General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat the fuck is this?

What the fuck is this? in General Discussion
Strongmind - (Sold items) But before that he went after mek a fucking soul booster on Doom what the fuck? Another guy zeus 40% ranked win rate with less than 100 games played - (Feeding curriers as Terror) Even before game started he feeds curriers 5x his reason is we can`t have Sven as support in team (Another curriers seller) Bloodsyka after him sold all items and also feed curriers for no reason (Rage quit) After he got rekt mid just left

    All 3 of these games were in a row what the fuck valve???? How to win game if I get this every game lol

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      soul booster into octarine i guess? a lot of ppl get this item for doom nowadays

      the realm's delight

        i suppose u are new to dota?

          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
          Welt aus Eis

            bogi is back 4Head


              this is fact that you are noob.


                I guess u are retarded. Its not about what items I was going its about 3 games in a row item sellers and currier feeders. And please explain me how is Shadow blade on Sf a bad item lol? All 6k+ players are buying it


                  TripleSteal- Octarine on Doom before aghanims? Really? Are u kiding me


                    well thats retarded but still not, you know, TOTALLY retarded; like some crazy bloodstone or shit like that


                      Yes it is totally retarded to not go aghanims on Doom as first or second item after boots


                        what about oldschool utility doom? are you calling the arcanes-mek-vlads build retarded now?


                          Its all about race car doom with radiance

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                              Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                Sexo Meister

                                  Kek kid u git gud