General Discussion

General DiscussionI lost my passion/enthusiasm. I need help!

I lost my passion/enthusiasm. I need help! in General Discussion
Gorilla Magilla

    Hello everyone. My name is Alex, and I am 18 years old. I've been playing Dota for almost 3 years now and since I was 16 I wanted to become a pro player. When I first discovered the game, I didn't even know you could make a career out of it, and I played just for fun, but more as an obsession. I was playing before school, at school and after school every single day. I used to play 11-15 hours/day non-stop and sometimes I even forgot to eat. It was so cool, because I was improving so much and I was enjoying the game so so after I realized I want to become a pro player I trained even more and even better. I treated every game seriously and never gave up until my ancient hit 0 HP... but somewhere along the line something in my heart changed. I think I lost my enthusiasm...and I don't know why. Like..if before I couldn't wait anymore until I started to play in any day, now I can't wait until I stop playing in every day..I'm like: "ugh, gotta play 4 games today..fuck it*. AND I HATE MYSELF. Why am I like this? What happened? And most can I recover my former self? Sure, maybe playing 11-15 hours/day isn't beneficial to my health, but I should play..idk more than now and not for obligation, but for fun. So... how do I regain my passion? How do I reignite the fire I call enthusiasm? I'm willing to try anything and listen to any advice even if it says to take a break for 1 month or something.

    P.S: I'm not interested in any way in answers like: "You're no good, give up dota and do something useful with your life" get what I mean. If you want to post an answer like that, don't even bother, and to the people that actually want to help...well really thanks. It means a lot :).


      Dude, just follow your heart, it knows the best. If you dont want to play Dota anymore, just DONT play it and find something that makes you happy.


        "you never know how much you depend on something until you let it go"

        I think the solution to this is exactly what you stated "take a break for 1 month or something." You don't even have to take a break for that long, maybe even just a few days. You'll start to remember all the reasons that you kept on playing Dota, through all the stress, you persevered and kept on playing. The memories of great base rases and 5 man ults will come surging back into your brain. You'll feel reinvigorated and remember why you kept playing the game you love.

        Atleast that's what happened for me so hope it helps :)

        bum farto

          I wanted to become an F1 driver but then got real and figured out that it isn't for everyone. Your enthusiasm for the game will come in peaks and troughs, you can either play through them or take breaks as mentioned above


            when i feel tired after spending too much time in front of my PC, physical exercise is the most helpful way to recover. you can just walk outside for an hour/day, and you'll feel the difference pretty soon; although i would still suggest some actual sports or just gym.

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                What about me? I've played ranked for 1 year now went from 2.1k solo to 4.9k solo.


                  man i'm 19, and u are 18, there are tons of kids under my age way better than me

                  there's no chance to go pro at my age or in my country


                    As a wise Toucan once said follow your nose wherever it goes .

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                        I lost it when I saw he had an esport profile as MIDDER ahahahhaha




                          its ok to take breaks man. for example i havent touched dota in the first half of 2015 then played like a month then took 2month break again and now playin again since september. i played without a break from november 2011 to april 2014 and during this time pretty much every game i queued solo matchmaking i was in top live games, it was cool and all but sometimes you need to take a break yknawhatimsayin. you will lose your many finger skills according to the length of your break but that's alright, see it like a new opportunity to re-discover what you are capable of.

                          Giff me Wingman

                            just give up on being pro, also just play the heroes you want.

                            I played dota for a long ass time as well but got bored. After around 1 or 2 matches i get bored of dota unless i play meepo, so what worked for me is simply playing my favorite hero.


                              this topic is so sad

                              but OP you gotta take a step back and put yourself in perspective

                              unless you've got real undeniable talent, then no matter how many games you play it's ultimately just going to be a fruitless obsession


                                Dude, youre still young. Playing 15 hours of a dota a day is fucked, theres no other way to put it. 70% of your average day is going towards a computer game while you are in your best years. Take a break, go study and focus on other things. Treat gaming as a hobby, and do it in your spare time, not every second you make to do it. Go drink beer and go get laid while you can. Everything in moderation mate, and you will soon enjoy the game again.


                                  you should give up on being a pro player and have an healty approach to dota. 11-15 hours a day is retarded and no one can play so much without being severely addicted (i was)
                                  then, I took a month break from it, I came back with a fresh attitude and I enjoy the game more, playing just 3-4 matches a day.
                                  Make dota a part of your life, but don't let it take over

                                  waku waku

                                    dota ain't worth it

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      I'm a professional flamer I hope that gets me money


                                        I think you are frustrated because you have set an unobtainable goal.

                                        It is normal for a young person such as yourself to try to become various things that don't really fit them. As it happens you are not going to become a professional dota player because you don't have the ability to do it.

                                        But it may not yet be time to quit anyway. It could be very hepful for your development as a person in the long term to truly put everything into trying, and failing, to become a pro dota player. This is because in doing so and realizing that you can survive that failure and move on to try something else you will lose your fear of risking putting everything into your goal. Just remmeber that when you fail, the world is not over and you will move on to something else.

                                        Reinventing yourself and scrapping everything you previously valued is a normal thing for someone your age to do... and lots of people do it many times. So go for it. Come up with a plan, set specific goals for how you think you will advance to become a pro dota player. And then evaluate how and why you fail to reach those goals, maybe try a new approach. But I can tell you now you won't become a pro player because you are way to slow to do it - so it won't matter what you learn or who you know or how you practice.

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          What the hell is wrong with you?
                                          First you start making weird shit up when it comes to hero disscussions and now you are doin this. DafaQ

                                          Pizza Sh*t

                                            dude, go out and get laid..

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              When you do something every day for a long time, no matter what it is, it will get dull. It's not about you wanting to become a pro either, it's simply how hobbies work. So try to do something else for a month and then come back and try again.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                thank your lucky stars you saw the light and what a huge waste of time becoming a pro player is for you. Now go to college or get a job or gf or something. Or at least watch hbo. Lot's of good series on hbo.

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  Grills are evil stay away

                                                  The One

                                                    The most important thing in my opinion is that you shouldn't regret your actions in the future. If you spend 11-14 hours everyday playing ( which is insane honestly) you are missing out on other stuff as people mentioned above. But at the same time, if you need say 4-5 months of playing to improve your skills from 4 - 7.5/8 on a scale of 1-10, you need way more time to improve it from there on to a 9.

                                                    You need to make a choice whether it is worth it and if you go all in and it fails what's the back up plan. Cos if you don't have a plan B for sure you are gonna get screwed in life.


                                                      if you really want to remain committed to becoming a dota pro (honestly it is a bad thing to dedicate yourself to unless you really have natural talent for it) then spend less time playing and more time studying it - replays, builds, interactions etc.

                                                      work smart not hard. jsut playing games over and over won't improve you.

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                                                          it's not a curse but a blessing