General Discussion

General Discussioncould someone give me some advice on getting gud?

could someone give me some advice on getting gud? in General Discussion

    I'm really bad, lol and want to get good.


      Get a laptop and play exclusively on the toilet, preferably with minifridge access


        Well, you have only played 30 games so far (if this is your one and only main account). Getting good takes time. It wasnt until recently that my win rate began climbing, and my mmr began climbing. Its because I came to the realization that it wasnt always my team mates. There was something I could do different to manipulate the outcome of the match. By get good, do you just mean winning the match and raising MMR, or do you mean having a good KDA regardless of a win or loss?

        If its MMR, then I suggest finding a small hero pools you are very comfortable with (preferably a variety of roles), maybe 4 or 5 heroes.
        Dont pick outside of this hero pool unless you run into a scenario where all are bad picks.
        Always try to counter pick.
        Always try to tandem-pick (example: your team mate picks spirit breaker, so go lifestealer if he isnt a bad pick, so you can team)
        Dont harp on losing.... what matters is how many you lost out of your last X matches. If its 50+ %, your ok.
        Mute flamers, toxic players, hypocrits, etc. Arguing with them regardless of who is correct alters the match outcome because its a distraction.
        Dont be that guy that goes into a game, already knowing exactly what hero you are taking and what lane you are going to, AND wanting the last pick. I absolutely hate these types of people. You cant have it all, idk what your argument is.
        Dont be the guy that refuses to pick when everyone else is doing the same. Take the high road, and pick so your team keeps the gold. I know it sucks, but this about winning more than you lose, so you cannot rely on principal, malice, revenge, etc.
        Dont fucking random after the second round picks. This makes me rage. And if you random a support, you damn well better be willing to support. Not just PLAY a support, but actually support.
        If you think a pick is good but 3-4 people are saying it isnt, just listen to them and hear them out. Even if you have a hard time, they wont be spamming you with "gg noob pick"... be nice, and they will probably focus their blame elsewhere. Like "ez mid gg no ganks".

        I dont know how important this advice is from someone currently on a losing streak with a 47% win ratio, but if your smart enough to look at the trends of everything climbing up fast, you will know I am legit. I have free time in the evenings if you want some help.


          @absinite sure man I'm open to some teaching from people add me on steam


            @Lexar I'd be happy to watch your games and give advice. Add me on steam.
            I can also give very specific advice for Zeus since I play that hero a lot.

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              How do you stay in normal skill while you stomp people, what's the trick to it? Seen 2 people do it so far.


                @H^ they are just 3200 and below matches, I have 2 in high skill


                  @amarin1492 add me, my account is limited


                    How do u do it?

                    When I stomp 1 game on smurf I go into very high skill next game.


                      @H^ I'm bad... xD it's also cause I have too many normal skill games, I cannot reach vhs anymore I think.