General Discussion

General DiscussionThe mentality of those who treat they're teammates like retards

The mentality of those who treat they're teammates like retards in General Discussion

    This only works if you're actually much better than everyone in the game.

    When everyone is on a similar skill level whether or not you'd like to fucking admit it, it's better to play proper dota. That means sometimes dying for a good initiate or sacrificing some farm if you can create a lot of space. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus.

    Riguma Borusu

      "This only works if you're actually much better than everyone in the game."

      No, if you're much better you'll win majority of those games and won't find the time to bitch. Why bitch when you win 70-90% games, right?

      This only happens when you are in the skill level where you belong, whether because you play bad or because you're emotionally unstable and rage and abandon too much. In either case, you're playing as badly/well as people at that range.


        thats not true. solo q for 6k+ usually gives them less skilled teammates and stronger opponents, and they dont rly win much more than a half of their matches.


          ay whatever lets do this boys


            It's like one thing to not get worked up when your teammates does or says something dumb but to assume they're utterly worthless is rubbish. That's why there are players like Purge who can spam solo q support all the way to 5k.

            I dunno, this mindset is spread waaaaay too much. I keep seeing ppl offer advice like "treat your mates like retards" or "play selfishly" but all this is just going to be detrimental to your play. It only works if you can make great use of that tiny advantages you obtained by playing selfishly and use it to do massive outplays.


              i didn't read shit op, i can just say that you are are retard from the way you arrange words in a comment!



                were u tryn to be dank cuz that was neither dank or did it make sense


                  what is a dank?


                    and it makes perfect sense too mate!


                      There = Naming a place, a thing, or the existence of something.

                      Their = Showing possession.

                      They're = Combining the words “they” and “are”.

                      average kebab enjoyer

                        ^get rekt by Grammar

                        lm ao


                          lm ao



                              I queue with my 1k friend and last game I played he abandoned, zeus went AFK for 10 minutes, Medusa picked after antimage and AFK farmed - 0 kills, earthshaker was like 1-9 by the end.... And the medusa called me a retard because I had a high amount of deaths even though I also was the only person on the team with kills for a significant portion of the game.

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!