General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar plz

Huskar plz in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    I swear to god, if icefrog doesn't nerf dat hero people will get completely rekt by huskar.

    every fucking pubgame if huskar won't get nerfed

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    saving private RTZ
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        I hate when assholes last pick it. What can you do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        saving private RTZ

          ^ ya hes like fucking raid boss or rape boss whatever, he just sits there 1v5, he knows you cant kill him, you know you cant kill him


            he cann't even shine in a magic meta, what can he do in next one ???

            Not to mention that an huskar that cann't tank suck ball, so a huskar without inner vitality on suck ball, so a purged huskar suck ball (are the various purge item we can buy that expensiv ??? -or solarcrest + medaillon/deso in a team-)
            The only single way for huskar to shine, is if oracle is in cm.
            And that would be some kind of weird, since oracle is both one of the best counter and ally of huskar


              its so ez to kill huskar, get heroes that deal pure dmg, reduce armor and hit hard! Venge, SP, drow, sf, blademail, AA and shit

              Giff me Wingman

                wtf, looks like matrice sold his account to some russian shitfuck

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                    you cant always prepare a strong aggro duo/tri to fight huskar when he just pop out as a 9th/10th pick

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                        I was playing Silencer today on safelane with Pugna support against Huskar/Warlock lane, we completely destroyed them, even though I would die pretty much everytime to his burning spears I atleast would get +2 intel because I killed him before he would kill me, I got fed and we finished game easily.


                          Pick something that fucks with his armlet, and he's fuckin dead shit.

                          Bad Intentions

                            dont pick all spell caster line ups :D

                            Riguma Borusu

                              Huskar is so countered by half the hero pool it isn't even funny. The guy literally cannot survive to be stunned and bursted down, because his battle mechanic is being at yolo low health. Also if you are even remotely tanky, you can get blademail to fuck him.


                                I have to say i agree with op. Fuck that hero, its ridiculously retarded.
                                And lol at matrice comment, im wondering are you playing pubs lately? Cant believe i cant agree with you once on these forums..


                                  Huskar OP? Really?

                                  He is like Broodmother, it only works if you last pick him and there are no counter. And still there are items like Blademail or Silver Edge to counter this crap.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Also, Huskar pickers are often braindead, they might pick huskar even if there's a strong counter on the other team.


                                      I dont know in what shit brackets you are playing in if you think huskar is countered by half the heroes or a silver edge (which costs 5.4k gold)


                                        ^Silver Edge has cheap components obtainable from base shop. This item is easy to get.

                                        Huskar is not countered by half of heroes, more like he is countered by 3/4 of heroes. =)

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                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                          Even eul is good against him, removing his heal.


                                            Its 5.4k gold none the less, it costs a ton, and he can just remove silver edge debuff with life break.
                                            If you dont have direct counter to it and he last picks it you are screwed. God forbid if he actually has omni or dazzle with him.

                                   thats how retarded huskar game looks like. 15th minute hg siege. Saw that same dude playing in live games ~6300 basically raping every single time as last pick.

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                                              how the fuck does silver edge counter huskar? xd GET A BRAIN jesus :laugh:

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                When you last pick it, Meepo rapes everything too. Does that make him OP? It's a risky hero even as a last pick.


                                                  By removing his magic immunity and gained attack speed? dd being as trash as ever vomits his garbage shit on dotabuff once again.

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                                                      If you like playing CK, he can fuck him up.

                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                        Solar Crest sounds amazing on him, all that evasion, all that armor, and a little mana regen cause why not? Yummy. :)

                                                        lm ao

                                                          Thats why this is Huskar PMS flame thread?

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            OH BOYS LOOk, HUSKAR GETS COUTERED BY SILVERS EDGE, LETS BUILD IT ON SUPPORTS N SHIT Kappa.

                                                            Huskar is OP this meta. Even if you have a silvers edge carry, it's not like huskar can build BKB or anything. All huskar needed was cheap and fast armor, and now that solar crest is there he has a cheap way to get evasion and armor. Even with pure damage there is no way in hell you can do more pure damage than that fucker can regen with inner vitality and HoTd, i literally cannot believe the amount of 1v5 huskkar can sustain, even when having a windranger on my team.

                                                            @xan: It's not matrice, matrices english is far better than the post made from his account. I have the theory that matrice sold his account.

