General Discussion

General DiscussionAncients necro

Ancients necro in General Discussion

    66% winrate

    Funniest thing I've read for a while :-D


      tbh most people probably just forget there's a negrophos in the game

      Riguma Borusu

        ^this. If the other team had brains to check the lanes, they would've ganked hem early and blocked ancients. Then it won't be 6 minute midas, but 15 minute midas + feed.


          yea and i guess the necrophos is a retard and doesnt buy sentries?

          Riguma Borusu

            Well, if it is possible they let him farm like that, it's also possible he won't know how to solve the issue, at the level of play this would excel at, I think you can expect much worse things either way.


              if we're talking sub 4k people probably don't know how to deward ancients

              Dire Wolf

                Well I've done it like twice and I think I won both games. It's basically necro in the jungle but he sucks at regular jungling to it's ancients necro. And necro is a strong hero so it's not bad, he gets more farm than being pigeonholed as a support. However on opposing teams we always figure it out and go block the camp with wards or bodies or gank him and they lose.


                  Clearly they forget about him 2 times out of 3 :-)

                  His winrate otherwise is 50%.

                  This more than any other statistic reminds me how useless the average player is


                    well first of all if his ancients gets disturbed his laning will be classified under roaming which has 30% winrate if that clears anything up


                      also if you compare the presence its 10.8% vs 8.48% meaning the necrophos gets kicked out of ancients close to half the time (retard)


                        Why add retard on? Totally unnecessary in a non-flaming thread.


                          hm? im saying half the ancient necrophos who managed to get ganked/blocked are retards lol
                          i hardly ever flame people ^_^


                            Ah sorry :-D thought you were calling me a retard for misinterpreting the laning stats.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Necro is actually a boss safe laner. He's a big time pub stomper with farm cus pubs don't know how to counter him other than just picking AA. But you will never get a safe lane farm in a pub, you're lucky if you get mid or offlane farm position in a dual lane. Thus ancients necro becomes a thing cus it's decent farm compared to being a 4th or 5th slot (5th slot necro, shudder).


                                its alright rocket, if u want i can call you a retard :D

                                the realm's delight

                                  jo u kinda flamed the necro players that got blocked tho Kappa wooOOOOooOoOoOo

                                  the realm's delight

                                    Phantom Lancer kneeled down and began to investigate Lina's ass cheeks. They were not as big as he liked but he still liked what he saw. Lina's fiery sweat dripped from her fine ass and she wiggled it. She wanted more too. Lina moaned and wet herself, indicating that she was ready for copulation with the blue furry Lancer. Phantom Lancer rammed his penis inside Lina's pooper. As he kept moving, more Phantom Lancers appeared, receiving handjobs from Lina's tender hands for their penises. Bloodseeker watched by for the smell of blood.


                                      dont need to ancients can do 3 camp killing in jungle instead its almost as efficient and much safer

                                      the realm's delight

                                        i hope i dont get banned or smth


                                          ib4 rip allison

                                          the realm's delight

                                            ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                              I had 1 in one of my games today :d

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                                                im sure doing the tri -camps is more risky the healing satyr fucks you up and you can get it stolen by aoe spells unlike ancients

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  Just played one to test it. Got ganked by riki because I did not care about putting wards. Or anything. I wanted to go all out retard and try to win. Got Midas at 7 minutes even beside that, because they knew I was farming ancients from minute 1 but only ganked me once. And I knew they knew because their ogre magi asked me how's ancients farming going. I said I hoped they'd gank me because I have a surprise for them. The surprise was that I was completely defenseless. Dire 1 - Radiant 0. Ha ha. Joke's on them. Anyway we won that game, because our bounty pushed lanes while we were getting slaughtered by bs riki and huskar (god damn it, such a retard combination) so all was well in the end. BS bought shadowblade despite us having a bounty hunter and someone who actually wards so yeah... Riki did not understand how detection works either.

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                                                    That last part crCked me up and blood seeker watched by for the smell of blood.

                                                    the realm's delight

                                                      👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit


                                                        i have an 85% winrate doing it or something

                                                        Lets do Science

                                                          I've seen this a few times. The only time it worked was when the Necro was on my team and I did everything I could to prevent him from feeding. Every other time, it hasn't mattered what hero I was, I'd just walk up and pull the ancients, and they'd nearly one shot him, and i'd finish him off. Why anyone thinks going afk for the first 10 minutes is going to work is beyond me.

