General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for survivability as Bloodseeker?

Tips for survivability as Bloodseeker? in General Discussion

    I hear that bloodseeker is a very powerful hero when played correctly, however I always seem to die a lot as him. As you will probably look at my most recent game, I figure I might as well tell you anyway. In short, I died a lot and the enemy won. I went for sange & yasha for the survivability, blademail for survivability and BKB for survivability yet I still found myself dying a lot. The 40% additional damage taken is a lot when you consider bloodseeker's low innate health pool and strength gain. I was considering heart in the game, and was wondering if it should be got sooner (perhaps if I had skipped mjollnir?) - but I feel that would reduce my damage output and as the only damage-dealer on the team, I felt I needed a decent DPS item. Does anyone have any advice for me?


      Well, sometimes things go wrong just because there is no 5-th player in a team. Have a look at 4 out of my 6 games today. People disconntected or quit, making those games unwinnable for one team, unlosable for the other and fucking boring for both. I suggest you never pay too much attention to the results of such games. It's Reborn dota

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        bkb is good BM is pretty good but not always You should always build basher on bs or mkb to stop tps. IN your game you should also have made a linkens and a bkb with basher +bm then build butterfly. you don't always need SNY but sny can be very good item on bs some games.

        Riguma Borusu

          You don't really need much of a survival items on him if you play him smart. Basically, you need to know your limits and only engage when you know you'll be able to kill a few people without being killed yourself.

          If you're dying to physical damage, get a butterfly if they don't have or are not likely to build a MKB. Butterfly is a good item on bs anyway, if you are going to stand your ground and fight right click carries, perhaps with a bash. If magic damage's a problem, I'd say get a BKB and a hood for when it's on cd, and even pipe if nobody else is gonna build it and you desperately need it. Skadi is basically rich man's SNY, though if you have both it's gonna be 2 slots for stat items, which is kinda okay, but kinda too much for a hero lke BS.

          Also, if you have one or two big damage items like daeadlus/mkb or even *gasp* a rapier, it is not too unwise to get something like vlads or dominator. As for big damage items, you should do like slark and prefer to build a abyssal over all three items mentioned above. It's just meaningless to build something like daedalus if you're going to have problems with your targets easily retaliating.

          The reasoning is that if it's kinda late and people get a lot tankier, and your only form of sustain is raging yourself and then killing somebody, you're in a pretty bad spot. If you, instead, build a vlads or dominator, you can sustain your fight much easier, also without necessarily having to rage yourself. It opens up more options in that sense, although it does take up a slot. Also, if you hit really hard, even satanic is not out of question, just make what you need to. I see you pick up bkb as pretty mandatory which is good for BS, but you should probably farm more if you see you have problems, and get some more defensive/sustain items.

          Basically, 100cs at 40 minutes is just terrible. You need to farm a lot more if you want to continue being relevant, the way I see a lot of BS stomp the early game, forget to farm with their huge advantage, they also don't pressure the towers. What this results in is other people farming up while BS is just scouting the map looking for kills, and not easily finding them most of the time.

          Farm. A lot more. Your issue here is not that you did not have the right items, it's that you did not have an option of having them - for something like abyssal blade you need tons of gold, and you're not going to get it by dying 10 times and not farming.

          Obviously it did not help you had a leaver in your team, but even in that case you should try to farm up to remain relevant. Having 550 gpm with so many kills is actually pretty bad. But hen again I do not know the circumstances of your game, it could be that they've pressured all lanes very hard and you could not even farm since you've kinda lost access to jungle which was farmed by dusa mostly anyway :|

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            Try Dagon.


              Guessing youre like 2-3k mmr.

              Im top 80th Bloodseeker filth spammer so for something in your bracket the bog standard build id recommend is

              Treads>Blademail>S&Y ( should get this all by like 10-20min if youre safe/jungle)> BKB> Basher>skadi>butterfly.

              Something like that...

              But yea if youre safe farm or generally shit at using blademail properly you could always go PMS>treads>aquila>S&Y solong as youre not missing cs or dying you should get it all by 12-15min.

              I was too lazy to read your post il be honest... if you've got any other questions just reply.

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                Livin' Real Good

                  ^ Hey i'll take mjollnir to account, never really built it on him before. I built it on Slark a few times just cause I like the way he says " Mjollnir ! " when he gets it, but don't know if it's any good on Slark either.

                  Is there any situation where Slark would make one?


                    i play it like girl. never man it. just clean everything my teammates leave.

                    someone initiate. i just waiting enemy using all their spells. then i go in and kill -kill-kill.

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                      Welt aus Eis

                        never tried mjollnir but definitely can see it being strong. I dont understand all the blademail hype, the item's situational, not core at all


                          watch chilongqua play bloodseeker on youtube


                            go vlad instead bm, bm is not survivabilty item for BS. Its only reflect the damage back to enemies, but u still take increased damage(thanks to bloodrage that u use to urself, 40% increased damage taken is huge)

                            Blood rite is enough to nuke the enemies

                            Vlad is perfectly well synergy with thirst and blood rage, its also help teamfight battle

                            Vlad, S&Y, shadow blade, bkb/basher

                            basher for "anti-carry" play

                            bkb for "too much wizard" play

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                              is desolator viable for bloodseeker?



                                Only Dagon, only hardcore!

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                                  S&Y, Blademail or Skadi help you survive for sure.


                                    does going BM+BKB make any sense?


                                      @danny what do you mean "use blademail properly"?