General Discussion

General DiscussionAlchemist everywhere^

Alchemist everywhere^ in General Discussion

    Gold gold gold Gold Gold Gold gold gold gold gold Gold Gold gold Gold gold Gold Xd too much gold gold Gold gold Gold gold bounty it's mine!!!!!!!!






          like what's better 1v5 hero than alchemist

          you just mute your team and farm your items
          it doesn't matter if they feed 20 deaths, you just farm fucking everywhere, starve both teams, come out 6 slotted in 30th minute and end 5 minutes later


            the probleem with alchemist is that hes extremely weak even when 6 slotted

            the realm's delight

              not weak at all with the new meta builds


                ^are u serious?
                every time i see 20K networth alchemist followed by 10k 2nd highest NW from theopposite team, alchemist's team always loses
                i mean competitive

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                waku waku

                  ^ last time i bet on a team who were having it bad despite alchemist having more farm than enemy team's 2 top players combined, and in the end alchemist did carry them to victory

                  but he's still a shit hero if he can't farm i agree

                  the realm's delight

                    they dont know how to build him
                    most games i saw alch owned

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                      i dont think rad manta octarine is the way to go, particularly if u r the only actual core of ur team

                      < blank >

                        I summon Vroksnak for giving deeper insight



                          its pretty gud

                          unless your next game has 3 7ks on the enemy team though their party average is 5k

                          then youre fucked no matter what

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                            ^ what the hell happened in that next game


                              alch works very well in a 3-5 man stack. Triple lane with dazzle and something else. They stack camps, u farm your farming item asap. Thats it. 25 min 1 k gpm


                                more people need to pick oracle to support him.

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                                  Alch will fall off eventually that's why once you get 7 slot with a moonshard you buy scepters for your entire team by like 45min or something then your team Carry's you a bit


                                    AA wreck alchemist so hard.


                                      Alch is good only if you have a good aghs carrier in your team who cannot farm it fast like witchdoctor or AA or some shit like that, OR if you play an early game strat well done. The hero by himself is shit hes only the items he carry, a 3 slotted spectre is like a 6 slotted alch.


                                        Another 2 game today with Alchemist!!!Wo And now I'm starting to think that hero is not broken $_$but still i hate him


                                          Alch blows, everygame is a 20min radiance-travel-AC-abyssal and he starts looking strong but gets rekked by any regular carry in a 1v1 with an item slot in less.


                                            You leave alch alone! He's my new best friend after giving my necro an aghs...Ez commends...

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I disagree, but he is completely ultimate dependent. Mid game the hp regen is crucial, but late game that BAT of 1 lets him absolutely wreck towers. Idk I think a lot of people build him wrong, I went battlefury, armlet, ac and it wrecks people. I think armlet is so overlooked on him, one of the best strength items out there and with his ult going you don't drain hp. Battlefury is a ton easier to farm than radiance and the regen is great for staying in lane. Can't go vlads or some shit like that cus you get 6 slotted too fast.

                                              Though I still don't think he's op. You gotta deny runes and gank him and that's it. One of the games we won our mid and I got free farm top. Easy. But if they gank a ton it's rough. If you lost the t1 safe lane and middle and they keep pushing your shit into the jungle so you can't farm that safely you are fucked.


                                                i believe radiance better than bf. since you got that damage burn and miss debuff. with his skills he can farm so fast like 12 min in game


                                                  Alche is broken for sure if it's not played by a 4k scrub. The thing is that with the early BOT and Radiance you can't push against this hero. You just split push all the lanes and wait the enemy heroes (because it's a pub and happens every time) to split alone or tp alone and then you just kill them. Or I have seen this a lot of times - you split push the lanes and afk farm basically when the enemy team have a 25 kills lead- they dive your T2 tower, then you fucking tp and get an easy triple kill and turn the game. This hero is 100% brocken if you know how to play it properly.


                                                    Bfury and AC 15-17mins timing + Dagger, He's kind of better when played aggressive with his unstable concoction.

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                                                      Just get 3 rapiers, a blink or tp for escape and 2 moonshards.

                                                      Rip towers even with backdoor.


                                                        pick AA christ

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          That's kinda what I've been doing, battlefury, ac, armlet around 20 mins if farm isn't too contested. People can't man fight against that. I don't get why you take such a good fighter with his ultra low attack time and split push with him.


                                                            @direwolf that's it man. Alche.. if not contested and get his items in 25mins , its over dont need split push or such things like that. the downside of alche when used as split push hero and drag the game too long, its like a 50:50 game.