General Discussion

General DiscussionManta-Skadi-Aghanims on Juggernaut or damage build (ex: Basher,SnY,Bu...

Manta-Skadi-Aghanims on Juggernaut or damage build (ex: Basher,SnY,Butter) in General Discussion

    Juggernaut is some of the coolest dota hero out there, but im kinda confused on what should i build in general


      never aghanims on pos1 jugger

      saving private RTZ

        best build is still 6.83 build imo, phase-aquila-mom, then SnY/manta, abyssal, skadi, mkb if needed, bkb if needed


          So position 3 jugger aghs viable? I had utterly ahit winrate with jugg when I first started playing so I never spent the time to get Good at him , altho I did start out with a sub 40% winrate in slark and now he is my best hero :p anyways I prolly won't start playing jug just wondering in what cases is aghs good for him.


            if you wanted to buff your ulti you could try getting solar crest instead. solar's so strong atm. imo aghs isn't viable because of his bat buff making dps items so much better on him, since they'll essentially increase your damage dealt during omnislash, but also help you farm which aghs doesn't do.


              plus as an offlane jugg you're probably gonna have extra points into healing ward for pushing if you're not the primary carry, and medallion/solar helps with this too.


                Aghs is so trash, its like aghs leshrak/spiritbreaker. Dont get that even pos2-3.

                Get battlefury vs pl or other illusion hero, otherwise forget it.