                        yay 50 mmr last night for tinker!