General Discussion

General DiscussionTranquil vs Arcane boots on supports

Tranquil vs Arcane boots on supports in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    When should you build which? I've built arcanes even on heroes that don't require additional mana sustain themselves, but their team does, and I've had times when I wish I'd built arcanes instead of tranquils. But in the most general sense, when do you get tranquils on supports? I used to really like tranquil + soul ring venge but with meta shifting towards 24/7 fights it's kind of way too greedy, yes you get good HP sustain, but mana sustain is just not there for your team, and it's likely your cores won't have enough the next time you want to kill something, which is apparently in approximetelly 30 seconds. But then again, you might have problems with HP sustain, but if you gank a lot, urn should be pretty effective. So, when would you go for tranq + maybe soul ring and when do you just go for arcanes + urn? I'd guess you go for completing tranqs when you keep dying and have no way to get urn soon because you're getting shit on (and would not get charges anyways), and go for arcanes + urn for more team support when you're on equal grounds or your team actually leads.


      tranquils for roaming, arcanes for 5 manning.

      if ur getting completely rolled you may even want treads for the hp coupled with urn although at that point boot choice probably doesn't matter.

      urn helps sustain pushes. win fights, get charges and instead of having to back because you'll still be low when the enemy respawn, you have urn.

      nothing's stopping you getting tranquils and urn either. urn's a good item on supports in general, it's not like it's bad for roaming and good for 5 manning or the other way around. an example would be cm. doesn't get arcanes and urn is still good on her.

      Riguma Borusu

        I usually get tranqs+urn combo on Lich and CM, urn helps with mana regen too though, and those are int heroes with a nice int gain, so it actually scales well. I've just noticed that sometimes I regret my choice to buy tranquils instead of arcanes even in ganks/roaming because some lanes are going to be mana starved (esp after a recent skirmish) so they'd benefit more from me having arcanes than bonus movement speed hp regen and armor. Tranqul boots have also got a bit less popular with the introduction of guardian greaves which make mek viable even on heroes with shitty mana pools and can generally turn the game around if you time them well and survive to give the passive buff to allies. So while I really like having tranqs on cm and lich sometimes I think it'd have actually been better to have arcanes in many cases. The price difference is 350 gold and I feel you get a lot more from them in the long run, though tranquils are really kind of nice to have on really slow heroes or heroes with zero base armor (or, if you pick CM, both). I also remember getting to some fights as venge where I'd otherwise be absent if I did not have the bonus movement speed from tranquils, so I guess it still all depends on a lot of factors. I'm mostly wondering what though process other people apply when choosing boots for supports.

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          D the Superior
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              Tranquils are good when you need extra speed, you want to be more tanky or you have to deal with constant harassment (e.g. Tinker spams missiles).

              If there are no Arcane boots in your team - buy one.

              P.S. Never buy Treads or Phase.

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                  ^ mfw enemy lich runs at me with lvl 4 frost blast and phase boots in 7th min


                    there is no way as support lich can have 7 min phase boots unless he got 2-3 kills

                    why phase on lich?

                    btw i'm for the "tranqus soul ring on every support" meta

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                      The only time Treads may be good on support is when you fight against Phoenix.
                      Sorry, I can't see any use of Phase Boots.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        I guess I'd see phase boots on Lich if he was a solo offlaner, which sometimes happens, to deny a lot of exp to the solo safelaner, but I don't really think phase offers the best lane sustain in that case, while it does help you with last hitting and chasing under the tower. I guess if you do get solo EXP and some levels of farm it's viable, but Lich is mostly found as a support in duo/tri lanes so this sounds kind of unreasonible to me. Anybody got a replay where a Lich fucked them like this, or they were a Lich? Youtube video with phase Lich running down people?

                        Pavise Enjoyer

                          for me it just personal choice of boots that you buy but for me support should never use power thread and I think power thread are not that good too


                            you get tranqs and soulring when you need mana for urself
                            you get arcanes when ur team does need mana
                            you get tranqs when no one needs mana


                              if ure behind arc is usually extremely awful

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                              yung griphook

                                i actually like treads on cm, like slasher's way

                                sometimes i get them on supports if i cant survive at its constant fighting early on


                                  Treads on cm is 330 ms 0 armor 0 hp regen 450 extra gold for 150 extra hp
                                  wow nice

                                  yung griphook

                                    reese dont blame or flame a 2k retard

                                    he (i) knows not what he does

                                    i didnt know i was on the us east dotabuff servers...


                                      treads cm used to be a thing last time
                                      but then now theres tranqs
                                      you dont have particularly good autos neither do u need autos to jungle
                                      so yea.


                                        i remember going tranquils sf one game but i can't find it, mb it was on one of my friends accounts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!