General Discussion

General DiscussionToday is a special day.

Today is a special day. in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman


    -> I randomed Bloodseeker only to feed couriers mid because i didn't like my trash team. (loss)
    -> Picked pudge mid, me + random weaver trolled enemy team every minute, everytiem they did a mistake we trashtalked. (won)
    -> Picked tiny, threw shitnaps to the stoneage, fed like shit, didn't want to farm, trashtalked my carry. (won)
    -> Picked meepo, got rekt hard mid, trashtalked my team again. (loss)
    -> Picked Naga, trashtalked my team again, was doing useless shit like going in fights with brown boots + aquila Dx (won)
    -> Picked SF, trashtalked enemy for being scrublords and enemy PA fed couriers after i rekt everyone with muh team. (won)
    -> Last game, picked Meepo, got 5min blink with brown boots, fed like mad, after around 13 deaths and 0 kills, i farmed dps, won 1 teamfight, ended game and proceeded to write 'ez'. (won)

    I'm still not low prio Dx. 2day i was even worse than benao (that says a fuckton)
    I guess noone has reports left

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      Autumn... at this season people are too lazy to hit report button...


        cz all the 4k trash players u get in ur solo matches alrdy reported u b4 and cant report you once again. you are just out of players able to report you.


          + to what Triple just said.

          Giff me Wingman

            Yo triple, when are u online? I need to lose sum games.


              I'm probably getting back to lp after this game


                fuck this shit I keep getting matched with 4,5k trash


                  11 games and no low priority, wtf is happening with Benao :O


                    im working so far, mb ill play this weekend. hopefully.


                      lol i get lp every 1-2 days wutifuk is going on