General Discussion

General DiscussionBuffed heroes in reality got nerfed

Buffed heroes in reality got nerfed in General Discussion

    In the previoust patch I've been very successful with Alchemist and Spectre. My core heroes, somehow it changed and i was forced to practise new ones.

    1) Due to the buff of Alchemist ppl starting picking him now in almost every 2nd game - That means although he is in theory stronger, ppl know better how to counter him. Back in last patch days he was stiill getting 4x bounty. People didnt even realize the fact u get 4x gold for runes. Almost no one was picking alchem in my games due to his low overall WR, and they were failing badly with it. Ppl didnt also realize how crucial is early game for enemy alchemist and in most of my alchem games i was just calmly farming my farming item (mealstrom,bf or radi) and then killing stacks without much effort.

    Now i see ppl istapicking Alchemist on mid (in my team) and they usually face Shadow Fiend on the other side who Last Hits and Denies like crazy and together with roaming supports take enemy alchemist's stacks ez. No farm for Alchem, no lvls for supports stacking and he is done. Also Sf with PT, Silver edge and deso on 18 min mark.

    2) Spectre. Although he received a buff to radiance somehow i find him much weaker. I dont know why. After patch realese hes been picked in almost every game but ppl quickly realized that hes not that good anymore. Ez to counter and withouth farm useless. Though i still have more than 70% wr with him i find him too ez to counter by new meta heroes. Especially doom.

    To sum up: Buffed heroes are picked so often that ppl know much better how to cope with them even if they are currently stronger.


      I can agree. I started playing and winning with Antimage like 3 patches ago. He was on the Bottom of the winratecharts with 41%. Winning with am back then was very easy compared to now. Everytime I pick am enemy team goes doom/pa or riki.

      After TI 5 i find it way harder to win with him, since he was picked so often. People back then did not know how to deal with an antimage, that has some idea about what to do, knows farming patterns etc. Now every dork knows how do deal with am. Even the bloodseeker meta was not that bad. He ruputures you: Blink into trees and use a tp.

      Now the heavy mana heros are not part of the meta that much (esp storm and lesh) AND you have a fucking doombringer every game.

      From 55% winrate last patch my winrate went down to 49%, lost 500 MMR. Thats doto. Just find your niche in the new metagame.


        I have the same problem. As a carry player i dropped from 4.2 to 3.8 k. I was drunk playing that games so my bad but i feel we have to adapt and forget about afk farming cos its not effective any more.

        It has also to do something with the new comeback system.

        Dire Wolf

          I can't say the last two patches I've had this issue as I don't play all these heroes, but in the sniper troll meta absolutely. I had a better win rate with sniper before they changed his shrapnel, back when it hurt towers and troll I dominated with until he became so fotm. It got to the point every time you picked a sniper they picked spirit breaker and storm.