General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion Commander?

Legion Commander? in General Discussion

    Haven't seen her for about a month. All of a sudden she shows up in 4 of my past 5 games. She does okay against some popular heroes right now like AM, Brood, Huskar, Storm, and Bounty I'm assuming due to her duel disable. Is she viable in the offlane right now?


      She is. Id say solo off with soulring and maxed Q. Or jungle if theres no BH.

      Miku Plays

        shes been viable all this time since she was released. soulring is the way to go if you want to offlane or safelane, she needs to Q the fck out of those heroes shes laning with. Broodmother spiderlings are free cs but she can rape you if you use your odds without killing her spiders .

        Miku Plays

          hopefully people realise she farms slow and they should pick up MoM for this, with mom u can go and farm anceints easily ~ 8-9 mins

          Welt aus Eis

            MoM lol.


              ^ Except you should not farm and go mom but get blink and blademail then you farm hero with your team.

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                  slashstrikes LC mid guide. She's just as viable offlane.

                  Going off to farm is kinda useless with her because she can't farm in jungle at all, unless you or someone else stacks for you.

                  lm ao

                    Hatsune and MOM

                    lm ao

                      Oh damn why is BBCode disabled

                      I swear forums are shit today


                        Played her recently with good results. Not vhs so flame as much as you want.

               -> mid (bottle, max q, treads before blink)
               -> mid (same build)
               -> safe lane (soul ring, max q, treads before blink aswell)
               -> Jungle (brown boots, you can get soul ring aswell but its not really needed, basilius might be enough, blink by minute 9, 2-1-2-1 by lvl 6, extra points in moment of courage makes your jungling more efficient)

                        Miku Plays

                          ^ i said this in other threads before another point in MoC is not that good


                            Well, it helps you clear the big camps while regenerating more, I havent made the math, but 1 extra point in moc can give you 100 more regen per camp, I used to max it out to jungle as fast as posible, but then I feel weak when ganking so now I try to mix it a bit with odds, anyways I think legion is better played in lane, with a soul ring spaming odds every creep wave the enemy tries to contest you, pretty strong laner in my opinion, with good regen, good nuke and if you had a good lane usually the first duels will come fast. I dont like her in the offlane too much but its viable.

                            Miku Plays

                              I havent done the maths either, but MoC at lvl 2 is 65% ( lvl 1 55%) putting the skill point to stat gives you a bit more mana to help run around the map when ur 6

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Legion is my favorite hero. I didn't actually buy MoM until Hatsune showed me it's perfectly viable as long as you don't get disabled really hard, in which cases you should have BKB anyway. It's the same thing with Sven, MoM is awesome, just as long as they don't stun and burst YOU down, and once you blink in you're committed anyway, duel disable or not.

                                I want to try to get MoM first item instead of usual blink/armlet/sblade.


                                  legions skills are all linear, she has no value Points (beside Level 1)


                                    its not about the % of lifesteal, its more for the lower cd, it gives you a free right click every few seconds.

                                    I hadnt played her in ranked for a very long time, I just tried now and it was a cool game, I went mid and maxed q, bought bottle, treads, blink, check in my profile if you want to.

                                    PD: I just noticed it was my 100th game as legion.. Im in tears haha, love the hero.

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                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      It's just bad when you get retard teammates as legion, if the other team has better organization than yours, you're hardly gonna be able to do much.


                                        i dont think MoM is a viable pickup for legion in high ranked pubs neither in competitive

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                                        Miku Plays

                                          ^ mom helps legion with her farm while uses less mana and she can split push with it 120 ias from mom and additional 60 from press the atk. In high lvl games people tend to group more and lc can utilise this by split pushing, i have heard many times on how lc they underestimate lcs split push.

                                          Miku Plays


                                            Moc on all lvls proc 25% even it has lower cd u still have a 25% chance to lifesteal


                                              ik what mom is doing and how lc works, no need to explain it ^_^
                                              the point is that it just wonr work against better players unless your playstyle is very different to the mainstream one.
                                              you arenot supposed to farm as LC normally, and if you are aiming to push, get desol/ac instead. also given the mechanics of LC's passive, mom desnt give you that much of a marginal farming rate as it would for some other hero.

                                              Miku Plays

                                                i would say i play differently than those normal casuals


                                                  fucking normies ^_^

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    TripleSteal, MoM is not just a farming item, but it does help you flash farm when your ult is on downtime. You can push faster, you can clear camps faster, etc, during the time you cannot just go gank somebody because your ult is going to be down for a while.

                                                    You are definitely not supposed to rice farm as lc because you're losing out on your snowball potential, and are therefore going to lose to a harder carry, you're supposed to gank/initiate fights and get duels, be a pain in the ass for enemies' carries, but, when your ult is on downtime, it's useful to have 50% uptime on cheap (25 mana and 1800 gold) +100 attack speed, that also provides you reliable lifesteal.

