General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to up High Skill?

How to up High Skill? in General Discussion
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    I`ve created a new account about a half a year ago, beacause my mmr was bad. Now I am trying to get into High Skill group. But I still don`t have a single match in HS or VHS. What am I doing wrong? what can help me?

    Thak you!

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      skill bracket reflects your hidden mmr, which reflects your skill. if you are not getting high skill, it means you are still a mediocre player.

      паша техник

        no way yo do this?(


          you want me to give you some magical tricks, so onstead of actually playing decently you would abuse the system and get into a higher bracket by focusing on achieving some gpm/hd/etc. shit?

          firstly, its a bit more multi-dimentional and there are a lot of factors involved. secondly, it will make no sense cz as long as you are not a (relatively) decent player, you got nothing to do in higher brackets - playing against better opponents leads to losses, over and over again. MM system places you into the games with ppl whose skill is equal to yours.

          you can just focus on self-improvement and having fun instead of thinking of skill bracket/mmr as the most important things in the game.


            and rating and therefore skill bracket improvement will come along with skill

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