General Discussion

General Discussionsuggestion: nsfw mode

suggestion: nsfw mode in General Discussion

    mods please make it happen, i want to share porn with my friends, and right now its pretty much an impossible thing to do. put it on the list to do right after bbcode, thanks, no 4head no kappa


      yeah i want to share some of the good ol gay porn know what im sayin?

      Livin' Real Good

        Welp, what can you do.


          a NSFW section is complicated since we
          1. Want the site to be viewable at work
          2. Adult content is not very compatible with most web advertising.

          I mean... i guess we could put it on a separate domain and just link to it from here. But... I'm pretty sure you guys have no issues finding porn on the internet. The fact that you literally want to circle jerk to community curated pornographic content is a little weird, no?


            Its totally normal


              I agree with this guy. Why would you want just a collection of dudes shareing their gay porn all together.


                Want the site to be viewable at work: well ofc, i can totally understand that. I just meant that u can click a button/log in/ whatever to activate NSFW "mode", that shows as nsfw marked threads as well as normal threads..

                Also my suggestion that i brought up in another thread is still up.. please divide the forum into a few subforums. right now its /forum/general,
                just make one /forum/general and another subforum for gameplays/dotabuff+ questions/dotabuff questions..


                  why is porn considered weird, aren't all people fucking?
                  shouldn't be a taboo


                    like saying we shouldn talk about eating cuz its gross, ew


                      dont share those nasty ass cooking sites geez mane


                        also its not only about porn, seriously, there's lots of nsfw stuff out there.. gore/sex/drugs etcpp


                          First of all we're not doing this.

                          I'm pro-sex/porn so don't think this is me being weird.

                          what is the angle though?
                          is it dota related porn? Why is it better than all the other porn resources that are curated based on what your taste is?

                          why would dotabuff porn be a valuable resource?


                            idk man there are better dark corners of the internet out there. I don't want to be responsible for moderating that stuff.


                              see when i was a teenager, i was stupid but i was stupid on my own, i wasn't showing my stupidity to everyone around me. OP, please show your immaturity somewhere else pls. ha, for example you can be stupid on facebook, there are many people like you there :)

                              the realm's delight

                                ya some porn would be good


                                  theres dota porn too


                                    well, i like the ppl over here, so many circlejerkers and shit, its funny to talk w/ them. going to some porn website with even weirder people would not be satisfying me and no, its not dota related porn o.O

                                    what about i program a nsfw function for ur website? would you accept it? 4head


                                      @tractor this is the fucking internet, you can be as you want since no1 would give a fuck.. as long as i'm not like that irl (or on facebook (who the fuck is on facebook anyway)) i guess its fine


                                        Also, do your ads not work? I tired disabling adblock to see how many banners you place on your site, but didnt see anything? (didnt get ads after refreshing/restarting firefox)


                                          w0w tractor creator of the distinguished dota group xD

                                          the realm's delight

                                            actually some drugs would b good too can some european folk hook me up with some adderall at a decent price pls silk road is too expensive


                                              ^what side effects does adderall have? i heard about it.. though i dont think that its good for dota

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  or you could just go to like 4chan or some shit


                                                    its more about pornographic stuff, look at the top post in, its nsfw, its not porn, yet i wouldnt be allowed to post it here without risking to be banned, right

                                                    < blank >

                                                      well can this thread turn into a nsfw thread like ayy lmao for ayy lmao's

                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                        Wow, puppy, flexing those point of views I see. hehe'


                                                          I would like to share my insane collection of dick pics I gathered over the years.


                                                            @4head elegiggle kappa

                                                            What country are you in? I'm guessing Europe/Russia where our ad provider hasn't been filling ads effectively.


                                                              yeah, europe (germany)


                                                                Well I am not really into it but I guess a lot of player actually are into porn featuring babes cosplaying as Lina/CM etc....