General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is it with so many cancer retards in ~4.7k bracket.

What is it with so many cancer retards in ~4.7k bracket. in General Discussion

    Dis thread so gud. Hanter so gud. Me sucky sucky.

    Buddy: Get a fucking life. You play 10h daily doto. That is unhealthy. But since I do not like you. Play on. Waste your life. When you are 30 you will see yourself in the mirror and what have you accomplished?

    Nothing. Maybe you get 6k in doto. Maybe not. Whats the difference in the real world? Nothing.

    What tripple told you:

    Every few weeks/days some baddy opens a thread about how mm is broken and keeps him down, cause he always gets retards. This can not be true:

    Baddies before you:

    Simple logic:

    If you are better than your teammates (you are not) you will win more games than you lose, because on your team there would be 4 retards plus you (the better one) and on the other team 5 retards (most of the time). Dota gives every player a number for his skill. If your number is too low for your actual skill, you should climb by time.

    Since you do not climb and stay low, you are a baddy.

    Thats the bad news.

    The good news:

    You can improve in no time! You have so many big things you can work on, that climbing mmr is really really easy.

    1. Pick wise (heros that match your lineup or you are strong with; do not put too much effort in support below 3.5 k mmr)

    2. Learn to farm (Lasthits/Denies/Flashfarming midgame)

    3. Do not feed (Just do not)

    4. Built proper Items (Dagon Spectre might be fun, but might lose you the game).

    5. Adapt your skillbuild (there is no “right” skillbuild for every situation)

    6. Watch what is going on (Check minimap and other lanes often; use your tp if enemies dive)

    7. Make the right decisions (Push/Farm/Gank/Defend/Rosh when the time has come etc.)


    9. Check your enemies Inventories.

    10. Do not rage (lowers apm, causes you to get muted, and nobody will listen to you anyways; If someone rages mute him)

    11. If you get tired by playing, you are hungry or angry, just stop playing.

    To do this focus on one aspect a time to improve:

    Watch your replays to see your mistakes; watch pro replays/good streams, to see how they do it.

    If you do not want to get better and make the effort, play on in your lowpool. But do not blame the system.

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        I'm the best in my bracket, simple.


          че, как дела ребят, что поделываем?

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              Ah, forgot we can't anymore...shame, this multi page thread needed it.

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              saving private RTZ

                I'm the best in my bracket, simple.

                I'm the best in my bracket, simple.

                I'm the best in my bracket, simple.

                I honestly cant tell anymore if this thread was a bait in the first place or not.

                the realm's delight

                  hello I Hanter I, conqueror of the 4k bracket, i propose a deal.
                  we will 1vs1 on the middle lane, sf vs sf, loser gets permanently banned from dotabuff forums. do you accept the challenge?


                    No you aren't worth my time sry.

                    the realm's delight

                      but how can such a great warrior like you deny my challenge? arent you the best player your bracket has ever seen? it would be no trouble slaying filth like me, should be done in a matter for minutes, am i wrong?

                      come, the lobby is ready.

                      i can stream the game too so the people of dotabuff can see that you are in fact a very good player, and shall no longer have the right to talk shit about you


                        Do you really think I care about you lol?

                        I never do 1v1s anyways, I couldn't care less about your streams either roflmao.
                        + I couldn't care less what anyone thinks off me lol, as long as I know I'm a good player I absolutely couldn't give 2 cents about someone's opinion about me.

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                          the realm's delight

                            you seem to be replying to everyone bashing you, therefore i think you are quite frustrated about it. how can you deny the fact you do not care about other people's opinion about you?

                            it is not wether you care about me or not, i wanted to give you a chance to show everyone how good you are and shut their mouth, but you decided no to take it. why is that? are you a coward?

                            you seem rather insecure, perhaps you should not post here anymore, for the good of your mental health, which is already quite damaged im afraid

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                              8k mmr, the only reason I'm replying is to let you know that I don't care, I'm pretty much ignoring everyone on here, this is the first time I see you post so I let you know aswell that I don't care about you, after this post I won't respond anymore to your questions because you are simply not worth my time, I'm definitely not insecure considering it's the internet and I don't take anyone serious on here that posts anything negative in my way, I'll continue posting as much as I want and you're definitely not the one to tell me what I should do and not.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Well, you know, saying you are not insecure does not really mean you aren't. Just that you think/believe/say that. Majority of people with some problems do not admit they have them, if they are an important part of their personality. I should know, because I was in denial for a long time before I stopped treating myself like a fucking god.

                                I don't think you can really improve if you bash everyone who says anything negative about you. You need to be more realistic and objective when observing yourself and others, and that does not come overnight from someone who's insecure and unable to grasp the simple concept that what he's saying is demonstrably bullshit (as explained many times already).