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                                                              Everything is OP if you don't learn to 5-man when the other team is hunting everywhere.


                                                                How many times have you seen BKB on Huskar in pub game? All you need is to quickly turn on Blademail when he jumps on you. If you have good reaction, Huskar will kill himself.

                                                                As of supports, they need Ghost + TP scroll. Huskar has no disables. Easy escape.

                                                                Even if he buys BKB, it will be 5 seconds at some point. All you need is to win this little time with help of Euls, Ghost, Force Staff, Glimmer, Shadow Blade, anything.

                                                                Why people lose to Huskar? Because they follow default itembuilds. Leshrac for example, buys Bloodstone and Octarine Core. And what he gonna do vs Huskar with these items?


                                                                  +to what matrice said
                                                                  huskar is (for the first time in a long while) viable as a pick, but far from OP


                                                                    Huskar counters no matter untill minute 30 if you are playing it correctly with the correct backup supports, you can just deathball every game but 1 single mistake, 1 overextension of your team.. you get wiped and then you're done.
                                                                    If you know how to deathball this hero is one of the best to do so if not the best.

                                                                    Maybe not the best example.. (3,6 mmr average):

                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                      "matrice sold his account" What the fuck, don't give such a good player shit just because he doesn't agree with you.

                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                        I didn't base it on what he wrote, but how awful his english is in that post compared to when he used to post. Learn to read.

                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          No, his English is always like this.

                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            His english wasn't perfect, but it wasn't this broken.


                                                                              Broken my english is

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                It's not even that bad. You can easily understand what he's trying to say and he actually has a good point too, a point only a 6k+ player can make.


                                                                                  If you want to counter magic, you pick Anti-Mage. It can't be more obvious, isn't it? =)

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                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                    It is really bad, but yes i do understand what he is saying, so i can tell you that his statement is simply not true. Huskar is due to the 'magic meta' an insane pub stomper and due to the new solar crest, he found a solution for the physical damage carries. There are many 6k+ people who got destroyed by huskar because they had gyro + leshrekt or simply because the enemy ran something like huskar + dazzle, abba, dirge, WD etc. offlane or had freefarm safelane huskar for 10mins.

                                                                                    So far huskar is the same as juggernaut back then, overbuffed and not used as much because of the other meta heroes. As soon leshrac, lina and bloodcyka get nerfed, we will see a fuckton of huskarpicks, same as other strong heroes who will become the new meta.

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                                                                                      Matrice's english was always shit (hes french right?)

                                                                                      @sam, trust me, meepo has way more counters than huskar has at this moment. 2 worst last picks you can face in this patch without counters are by far storm and huskar.

                                                                                      And both are just so insufferable to play against. I rarely have people complaining about meepo anymore in my games.

                                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                        It's not hard to always have pure or heavy physical damage in your lineup, the heroes that do this just aren't that popular but that doesn't mean the hero is OP.


                                                                                          In a meta where such heroes arent popular for x reasons it means just that, he is op in such circumstances. If i were to count all games i played with/vs husk in last few months, he was winning ~70% of time.

                                                                                          Im wondering, what was your last game with huskar?

                                                                                          saving private RTZ


                                                                                            I dont really agree with you, I think AM is easier to fuck with early game despite having blink, also huskar in that scenario is just that much stronger because he cant get killed.

                                                                                            its true that he has a bad laning stage, but his laning stage basically ends by the time he has armlet, which Its easy to get 5-6 minutes into the game, probably even 4.
                                                                                            so by the time mid has 6 and might try to gank mid, he might die, but will probably kill 2-3 heroes himself.

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                                                                                              huskar has bad laning stage?
                                                                                              apparently that's too next-level for me to understand


                                                                                                apparently zoning out your enemy and getting each and everysingle lasthit alone isn't just good enough anymore

                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  I don't remember the last time I faced a Huskar, but heroes are OP when they fit every situation, not when they are good at certain lineups.

                                                                                                  lm ao




                                                                                                      Why no one bitching about Viper then? Or may be you waiting for a video where Viper wins his lane, buys Armlet first item and starts killing people all around the map? You can film one yourself...

                                                                                                      waku waku

                                                                                                        nah he'll just get destroyed by the aghs linas everywhere