                                                          I play mostly unranked though. :/


                                                            if ur tricamp stacking gets hijacked by enemy team while ur team is in their lanes and ur there and they dont defend it they deserve ot lose it


                                                              Looks like Necro can't win even with huge advantage.

                                                              We actually made an atempt to gank him with 3 heroes, but all died...

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                                                                basically if you do this you need to know when to abandon it and when to stop. You got to buy a ward and thats it. if they come and contest you immediately switch to support and buy support items and they wasted a ward.

                                                                And they aint going to contest a trip stack at level 5 Valkis. It will kill pretty much anyone but a Tidehunter.

                                                                Lastly, you cant shit around for more than 6 minutes. you should have midas and use it by 5:40 and then you are done, rotate, get boots and help team.


                                                                  this is a retard play. ancient necro seriously? you AFK-FARMING FOR FUCKING 10 MINUTES. WHILE THE PROGRESSION IT SELF SO SLOW.

                                                                  You better go lane, just stay there with ur fucking aura lvl 1 and look at their offlaner hurts.


                                                                    > my team pick necro
                                                                    > buy wards
                                                                    > plant at ancient
                                                                    > profit.


                                                                      @tohsaka: you afk farm for 5 and a half minutes at which point you have midas and level 6. the progression is slow to start with but not many heroes can farm a sub-6min midas.

                                                                      its cheesy and dull and can be countered with coordination but i've changed my mind on normal pubs don't contest it.


                                                                        Ive seen that shit in really high mmr game once (it was 6k average or close to that) and it fuckin worked for some reason. Necro just fuckin owned and won them the game althouh getting flamed like shit xD


                                                                          How can't necro win with huge advantage?

                                                                          buy agh
                                                                          buy refresher
                                                                          ult two people

                                                                          suddenly you're playing 5v3 for 10 minutes


                                                                            and u risk early game advantage. for your carries to farm. for me?

                                                                            i better go lane and make advantage for my carries. or go mid better choices.


                                                                              well that's your first mistake - thinking you should be playing necro as a lane support.

                                                                              and why have him farm mid when someone else can be doing that whilst you are 5secs away at the ancients ready to come to his aid if he's ganked?

                                                                              this isn't doom going into the jungle and coming out 40mins in with midas and radiance.


                                                                                he is useless. the progression of levels and anything when everyone at lvl 4 he still at lvl 2 or 1.

                                                                                as an enemy i am happy with necro jungling. easier farm for offlaner. safer path for carries.

                                                                                and this meta when deathball is a thing. this kind of ancient farming is never been safe.

                                                                                ur mid ganked and u still lvl 2-3 from ancient farming? no stuns, heal lvl 1 or 2. can't do shit. mid tower down and u can't do shit for the rest of the game.


                                                                                  Off topic : Its rare seeing someone from the same country in this forum. ^ hey tohsaka.


                                                                                    No offence but if your mid tower is down at <5mins the game is probably lost anyway.

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      Its so hard to buy a ward and a sentry ?


                                                                                        I'm not sure if that number is accurate. I wonder how many 'roaming' necrophos players initially planned on farming ancients, but got punished for it.

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                                                                                          Don't really know what the dotabuff criteria for roaming is but I doubt anyone starts off with a plan to roam as necro so yeah, roaming is probably foiled junglers

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            @soultrap, trying to push uphill vs a omni, medusa, sniper combo, I'm not surprised at all. There are hardly any teams that can rax against that.

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              You can get levels pretty fast with ancient farming. By 6th minute you're gonna be level 5, but you're gonna spend a lot of time being level 1 because it takes the most time for the first batch of creeps to die out. After them, it becomes more rapid. Then you get a midas at 6 minutes, get level 6 somewhere, and go with somebody.

                                                                                              But all of the above takes too much for granted and i don't think is a really meaningful thing to do.


                                                                                                and BH is picked a lot lately i will just stay at ancient and fucking ditching his exp.

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  That's how I fuck enigma over^. Good games. Also like it when he uses soul ring.

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                                                                                                    you cant leech ancient exp guys, assuming thats what you mean.

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