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                                  ''Insecure people feel socially inadequate, causing them to worry about what people think about them. They want to be liked by people and will go out of their way to please others, because they don’t want people mad at them.''

                                  ''They want to be liked by people and will go out of their way to please others, because they don’t want people mad at them.''

                                  I just stated multiple times that I couldn't care less about what anyone thinks of me, but hey man it's understandable because you're 2k ingame you're also 2k irl, your brain doesn't function properly, if it did then you wouldn't be in 2k + you're just saying random shit on a forum to try to look smart when in reality you're just a retarded retard, last time I'm gonna respond to a 2k, can't take them and their clowny posts serious, don't bother posting your paragraphs anymore. I'm not gonna respond to them.

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                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Great job picking the definition you like the best.

                                    How about this one?

                                    uncertain or anxious about oneself; not confident.

                                    "I just stated multiple times that I couldn't care less about what anyone thinks of me, but hey man it's understandable because you're 2k ingame you're also 2k irl, your brain doesn't function properly, if it did then you wouldn't be in 2k if it did then you wouldn't be in 2k "

                                    I actually know why I am at ~2k. It's because I suck at the game, because I do not care enough to win. I don't pick easy win heroes, I don't even try to learn the majority of heroes at all, only play a few ones, when I'm solo support I don't ward, and when I am a carry I tend to lose my shit, and throw the games. Also I am not the most responsive player, and also have mechanical impairments because one of my hands is almost paralyzed, so I also have trouble using the mouse. I am this bad because I am not actively trying to be better, and although I do have a positive winrate and am climbing slowly, for me to reach some generally high level of play is going to take way too much time because I am not really trying hard enough. And I don't dis people who want to play the game more competitively. I'm generally casual, and I always accept advice when playing with people of higher skill, because I still like to get better, just do not care enough to make it my main focus.

                                    I just hate retards who are being retards themselves and blaming it on other players. If you were realistic, you'd focus on not being a retard yourself, not raging and not abandoning. But you admit to abandon a game 3 minutes in, and then blame other people for being retards, costing you MMR, etc. The fact that you do not seem to grasp how the Elo system really works, and that you yourself are largely responsible for where you are, is pretty much apparent. I rage and abandon games too when something really retarded happens, but guess what? I don't go all out on my teammates being retards. I understand that's in part my fault too. You have zero self-reflection, which is why you suck as a person.

                                    "+ you're just saying random shit on a forum to try to look smart when in reality you're just a retarded retard,"

                                    Well, all I am saying here is, first off, said by people who have 5k+ MMR. Oh, those people who have higher MMR than you, ha-ha. I am just relying something I've come to know and understand from people who have better knowledge of the game and/or elo system than you do.

                                    Also, read up on how Elo system actually works, there's LITERALLY no chance to have the number of games you have, and NOT CLIMB to your actual skill level, in all of those games the only unifying and consistent factor is you, and you seem to completely glance over that fact, and attribute your wins to yourself and loses to your team for being retards, when actually, you're going to be responsible for both, to an extent. You're really not STUCK at that level. Nobody can win 10 games in a row every single time, because yes, there are going to be feeders, griefers, etc, BUT, you will always win more than you lose if you are TRULY MUCH BETTER than the skill level than you are. You'll pick smarter, position smarter, have better timing at doing things, you'll mute others when you see they're fully retarded and try to make up for the game by being better than everyone in the game. If you're truly that much better, this can't NOT happen more often than it does.

                                    It's the very simple math you are completely ignoring here. Elo system uses pretty straightforward statistics to determine stats, and it works for multiple games and platforms, it's pretty universal and far reaching, but somehow, in your case, 4/5 of your team is responsible for your (relative) failure.

                                    " last time I'm gonna respond to a 2k, can't take them and their clowny posts serious, don't bother posting your paragraphs anymore. I'm not gonna respond to them."

                                    Well, clowny posts are telling you something that a higher MMR and a generally more experienced person/player also tells you. You can choose to ignore this information, framing it as coming from someone who has lower MMR than you do, which is understandable, but the problem is that you have a different excuse to ignore the same information coming from someone who has a higher MMR than you, which simply shows you're making excuses not to accept criticism, as you've only created this thread to rage (which is one of the reasons you're "stuck" at your MMR, emotional stability goes a long way, one of the reasons I am at 2k is that I am very emotionally unstable sometimes, but I don't blame others for that, I've got my own shit to sort out first).


                                    So what's your rationalization for this?^

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                                    the realm's delight

                                      hey op, "dont waste words on people who deserve your silence. sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing", i believe this was the quote, maybe it will help you :)

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        I find it funny that Hanter is actually raging despite climbing. He has 53.29% ranked winrate in the last 3months, which should imply his MMR is rising. I think he's pissed it's too slow for him, since he puts so much time into it.

