General Discussion

General Discussioncheesedick storm pickers

cheesedick storm pickers in General Discussion

    I'm tempted just to learn the hero and get free ez mmr. He is such high levels of broken OP bull sh*t in this meta.

    He last hits like a beast in mid early game.

    He right clicks like a beast vs the opposing mid.

    He is the slippery-est hero in current meta, doom is trash can now so not really sure what is even viable against a semi decent storm.

    Stun lock him you say? Only a COUPLE of disables in the game have a fast enough cast animation to stun him before he can lightning bolt. Just getting so sick of being raped by storms every other game.

    Granted he has a semi high skill cap but when you figure it out he just stomps at all levels of dota. Think it's just the sh*t tier having problems with him? *cough cough suma1l finals cough*

    *cough cough storm getting picked in like 70% of the games above 3.5k and stomping 80% of the time*

    King of Low Prio

      every game I see a storm pick I just pick silencer and stomp them so hard they stop picking the fucking hero

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          every game i play storm against silencer i buy euls and i stomp them so hard that they stop trying to counter the fucking hero


            btw i think i never lost a game as storm to silencer

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              King of Low Prio

                lol support

                King of Low Prio

                  so the storm is lv 6 but the silencer is lv 3 without ulti?

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                      Seriously, someone please tell me how to stomp a GOOD storm spirit at high skill level?

                      Bad Intentions

                        Destroy them storm pickers with am mann :D actually, im getting not so good storms lately.

                        King of Low Prio

                          pick silencer press spells on him mid. Storm sucks vs silencer in lane. Will it automatically make you win the game? No But will it deal with your storm problem better than most heroes? Yes

                          Bad Intentions

                            ^yo sampson, was wondering if u last word ss and he goes ball lightning, he doesnt take any damage and not get silenced ryt? this confuses me mann :D

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                                peru gamer can you show me any replays of you pwning storm mid as lesh?

                                I'm a solid lesh player but storm just rolls me every time if he knows what he's doing lol

                                King of Low Prio

                                  last word hits before the spell goes but he still gets to zip to his target destination.

                                  A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                    Above 5k Storm loses mid to every meta mid hero currently.


                                      sf shits on storm
                                      ta shits on storm
                                      lesh shits on storm
                                      wr does okay vs storm
                                      lina does 60 40 vs storm
                                      these are the most picked heroes lately and its not that hard to deal with him problem is that ur team most likely gonna get picked off alot and he will snowball from that


                                        He can rebound tho , I don't typically have problems vs storm but I inderstand that he can be a beast , try lc blink duel maybe. I usually go tiny mid vs storm u can combo him to death for a long time unless he gets a early blood stone plus if he vortexes you later hell stun himself on craggy procs then u combo him lol

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                                          King of Low Prio

                                            the global silence deters the storm from getting pick offs on ur team

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              How do you say TA shits on Storm but Lina is 60 40? Lina is like THE BEST hero against Storm, he can't even hit you with overload because that's how much range you have.

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                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  meh, storms tend to get out of control in 4k pubs so I like to keep them in check


                                                    If you want to counter storm pick anti mage and personally I don't give a single fuck about silencer. SF with euls, just like lina is pretty good against him too. SF is actually better, cuz sometimes you can silence lina with orchid, but against sf you can't do shit.


                                                      LMFAO says storm is op
                                                      picks him and dies 16 times
                                                      nice op ur shit at the game

                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        Holy cow op, what have u done! u practiced storm in a ranked game and died 16 times! :D mannnn your teamates mustve been flaming you all game :D


                                                          actualyl your most played hero is pretty good vs storm


                                                            also bloodseeker will shut storm down early mid game late game tho not so much unless your ahead on items


                                                              Remove that hero from the game, stop pretending that is hard to play storm, maybe hes high skillcap TO MASTER, but storm is the cancer from 2k mmr to 7k+.
                                                              Even RTZ said that storm is the only real OP hero and now he spam storm like crazy
                                                              I have not problems against storm with the heroes i pick, and i have a decent win rate vs storm but still the hero deserves a nerf more than lesh and gyro cause isnt about meta, EG won DAC with storm (6.83), EG won TI5 with storm (6.84).


                                                                That hero remembers me when i used to play LoL and i was a kassadin spammer, another broken ass hero pretty much like storm
                                                                Is matter of time, a HC cannot be so strong in all stages of the game, he can farm, he can jungle, he can gank, he can turtle.
                                                                The worst of all is the 25% pickrate he has now, this game NEEDS a new patch.

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  and on that day ez mmr was had


                                                                    ur barely in vh and u think u can talk balance LMao


                                                                      ez mmrs u sey?????


