General Discussion

General DiscussionBest Rapier holder?

Best Rapier holder? in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    Who is it? I want to say sniper cause I saw sniper with it ALOT in 6.83 cause of that late game meta, but is there someone else? Also cause he has insane range, and if you have nothing to close the distance between you and him, most likely he's just gonna kite you and fire from safety.


      kunkka and ember cz in certain picks they are just unkillable
      medusa cz there is no better 6 slot, and at this point u r alrdy immortal

      Giff me Wingman

        dusa, no contest


          Wraith king if you're not retarded xD




              Medusa kunkka gyro ember, anything that cleaves/aoe.


                sven also has cleave, but hes an awful rapier holder

                Valera Silverhand




                    lm ao

                      Me... I'm back bitches

                      Livin' Real Good

                        Oh, okay thanks, nice.


                          Theoretically there is better rapier holdersfor sure however for my playstyle and hero pool I have most success with wraith king rapier , that second life and dem crits doe




                              wraith king suck at it, you just get kitted all game long.

                              You'd need cuirasse or you're not gonna tank enough even with 2 life.
                              You need mkb for the evasion
                              You need dag/shadow blade ... to not be kited all game long
                              You need bkb to actually hit
                              and now, what's left? well mb rapier, but will you actually kill your enemy during your own very dodgeable stun? or do you actually need something call basher/abyssal? -ofc If your team has tons of disable, rapier will feet there-.

                              But that's not like medusa who can build rapier no matter what (but a nyx in opponent team) or ember who can build it no matter what. Even gyro has more easy use of it, cause he just need not to be osed, so basically that som1 in his team comes in fight before him.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                "or ember who can build it no matter what"

                                Good luck picking up rapier as ember, if there's legion on the other team.


                                  A snowballed Drow Ranger - Very risky though

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    sniper if defending high ground in base
                                    gyro if last ditch comeback

                                    that's it. Everyone else is a liability


                                      kunkka's not really a liability with blink + X marks

                                      Keke LM

                                        Luna witha satanic,

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Any hero that's not actually tanky as fuck is a liability. Even mobile heroes can be locked down and bursted if they build no survivability, and thus lose the rapier. This includes ember, kunkka (with good itemization) and similar heroes. Gyro's a bit better as you want butterfly and satanic on him, so it's a bit better, but sniper? Fuck no. Kunkka? Too risky as he's probably glass canon. Ember? Only if they don't have lockdown/burst heroes. Medusa? Well, you need to build the team around her defense, so she can get one eventually. It's the least risky option, especially coupled with an aegis. WK? Can work if you're leading. If you're behind, what happens is you and your team both die, and they kill you another X times (2 or 3 with aegis). With medusa it's a bit more tricky because of her multitarget nature, and because she's going to build to be tanky as all fuck, so even if you kite her she's still likely to do tons of multi target damage that can't be ignored that easily.

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                                            medusa for sure.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Sniper inside base is not a liability. Defending high ground his range is absurd, if you hide behind towers no one will touch you, then wait for 5 man wipe to push. Plus if you built tanky shit on sniper like, skadi, satanic, butterfly, raiper, daedulus, boots, you will be pretty fucking hard to kill.

                                              And I forgot luna, ok on her after satanic. Again I would only build this to D high ground in base, only hero I'd probably build it on in normal progression would be 6 slotted ember or medusa.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                Also, as far as Sven goes, he's actually not that bad of a Divine carrier that people would think he is - with daedalus, his ult and divine, he's going to be able to burst tanky people during his 2 sec stun, which is HUGE. The thing is, though, that his damage comes to a point where boosting attack speed is way more valuable, and he lacks slots for a divine unless your build is dogshit, also the divine does not scale his ult damage, which is why it's in practice marginally better than a daedalus when it comes to DPS (and in some cases worse).

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Unless who team is grouped up so you can wipe them all from like a dark seer vacuum or magnus ult then sven will burst one or two and then get kited and die.

                                                  I forgot about TA, pretty good rapier holder as well if they lack the dots to drop your shield.

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    "Unless who team is grouped up so you can wipe them all from like a dark seer vacuum or magnus ult then sven will burst one or two and then get kited and die."

                                                    Well, obviously, yeah. That's why you don't play sven so you run into people, ult, stun, kill one or two guys and then get kited to death. You need proper setup and a mobility item (blink is obvious choice most games). But even with that, you should build to be pretty tanky which was my point, unlike kunkka and ember who are really food if caught anyhow.

                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                      sven doesnt need rapier cz he either gets a chance to wreck everyone and does it without rapier, or is kited and dies even if he had over 9k damage. there is no sense in building rapier as last slot for a hero that already 2-3 shots whole enemy team.

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        Well, it's stupid, sure, and daedalus is a much better pickup, I am just saying, it's not impossible or really terrible, it's just not needed. Sven has way more problems actually getting to hit things than the amount of damage he can dish out. I've got 2 rapiers once after a won fight, I was already 6 slotted, but I gave up on two items for this), but only so I can push their base all through their T2, T3, T4 and get ancient ASAP. That's the only situation I'd ever get rapier(s) on him.

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                                                          I build rapiers half of the games as dusa, its a viable item and sometimes is safer to have rapier than build a mkb lets say.
                                                          Dusa is such a good divine carrier cause she is ranged, she can multiply the damage (split shot), she cant be nuked in a fast combo (mana shield) and she can avoid to be attacked (stone gaze)
                                                          I think sniper is another good rapier carrier when youre holding base (prob the best) and thats all, sometimes i build divine just to destroy enemy base quickly after a nice TF and thats viable too yeah you have rapier as AM and is risky but you take an extra pair of rax ;)


                                                            shadow demon




                                                                As far as DPS is concerned, troll and windranger are good for it, since they have a ton of attack speed. And you want your attack speed and damage to be as equal as possible. 2 damage with 2 attacks per second = 4dps, 1 dmg with 3 aps or 3 dmg with 1aps = 3dps.
                                                                But, unlike Medusa, they aren't that good at staying alive. If you don't end the enemy team in those 5 seconds of bkb, you're probably dead and feed a rapier.


                                                                  Obviously wraith king isn't the best I even said it at Begnning of my post , I said for my hero pool and yes I only build it on wk when I am wining. If u are wining game and going for the crippling blow team wipe at enemy base is when I build rapier on wk , we'd prolly win without rapier anyways but I just buy it then end game with it.


                                                                    Mirana's nice to build divine for early item...
                                                                    If u nice farm, u can get divine between 17 or 20 min..


                                                                      Sory may be 15 or 17 min :)
                                                                      Coz i got it on 15min 2/0/2


                                                                        Btw mirana turn rate faster than sniper..

                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                                            Definitely Ember, he can carry 2 divines and still be unpunished

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                                                Give rosh a rapier.

                                                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                  Medusa since she's really tanky, has good range and when you ult you get 6 seconds where the enemy won't try to attack you, so you'll just do a lot of damage to them with split shot (especially if you already have a skadi to slow those who didn't get stone gaze slowed).


                                                                                    Medusa and WK.

                                                                                    Ember is nice but can be easily killed by say void chrono or LC ulti, So i wouldn't prefer him.

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                                                                                        ^ BKB + Stun Am .. How much time do you think it takes a WK to kill AM? Given obv that he is attacking the right am if am has manta.


                                                                                          i got a strong feeling that 6 slotted antimage doesnt counter 6 slotted duza anymore


                                                                                            Maiden Crystalis, because when you are switf as wolwes of icewreck noone can catch u and you can since u are ranged.