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                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Dude you are actually so retarded. You create a thread here, expecting people to comment. Then they comment, and you say "I don't care about you." to everybody just because they are telling you the truth. You have real big problems in real life too if you act like this. Do you go all like "Fuck you mom, I don't care about what you gotta say!" when she tells you that you are a lazy fuck and never tidy your room? Yes, that's how retarded you sound right here.

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                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              I have 67.39% winrate in ranked in the last 3 months, and I just don't care enough to play ranked, so my RMM is actually a lot bellow my actual/unranked skill level, but that's just because I don't play ranked. Those games are really ridiculously easy because I get to play against people who play at a skill level I was at practically 3 months after I started playing. I am still in normal skill either way, so even if it is lot lower than my actual MMR, it's still not past 3.2k, but the thing here is:

                                              If he's SO MUCH BETTER, why is his ranked matchmaking not closer to 70% in the last 3 months? I have almost 70% winrate in the last 3 months. playing dominantly wardbitch supports. If he's:

                                              1) Picking cores a lot
                                              2) Really much better than most people in the ~4.7k game
                                              3) Really cares about winning
                                              4) Picks accordingly

                                              Why is he not winning a really huge chunk of those games? "teammates are imbeciles" works both ways, so there are bound to be more of those in the other team unless you're one.

                                              If I gave my account to somebody @ 4k, they'd probably win even more than 70% in the ranked, possibly close to like 95%, likewise if you gave your account to an actual 6k, he'd make short work of those games, and win close, if not above 70-90% of them, especially if he's a good solo player.

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                                                Am 5k mmr, idk how he's 5k. He died in most retarded ways
                                                Russian abaddon flaming nonstop.
                                                Russian Leshrac missing all euls stuns.


                                                What would these people be without me.

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  And now the counter-question, what would those other people do WITH you?


                                                  You had the best farm but did least HD, as Slark, also you were in a total of 9 kills, while everyone in your team did something in at least 15.

                                                  If you're close to 50% winrate over a reliably big enough match pool, for every game you deliver, there's another where you did not, so learn from those mistakes and improve. Ignore that the rest of your team are retards, just like you ignore when the enemy's team is full of retards.

                                                  When I play in a party with my friends I always comment when the enemies are retards, and if I win, I don't think I've done something amazing, because if they're not gonna ward against a shadowblade legion, and space out so I can reliably gank them, it's not me being good, it's them being bad.

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                    Good Jugger/Good ES

                                                    Russian Undying - flame whole game.
                                                    French Phoenix - Feed/flame whole game


                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      As I said, you can always find individual games, even many of them, that conform to the standard you're trying to prove. You can always base all your ideas on the team you were in.

                                                      What you don't do is, think about what's going on in the other team. Their bounty abandoned, you didn't pay attention to that. Their sand king is building a fucking bloodstone, in a losing game and on sand king, he's also the member of their team with highest cs and playing support. That silencer did not farm enough for the role he's had to fulfill.

                                                      So you were up against this team, where basically only slardar and wr were playing well, and you've won it with 2 bad teammates. So it's 3vs2 good players this game, since you had two less then stellar teammates and they had three.

                                                      Shit happens. Maybe next game you will get three bad teammates and they will get two. Then you'll likely win UNLESS two of their guys are simply godly and pick heroes that can independently teamwipe.

                                                      See, in that game with Lina, you:

                                                      1) Did well in laning
                                                      2) Farmed well
                                                      3) Killed a lot, snowballed with bloodstone
                                                      4) Played with a player advantage
                                                      5) Obviously did not abandon because of bad teammates
                                                      6 Didn't rage (too much?)
                                                      7) Won in the end

                                                      See, this is a game where you were not a retard. If you did rage too much at those two bad teammates, you might've lost the game, since it'd be 3vs3 retards per team. You could've also seen your teammate do something you consider extremely stupid, raged and abandoned (since it was safe to leave anyway). You choose to try your chances and win.

                                                      In order to win more, just try to make sure that you don't go full retard when you feel you should. Suck it up and play and try to win. You already have positive winrate which means you're climbing, just don't be so frustrated at the speed.

                                                      You can't escape retards in this game. Like, literally, that's the matchmaking for you, they are indeed everywhere. Just consider that they are in the other team, too, try to overcome your bias that focuses you on your own team's retards, and makes you ignore theirs.

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                        Holy shit, I missed basically the whole thread, but at least I managed to witness this golden quote.