                                                                        Literally every time i watch some high skill streamer, the storm spirit player goes godlike which is ridiculous. Watched Arteezy get his ass whooped so hard as Tinker vs some 6K Storm, wasn´t even funny how easy it was for the storm.


                                                                          Because storm totally isn't dumpstering tinker unless he jumps on him and permahexes him, kek.


                                                                            Antimage... Just go AM, dont let him gank u early on. Make sure you avoid him, if he has fast orchid. Its pretty much this:

                                                                            He gets to jump on you with Orchid, before you have Manta (wich can happen) you will have an unfunny game. You can be vulnerable to ganks against him. But many storms prefer bloodstone before orchid, so this can be very gud for you. You force him into linkens or bkb, wich is kinda ok. By the time he gets fat, you will be much fatter.

                                                                            If you play active (you should) you can fuckup their team thx to storm. He will spend tons of mana in teamfights early on. Stay back, wait till he zips arround and jump him late:

                                                                            Manavoid: Kill everyone.

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                                                                              no good storm will ever be low enuff mana to get manavoided to die

                                                                              neither will he get picked off by antimage unless he has abyssal


                                                                                lol I tried storm in that 1 game, was pretty drunk. My team kept hogging the courier and I got rotated on a couple times by supports, still did ok. My team was SUPER cancer though and started shitting on me hard, I was like 0-3-3 from some bad early teamfights, they kept shitting on me so I finally snapped and started feeding. Was like the 4th or 5th game of the night with cancer toxic teammates, I shoulda prolly muted them but I chose the immature path and said f*ck em lol.

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  Death Prophet. High duration silence on a relatively low cooldown, high range nuke, builds for tank to survive storm's shenanigans, etc. Also more likely to take his tower at level 6 than he's to even approach her tower. Also benefits from orchid anyway, so even if she's silenced she can still silence a non bkb-d storm. A bkbd storm can disable her but should not be able to kill her as she should have a survival item too.

                                                                                  Too bad the hero's been nerfed to uselessness lately, but we might see her reborn with octarine core, who knows.

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                                                                                  Lets do Science

                                                                                    Iunno fuzzy, sounds like you were the jerk there what with the playing super drunk in ranked and then deciding to feed just because your team wasn't nice. Don't really see how this makes it any less funny that you opened a topic to complain about Storm, only to try him yourself and git riggity riggity rekt son.

                                                                                    lm ao

                                                                                      I guess 6.85 would be the death of all Storm pickers? Doom gets a comeback in the new meta, and all my Storm Spirit items hoarding will come to a waste :(


                                                                                        6.85 COMES OUT SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER U SHISTAINS EVEN NOOBFROMUA SAID


                                                                                          lol not arguing with you there lets do science. I was totally the dick in that situation 100%, not defending myself, just saying it wasn't me playing at my best is all.


                                                                                            road to 0k, the problem with death prophet is that her silence has a long cast animation, not super long like a leshrac or lina stun, but long enough that a GOOD storm spirit can dodge it.

                                                                                            When it comes to GOOD storm spirits, even getting a sheep stick / orchid / hex off can be hard sometimes.... in the time it takes to move your mouse to click on him he is ball lightning and then your hero goes all derp after your command when you were following up your play expecting to have a disabled storm...

                                                                                            KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                              Storms annoying but I have only had problems with him when I play maiden. I generally just pick Viper or Nyx when I see storm and storm players at my level are pretty awful.

                                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                Solution with maiden = don't go alone and deward a lot. I play against storm often and he does not pose much of a problem for me, we are at similar level, but that's mostly because those people really suck.

                                                                                                Also, fuzzy, you're right, there are technical difficulties with executing such silences, but still, it's way better than being run over by storm before you ever get a chance to build orchid. Orchid is obviously superior because it's instant and applies an useful debuff, but still, by the time you get orchid, storm might get a bkb if he's doing remarkably well already. You want to start messing him up as soon as you can, and you have silence at level 1, though you won't really need it that early.

                                                                                                Let's just agree the hero's fucked up.

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                                                                                                  "lina does 60 40 to storm "
                                                                                                  r u fuckin retarded ?
                                                                                                  lina dumpster storm left n rite.

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                                                                                                  A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                                                    In terms of laning phase

                                                                                                    SF rapes storm
                                                                                                    Lina rapes storm
                                                                                                    Lesh rapes storm
                                                                                                    QOP rapes storm


                                                                                                      at least u learn bad laning matchups if u spam storm xd


                                                                                                        insta pick safelane AM or fucking mid silencer.