General Discussion

General DiscussionWho would YOU first pick?

Who would YOU first pick? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    this is going to be more of an opinion oriented thread, but I'm just curious.

    lets say that you need a win and you have to first pick your hero. Which hero are you taking and why?


      I would mark mid on map, pick dazzle, rush bottle , treads, armlet => feed => play 16 games in LP => quit dota


        i would first pick earth spirit, winter wyvern and bh while still being a safe pick.

        es preemptively counters most heroes with his skillset, ez ganker and shit etc etc.

        wyrm already is an annoying hero and counters shit with aoe stun bkb piercing and imba heal.

        and bh preemptively counters any woodson heroes and is a good courier killer and mid ganker.


          i could think of more mb but im too lazy


            forgot to add = these heroes don't really get countered themselves cuz they don't take the 1 2 positions , mb bh countered by abbadon but thats about it imo


              Venge or Wyvern.


                but if you mean what i really do = if my team doesn't pick heroes ill just first pick any hero sometimes


                  those 3 i listed are like "for the win" picks




                      i would actually say leshrac, but when someon1 fp lesh its insta antimage just waiting in trees to ulti your ass kappa

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Probably Lifestealer, because even when he is easy to counter, I play well under pressure and I can just say fuck it and go offlane.


                          Shadow Fiend, because I'm really comfortable when playing him mid, 2 weeks ago I was spamming SF first picking hoping enemy team would counter pick me so I would have a hard time mid so I could learn from that and become better at the hero.

                          Dire Wolf

                            I have no idea, everything I pick these days gets countered. Pick bloodseekr they go all strength disabler team like sladar + spirit breaker + pudge + centuar and shit like that.

                            Maybe necro, his only super strong opposition is AA and people don't play him much. Wraith king is solid too but just asking for an enemy AM pick. Viper possibly, silencer is an annoying counter since he has no cast for curse, but you can just skill skin and eat his lunch. Nothing really counters viper, he counters a lot of picks, but he's not that great of a hero. Outside of his lane dominance he contributes little.

                            I have never played storm spirit but he is solid. The heroes who counter him can be dealt with, like if enemy team loads up on sky and silecner you just get bloodseeker and spirit breaker on your team and go to town.

                            Gyro maybe. Good carry without as many hard counters as other squishy carries like sniper.


                              can play pos 2/3/4 and overall broken hero

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                              Livin' Real Good

                                Zues and Shadow fiend are like the best mids to pick if you HAVE to pick first, they're just too good in most situations, and you can't do a thing about that. SF is the most first picked mid i have ever seen.

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                                  Wraith king. If I feel confident.

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                                    Alchemist to make opponents overconfident.


                                      that's true for SF, but zeus is very, very weak against some common mid heroes like qop, ss and leshrac. I dont even know what shall be the skill gap between players to let zeus win any of these matchups.

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                                      saving private RTZ

                                        If mid I would first pick lesh and maybe lina.

                                        yung griphook

                                          separate but also related

                                          who wins 1v1 mid, SF or storm? because i'm surprised nobody has said storm yet

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                                            visage. no one counters and doesn't really have a counter any more anyway.

                                            or warlock mid.

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                                              I'll take Lina. Good versatile, all-around pick. Can support and nuke. Very straight-forward item build.


                                                Chaos Knight. I don't know anyone at my mmr that plays that hero much better than me

                                                also I don't think I can lose with that hero if I really try

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                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                  Way too easy I'd pick tusk.


                                                    Random OFC

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                                                      Arek Akashi

                                                        Jakiro , zeus offlane


                                                          sure i'll choose venge then say "dont worry, i'll supp" and continued with "pick something crazy guys" or "pick ur best hero guys" xD


                                                            I would say maybe invoker as he is very versatile in any situation.
                                                            Need mana burn? Quas Wex.
                                                            Need more damage? Quas Exort.
                                                            Need a semi support who can also push? Necro Book with forge spirit.

                                                            Or you can pick Techies

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                                                                Probably a ginger like Windranger or Lina because of the multiple positions each can play.

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  Spirit Breaker. The fucker's annoying and there's not really anything you can do about it except for ward the map and assist those in need. And pray to RNGesus he won't bash you 3 times in a row under your own tower and kill you.

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                                                                    i first pick any hero. when i am ready to throw and i am ready to countered

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                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      press random, heff fun


                                                                        u so casual these days blunt

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          its pub, who gives a shit? LoL


                                                                            cuz i rdm


                                                                              not a single "your mom" response

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                nah fuck off tirple nobody cares about u tahnks

                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                  #rekt, GGnoRE


                                                                                    ^^i wish there was some sort of face control on this forum so that some rly dogshit players wouldnt be allowed to post shit
                                                                                    your daddies gotta be proud of you, rainbow guy

                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                      face control?
                                                                                      That seems well thought out Kappa.

                                                                                      It's not like you could upload a pic from some random guy in teh internetz.


                                                                                        not the actual face control

                                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                                          Face control refers to the policy of upscale nightclubs, casinos, restaurants and similar establishments to strictly restrict entry based on a bouncer's snap judgment of the suitability of a person's looks, money, style or attitude, especially in Russia and other former Soviet countries such as Ukraine.

                                                                                          Suddently everything makes sense :troll:


                                                                                            UR MOM

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                            lm ao

                                                                                              UR DAD

                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                UR SISTER



                                                                                                  Giff me Wingman



                                                                                                      if nobody has picked and it reaches 0 i just random

                                                                                                      usually turns out terribly tbh

                                                                                                      got storm (never played it)
                                                                                                      guy trades me clock (never played that either lol)

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                                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                        ARDM matches explained