                                                    Also, MoM is still a viable first item because it gives you the option to either have ridiculous movement speed with Q and MoM and boots, and run up to people, or to simply attack reeeeally fast. With a 4 2 1 1 build, at level 8 you have ridiculous potential movement speed when you need to run up to people to duel them, and with a 0 4 3 1 you just have tremendous right-click damage, with MoM that's +220 attack speed, and MoC will proc more often.

                                                    Dunno, it really depends on what you're trying to do I guess. I don't think neglecting OO is too good, but sometimes you can try to max w and e to get damage out of that instead. Legion is actually a pretty versatile hero with many options on how you imagine to do your damage, many things work, depending on different circumstances. If you are going blink first, you are likely going to want to initiate from the fog, so using OO won't really be advisable, while it's obviously great for laning, on the other hand. Basically, OO = dominate laning stage, W/E - dominate duels. Still, through domination of the laning stage, you can often make a greater gold advantage for you, which helps you make up for losing out on points in w and e.

                                                    The build I tend to go for is a rather tanky build, where you let people hit you all they want, but punish them for it. It's basically armlet/heart (or both) + blademail + MoM, with blink or shadowblade for initiation and BKB if I am afraid of stuns or have to duel people who're pushing together. I don't really build damage items on legion because I feel that if you have to do that you're already behind, and you can make yourself an advantage by using more slots for utility/tank items instead. If you have one item for initiation, boots and bkb you have already 3 slots short, the other 3 slots you will want blademail if they are hitting hard but don't have as much hp as you do, you'll want a tank item such as armlet or heart, and then you're left with one slot, or zero if you have both heart and armlet. If you have MoM, you'll also be limited to one tank item with this build, which sucks if you get armlet because it just doesn't work as well as heart.

                                                    Usually I don't build AC on her because I don't really want to reduce incoming damage - I already amplify it by MoM to return it by blademail, I feel that if I need to reduce physical damage to survive duels I'm already really behind, since a tank item + bkb should do the trick most games. Also, I have only recently started completing treads. Generally, when I started playing legion, I'd leave her at brown boots because I know I will have to get BOTs anyway because I fill slots up with cheap items while snowballing. Really, the most expensive items I get are BKB and Heart.

                                                    But obviously, take all I say with a grain of salt, because despite playing many games of legion, I am still in normal skill, so I might not be punished enough for my build :x

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                                                      i wont argue and prove my pov here, sorry. it is based on experience/intuition rather than concoius analysis.

                                                      also, all the 5k+ lc players Ive met purchase rougly same items and have similar playstyle. I suppose it happens because it is the optimal variant, and my intuition tells me that MoM build for lc wont work against players which are any decent.


                                                        by the time you get ac you just use blademail because it Looks nice, not for the redirected damage

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          I am not really trying to prove my point of view, I am merely displaying it, hence my last sentence. I simply don't play on a high enough level to have people punish me for certain things, or at least not enough.

                                                          I've checked top LC players, and you're right, none of them builds MoM or at least has it by the end of the match. That still does not mean that MoM can't work at some level, just that people do not think it's safe/reliable enough, because it certainly is not an ideal item, and you'll get a higher hero score and winrate if you build something that works better. For example, you can see some moon shards more often than MoM, because 100% uptime on +120 attack speed is obviously better than 50% uptime on +100 attack speed that requires 25 mana and makes you squishier, and you're going to be able to get it if you play and gank well.

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                                                          lm ao

                                                            You guys are nuts


                                                              Yeah, Vlads is much better for the ~same price.


                                                                i hate when i get lc on my team. always instapicks jungle and comes out at 20mins with quelling blade, brown boots and a shadow amulet.


                                                                  no offense to lc pickers but i always imagine you to be a 10yr old kid who doesn't like to share.

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    "i hate when i get lc on my team. always instapicks jungle and comes out at 20mins with quelling blade, brown boots and a shadow amulet."

                                                                    Wtf, how the hell does that happen? You should have a blink, boots, stout shield and quelling blade at around 10 minutes.

                                                                    I like picking LC because she can go to any lane, or to jungle, so I do not really have to mind whether my teammates are retards and pick retarded lanes after I've announced I'm going mid or offlane. Also, when I am jungling LC, I tend to play semi-support and get wards occasionally, with 6.84 I like that I can get stout shield, quelling blade, tangoes and an observer ward to place in the jungle since I can't depend on people to do that.

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                                                                      I think best way to LC is armor pen (AC - Deso - Solar Crest). Solar crest, even being a support item is very very efficient, medallion is very easy farm, provides the early mana reg you need and the -7 armor is one of the best duel helpers you might get out there. Also, it's a very useful item as it allows you to support your team (which, besides of damage whoring thru duels, LC can do very efficient), for example, you can use press the attack on your carry and take away armor from it's target (imagine what magina can do with that).

                                                                      Medallion also allows you to farm ancients ez, and the solar crest is really useful and adaptable for late game, wanna duel high physical dps? Blind him, take away 10 armor and rape.