                                                        "...the only reason I'm replying is to let you know that I don't care"

                                                        - I Hanter I

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                            @Zano either u are acting retarded or u are retarded what I said was ''The only reason I'm replying to you right now is to let you know that I don't care about you so I won't reply to you other times when you post on my thread'

                                                            Idk why you come here and try to do change my words.

                                                            ''8k mmr, the only reason I'm replying is to let you know that I don't care, I'm pretty much ignoring everyone on here, this is the first time I see you post so I let you know aswell that I don't care about you, after this post I won't respond anymore to your questions because you are simply not worth my time''

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                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                Well, what people find odd is that you did actually post this on an internet forum.

                                                                "An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.[1]"

                                                                If you want to be a part of an one-sided conversation, and don't feel like discussing anything, a forum is about the worst kind of a medium to use.

                                                                You can always open up a free blog and rage all day. The problem is, nobody is going to read it.

                                                                So you pollute a discussion board with your one-sided rant, so that people SEE it. When responses do not go in your favor (people don't affirm to your stance, and call you out on being the exact thing you rant about), you simply decide to shut the discussion off, put hands on your ears and go "la la la I can't hear you and don't care what you think la la la".

                                                                I understand you though, it's pretty hard when you're at that stage. Only I grew out of it when I was 13.


                                                                  @I Hanter I

                                                                  Oh right. Sorry for changing your words.

                                                                  ''The only reason I'm replying to you right now is to let you know that I don't care about you so I won't reply to you other times when you post on my thread'

                                                                  - I Hanter I

                                                                  This is even better, you are right.

                                                                  ''8k mmr, the only reason I'm replying is to let you know that I don't care, I'm pretty much ignoring everyone on here, this is the first time I see you post so I let you know aswell that I don't care about you, after this post I won't respond anymore to your questions because you are simply not worth my time''

                                                                  - I Hanter I

                                                                  Full version. Pay-to-see.


                                                                    Dude you are actually so retarded. You create a thread here, expecting people to comment. Then they comment, and you say "I don't care about you." to everybody just because they are telling you the truth. You have real big problems in real life too if you act like this. Do you go all like "Fuck you mom, I don't care about what you gotta say!" when she tells you that you are a lazy fuck and never tidy your room? Yes, that's how retarded you sound right here.

                                                                    the realm's delight


                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        Stop trying to talk to a brick wall guys, this guy is hopeless.

                                                                        РашаПараша Гейминг.

                                                                          Welcome to valve searching system. 100 games players(noobs) can ez play with 1000 games players. Random feed and report another players. That is fucking valve sucking system...


                                                                            to be honest if you think everyone in your bracket is a cancerous retard etc you are probably way better than them and you should be able to rise easily once you stop getting tilted/rage by your bad team mates.

                                                                            most people are really pleasant to play with as long as you dont respond to flames negatively, they will eventually open up to you.

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              You can also joke with them, if somebody is telling you he will fuck your mother, you can respond that she is an old lady so he might wanna skip that. Usually people become friendly if you show you are relaxed and unirritable, unless they are hardcore tards.

                                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                                no seriously now, this guy actually has the biggest ego on the planet.

                                                                                He post a thread to complain, but when someone lower than him says something he says that they are retards( a number in a game have nothing to do with one person IQ, which you lack a lot of), and when someone with much higher mmr than him, Sam, Allison, zano, kitrak etc says somth, he says that they are not worth his time and he doesnt care about them.

                                                                                Sam actually gave the best definition ,this guy is actually a dumb wall.

                                                                                If i was your mom i would give you to adoption, i bet France has some nice system for kids

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                                                                                    Lately I tilt alot because of the amount of loses I get or when someone makes such a stupid mistake and dies or when I tell someone to back and he still stays dies, people overextend and die etc, things like that where instead of listening to someone you don't listen and end up dying/throwing the game.

                                                                                    Normally I don't flame and mute people but after a while it becomes annoying when someone is spam pinging you nonstop so I just unmute them and unleash hell on them.



                                                                                      Sometimes I carry way too hard.


                                                                                        Alright just gonna point this out, this thread was a gigantic fishing bait that u guys stepped in, don't worry.
                                                                                        I'm not cocky like this, I don't brag and I don't rage much out of pretty much everyone that posted on here only 3 guys mentioned about this possible being a bait. Props to you guys it indeed was, was fun while it lasted.

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                                                                                            this dude hanter is a clown lmao i have 2k less games then him and ive been 4500 so almost same as him. guy is delusional about how good he is


                                                                                              Oh no, we were baited!

                                                                                              ...were we?

                                                                                              Fuck that BBcode abuser, I can't post hilarious pictures to complement my posts anymore :(


                                                                                                how u play 10 games a day every single day wtf do u do with yourself