General Discussion

General DiscussionAM pickers

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AM pickers in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Ok, what the hell is going on?

    Why is everyone picking AM so much lately. I literally played against an AM last 5 matches...

    lm ao

      yung griphook

        it's funny when people in my mmr (including myself) decide to do it.

        First it's funny, then the 30 min battlefury comes, and then it's sad


          ^ Looks like somebody doesn't know how to farm effectively. Get PMS ring treads and you can easily jungle from then on. Always, even when lane is safe, try to push out creep wave to get 1 camp from jungle. More EXP + more gold = more anti-fun.


            ^ I see u are a professional anti mage player.


              [insert some joke about 4k players trying to give advice to other ppl here]


                elitism is such a nice thing

                yung griphook

                  it's not so much that. I mean yeah, my mechanics aren't great, but i could still get a quick bf and treads normally, however, in my mmr it is entirely dual lanes. So it would be me as an AM and a blood cyka versus a necro bristle offlane or something. Plus it has to do with how the otherlanes are doing etc.

                  lm ao

                    Im 2K will my advice be any relevant? since 2 is like the most basic factor of 6?

                    yung griphook

                      and honestly man I'll take any advice i can get ROFL


                        i was sarcastic, relax

                        ham strokers ejacula

                          It was a pretty good counter to Lesh/Storm/PL but the issue lies with BS being pretty good early/mid game vs AM. I think AM is a wonderful pick but most people don't know why or where so just insta pick him regardless of the heroes they're playing against.




                              im really scared when people in complete freefarm cant have 10 cs min with am

                              lm ao

                                4Head come 2K sea