                                                                      Last game I went solar crest + AC and it really pays off

                                                                      I think LC can really perform awesome with armor reduction line ups, just put deso - medallion / solar - ac - slardar - sf aura and you 2 hits the people.

                                                                      Edit: A crazy idea I like to try, against teams that go together, is to get blademail and lotus orb and go rambo against all 5 with your team behind, you have a good chance to get your duel damage on a 1on1 trade and the teamfight your forcing has nice chances to leave the enemy team on a serious disadvantage.

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                                                                        ^ +1
                                                                        It's good idea to buy support items on Lesbian Commander: Vlads, Mek (Guardians), Pipe, Solar Crest and even AC.


                                                                          ^ +1
                                                                          Lesbian Commander tru neim! lmao

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            A reminder if you use medallion/solar crest - after casting it, remove the debuff with Press The Attack. Similar thing with Huskar solar crest.


                                                                              listen. a lot of noobs will tell you to get blade mail.. but do you want to know the secret? ARMLET. Armlet = Easy duels..

                                                                              If you can get yourself fast phase boots and armlet .. you can just activate phase boots.. turn on armlet.. duel.. enjoy ur free damage..

                                                                              but legion does require a competent team or else you will fucking die when the enemy peruvian team decides to start 5 man mid at 9:00 and u are hungry for duels. ;D

                                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                                I love jungle Legion.

                                                                                I get ring of aquila (don't ask why i build this on her despite her being a strength hero, fuck off, i think it's passable on her. I mean, some people even make Soul ring on her, an item that's 200 gold less, so why not get the aquila mana regen + stats + armor + damage for 200 gold more) blink, treads, stout, quelling blade, Basher easily before 20 mins. (had abyssl blade a few times at 21-23 mins with her if i just so happen to get some kills early game) I don't even AFK jungle farm like most useless legions either.

                                                                                Offlane players will always forget about the legion who is jungling nearby, and always pay the price if i hit 6 fast enough, or even 5. Too many times have i dueled Dark Seer's who tried to run away at level 6. lol

                                                                                I like her, she's good for catching Storm, Queen, Ember, and AM in this meta, once you get abyssl blade, it's way too easy to rape all mid game.

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                                                                                  Get LC as a team = Lose, Get LC as an enemy = win
                                                                                  Most of these LC players are stupid. AFK Farming 20 mins in jungle instead of ganking for damage.
                                                                                  When they are out of jungle, most of enemies already get his/her core which make thing twice as hard.

                                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                                    Hey Mirc, that's a pretty nice idea, Solar crest might be good on her. :)
                                                                                    I'll remember to make it in those games i know there's no way in hell i'm going to finish an AC on time.'

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                                                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                                                      Okay so, i just tested it, it has positives and a negative.

                                                                                      Good part:
                                                                                      You can blink up to someone, use the Solar crest active ability, THEN CAST press the attack, then duel. This makes it so you take away the -10 armor debuff from yourself, WHILE the enemy still has to keep the -10 armor and miss rate debuff during the duel, which is amazing.

                                                                                      Bad part:

                                                                                      The bad part is that you can't use press the attack first then blink duel, which might make it hard to catch Storm Spirit, or a blink hero, they would have already blinked away by time you cast solar crest and press the attack before the duel, even with shift que.

                                                                                      It might be best just to keep the buffs on herself. Using it against supports is probably fine, they'll just melt probably. :L

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                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        "listen. a lot of noobs will tell you to get blade mail.. but do you want to know the secret? ARMLET. Armlet = Easy duels.."

                                                                                        This is ridiculous, you should never get armlet INSTEAD of blademail. You can complement your blademail with armlet, but never replace its function with it. Why? Because when you duel somebody you're more guaranteed to kill the carry if you have two people beating up on him - you, and him. That's around 2x the damage you'd normally do, and a lot more damage than you'd do with armlet. Also, in case you get stunned, the enemy carry still has a way to kill himself. Remember, as well, that Legion actually has more HP than most carries, which is important, because although she has terrible armor/agi, what counts with blademail is your pure HP - how much HP you have, that much you can return.

                                                                                        But you should get armlet too to tank up. Since you won't be rice farming but be active on the map, getting a few cheap items is the way to go to start off with, get blink, get a few duels with some aid, then build blademail, then build armlet.

                                                                                        Naturally, if there are strong rightclickers in the beginning even going blademail first is good. Like against bloodseeker for example, since you'll have more HP than him, he can easily kill himself since you can PTA + blademail + Duel him. If he's gonna silence you after ulting you, just activate blademail and run up to him, you'll lose some hp but do it to stay out of the silence range, also he will hurt himself too. Then activate PTA and duel, you'll have lifesteal during the duel and he'll just die.

                                                                                        Of course, a smart bloodseeker wouldn't try to kiill legion like that, but then again, it's bloodseeker pickers...

                                                                                        Also, solar crest is terrible against competent people, like shadowblade + PTA + duel. If people make it possible for you to initiate like that, with PTA's terrible animation, then it's obvious they're half brain dead.

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