General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you do to improve your gaming skills?

What do you do to improve your gaming skills? in General Discussion
pa1d act0r [PMA]

    Hey guys,

    I was wondering, if and what you are doing to improve your gaming skills. Like do you take any vitamnis or do you have a ritual before searching a ranked game, like stretching and deep breathing? If so, does it help?

    Recently I take some deep breaths and visualize a good game to come, which feels like it helps, as i rose above 3k mmr finally.

    I find it devastating to search immediately for a new ranked game after a loss, that way it sometimes ended in bitter losing streaks in the past for me.

    Looking forward to some answers! :)


      mastrubate a lot


        Being a virgin increases your mmr significantly


          Play more. Don't be a dick. Admit you suck when you actually suck in the particular game, not to flame everyone but yourself.

          And yeah if you ever know that you feel down or very frustrated from a loss, or any real life incidents, don't bother playing. You can affect other 9 players if you play like complete dogshit even if you didn't want to.

          I'd admit I played dogshit Morphling that I went STR instead of continuing to suck, knowing that my early game farm was fucked up big time.


            Play more. Don't be a dick. Admit you suck when you actually suck in the particular game, not to flame everyone but yourself.
            And yeah if you ever know that you feel down or very frustrated from a loss, or any real life incidents, don't bother playing. You can affect other 9 players if you play like complete dogshit even if you didn't want to.


              nothing, i never cared about self-improvement besides a very short period of my life. at that point, i watched some guides about warding and spawn boxes, rearranged my autoexec file and settings, and forced myself to play several meta heroes that I find boring.

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              waku waku

                make up evil plans and stuff to win the game


                  From vitamins I suggest Adderall or coke.

                  ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                    meta heroes and yet you pick doom lolz

                    Hide The Pain - Herald

                      4 games of tetris battle on facebook, groin stretches and singing bohemian rhapsody backwards. next game would be a confirm win


                        ^^I played doom before it became mainstream ^_^

                        the realm's delight

                          ? adderall is not a vitamin? its amphetamine, i tried to get it and u need medical prescription thing idk how its called in english
                          in my country i can only get it from silk road

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                            i guess coke is also not a vitamine, eh?

                            the realm's delight


                              pa1d act0r [PMA]

                                Thanks for the replies, i laughed at the first one: masturbate a lot :D

                                What is Adderall? And coke must be a joke too right :D

                                I once read that a few hardcore Gamer take fitness supplements like preworkout stacks to boost their focus.
                                They dont need prescription.


                                  if all of it fails
                                  smash ur keyboard hard to relief your tilt before you lose another game due to tilting

                                  the realm's delight

                                    its a psychostimulant drug taken by ppl having problems paying attention to something (adhd), athletes, or ppl that work a lot, like 10-12 hours
                                    i dont think u need prescription for it in the us, thats why they can take it
                                    csgo teams c9 took adderall during lans, i think some dota players use it too on lans. it does boost concentration ability noticeably, but then again its addictive and the comedowns are pretty shit i heard

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                                      actually chocolate and cofee are cheap and easy-to-get substitutes

                                      the realm's delight

                                        coffee helps ofc, but its not as powerful as a drug


                                          but lil bit mroe healthy, id say. and easier to access.

                                          waku waku

                                            what about COCA-COLA? i drink 2 liters of that every day c:


                                              Is there any connection between coca-cola overdosing and playing in Very High Skill bracket?

                                              waku waku

                                                that is possible after all i was drinking it during the period i rose to 4k from normal skill

                                                the realm's delight

                                                  fuck coke, its really unhealthy, coffee is better if u prepare it yourself and dont add artificial sweeteners to it. and choose a quality brand ofc

                                                  pa1d act0r [PMA]

                                                    Coffee is a good one indeed. Dont know about chocolate though. Coca-Cola is freaking horrible for your body, unhealthy as hell.
                                                    I was doing some research and it seems that citicolin and alpha-gpc seem to be good working for concentration. Alpha-gpc is forbidden though in germany, where I am from.

                                                    the realm's delight

                                                      all nootropics have the purpose of increasing attention memory etc like adderall ritalin but most of them are not otc, the strong ones at least (in europe at least, i think)

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                                                      lm ao

                                                        Hey OP you know, playing Overthrow really helps if you thinkyou are such a weak teamfighter ^^

                                                        meow maniac

                                                          adderal causes significant amounts of brain damage. instead check out provigil which is a non ampethamine nootropic that's equally as effective w/o causing any harm


                                                            I generally watch a live game with 5k+ average MMR with player perspective on a single player usually a carry or mid. I watch the match for about 10-15 minutes and this might sound crazy, but a play a lot better the next game. So, that's my secret. ;-)


                                                              I think about things I never do in dota but should actually do more often. My latest one I thought about is TP ganks, when I have a hero with stun or gank ability I dont really notice enemy team towering diving the way that I could.

                                                              Its the pub mentality that creeps in. You think to yourself in pubs "Why the f*** should i tp in waste my time for noobs who are losing their lanes, Ill miss out on my farm and the game is falling apart already"


                                                                usually i go to the church in Sunday coz im Chatolic. In church pray for my intelligence, more wise, and also good teammate to do MMR.


                                                                  Don't play dota , watch replay, trade, bet..... monday to friday...
                                                                  In weeken , u skill improve.


                                                                    I used adderall for two years , it sucked Cuz i just ended up doing everyone else's work , however for competitive stuff like sports or games it was nice , it stresses me out too much that's why I quit using it , I was a lot faster on it however I feel more logical and controlled off and not burn myself out doing other people's jobs for them . But ya if u got some kinda short term thing you wanna do really good at then it does give u an advantage I got tons of bottles of left over adderal however that's be illegal to give it away sorry .

                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                      ^ do you have any attention deficit disorder or just took it cause u were working a lot?


                                                                        Concerta + gingseng rozenroot! coffe!


                                                                          Best is the combination of hot-pockets and mountain dew.

                                                                          the realm's delight

                                                                            ayy lmao 15mg of adderall is 9 euros on silk road xD XD

                                                                            pa1d act0r [PMA]

                                                                              Recently I tried a citicolin product by GHirn called Hyperfocus and I really feel its working. I am more aware of things happening on the map and can react faster aswell as make better decisions.
                                                                              My MMR raised by 300 points since then and I think its only going onward.


                                                                                drink promethazine


                                                                                  dude adderall is fucking shit for dota. in dota you dont really need to focus on 1 thing unlike in csgo. i dont htink that its as effective, or might even fuck you over (in touranments or wahtever) in pubs it should be fine, i still dunno wether its worth it though.


                                                                                    and this ghirn stuff looks like the biggest placebo bullshit bait as always.. 10/10 wouldnt buy


                                                                                      "with the first bottle we make u addicted to this worthless shit, so that u keep buying dis. after 2 weeks u may or may not feel better. if you dont, keep buying, if u do, keep buying." -Ghirn


                                                                                        aderall is free, just go to doctors and say you have the symptoms of ADHD (list them) you'll be prescribed the drug.


                                                                                          always mute ur enemies, dont let them tilt you.

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                                                                                            ever since ive reinstalled the harem announcer pack for reborn dotas been so much more enjoyable

                                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                                              4head elegiggle, the whole eg team except for fear was on adderall at ti5 finals

                                                                                              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                                Drugs? For a game?



                                                                                                  To git gud

                                                                                                  plz do

                                                                                                    I shout out my window three times "heil hitler" then i sacrifice a newborn human child in the name of gabe n..
                                                                                                    the taste of sweet +25.


                                                                                                      watching pro plays, set to player perspective, and dont forget to watch it entirely.