That win rate you have is horrible, and most of your games (just going by what i see) YOU are the reason your team losses sometimes, just saying. It's one thing to be in 1K, and think you belong in 2K, or 3K, thinking you belong in 4K (that's common) but players like you are the type of players who are 1K, that think they belong in 3K (2000 MMR higher than the average people who think they're just 1KMMR higher) stop fucking crying, you're part of the cancer, and get good. Have a wonderful day.
realize: u cant win every game
realize: MMR is a pyramid there have to be people with low MMR
realize: when people start playing ranked new MMR is exsiting (say someone gets calibrated to 4 k and then looses alot all the 4 k guys that beat him get +25) so over time there is a slow and constant rise in everyones mmr
realize: everyone gets more expirenced and constantly better at the game
come to the conclusion: u must learn QUICKER than the average player to actually gain MMR so u muist stay ahead of learning curve, not just play dota but also watch pro games and read up on guides etc
git gud
Im not alone boys! Im not alone!
That win rate you have is horrible, and most of your games (just going by what i see) YOU are the reason your team losses sometimes, just saying. It's one thing to be in 1K, and think you belong in 2K, or 3K, thinking you belong in 4K (that's common) but players like you are the type of players who are 1K, that think they belong in 3K (2000 MMR higher than the average people who think they're just 1KMMR higher) stop fucking crying, you're part of the cancer, and get good. Have a wonderful day.
realize: u cant win every game
realize: MMR is a pyramid there have to be people with low MMR
realize: when people start playing ranked new MMR is exsiting (say someone gets calibrated to 4 k and then looses alot all the 4 k guys that beat him get +25) so over time there is a slow and constant rise in everyones mmr
realize: everyone gets more expirenced and constantly better at the game
come to the conclusion: u must learn QUICKER than the average player to actually gain MMR so u muist stay ahead of learning curve, not just play dota but also watch pro games and read up on guides etc
1 year ago i at 1.4k mmr. now i am at 3.4k mmr and going. reaching 5k mmr in next 6 month
i am going from 1.5k to 2k with omniknight and 2k to 2.5k using sniper at patch before this and now try to spam bloodseeker to get 4.5k
i am lord of FOTM.
Too bad there isn't a true genuine solo que.....for ranked.