General Discussion

General DiscussionGUYS pls some tipps for Natures Prophet

GUYS pls some tipps for Natures Prophet in General Discussion

    I just lose evrery game in the last month, can someon give me tipps pls????


      dont get midas.
      gank early, dont juts farm jungle passivly and let team loose earlygame 4v5. just inform your midlaner, tp behind enemy mid tower spawn treants and bodyblock.
      farm where allys cant (ancients, enemy wood)
      only join fights after giving momentum to a lane and seeing good spot to tp in.
      cast ulti on other side of the map when teamfighting for extra % dmg of later bounces.
      make aghs refresher when u have good game and enemy has troubles with clearing creepswaves (bad vs alche krobe meepo lina etc etc)
      make necro deso in that case
      make sythe of vyse blinkdagger if mobile hero on enemy team is reking u like ember storm etc
      natures farms very well so if u die u give high networth kills to enemy. die as little as possible or it will go later and later and enemy will outscale your team.