General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat role suits the best to the Dotabuff profile above you.

What role suits the best to the Dotabuff profile above you. in General Discussion
Lumn .......CSGO500

    Mid or support kinda strange


      ^ Carry

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        Semi core position. That one guy who would go dual offlane with someone else


          MVP Salza - Exclusive Pugna player


            Good on carry position, bad on mid though.

            mc ren

              mostly a mid player if anything maybe randoms alot?

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                ^ you look like the "win my ez mid lane" type of players

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                    Support life ^


                      dont play support. You seem to be a better carry.


                        ^Smurf. so much diversity


                          @Tohsaka Rin
                          +surprisingly, you're way better support than mid
                          - offlane needs some work


                            +Looks good at hard to kill melee carries like Ember and PA. Well played. Would totally flame you for kicking my ass if my team doesn't shut you down early.

                            -Shit at Invoker, a friend of mine would destroy you on a 1v1 mid both of you Invoker lol

                            Keep playing bullshit melee carries.

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                            Kim Taeyeon

                              + Over 70% winrate at many carry heroes

                              - Why are you still at the Normal Skill bracket with 60% winrate?


                                lol, I don't even know, maybe it's cause I was a twat and got calibrated at level 13 instead of practicing in like 500+ bot matches like I did some time after that. The 1k trench is awful, I'll tell ya that much lol.

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                                  Learn every role, I also calibrated when I was lvl 13 and it was my first MOBA so I was pretty bad so I was given 1,3k after calibration, you should focus on learning every role and the best way to do it is playing with friends so you will have more fun, and with the time you will be much better than those 1k players and you will get out of there pretty quick. It took me around 400 solo mmr games to go from 1,3k to 4k (not sure if it's good or bad, but i've been improving steadily).

                                  You actually look good as a carry, but it's important that you learn how supporting works so you can notice if your support has any idea of what he's doing so you can give him some advice or just tell him when to leave you alone in lane.

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                                    pretty versatile I's say, mid, support and carry all seem fine, only offline might need some work


                                      Position 4 Support and offlane

                                      Nergigante Hunter

                                        Wow so many carriessss


                                          +Good support and decent carry
                                          - inconstant mid



                                            I generally know what to do as support, the main reason my winrates suck with them is that in the trench, if you ain't making the game ez as a carry yourself with ez kills, they start failing cause they're sitting around picking fights instead of farming when not needing to make a push or defend a tower, making them weak when they do need to. Either that or everyone else is just roaming around aimlessly, so I kinda gotta do stuff myself. 1k ain't kind to supports, you're more of a liability if you ain't doing big DPS. I realize this isn't how proper matches work, but 1k ain't proper.


                                              + Carry
                                              - Position 3/4


                                                + Offlane nuker
                                                - Carry


                                                  +middle to carry (seeing from ta and slark)
                                                  -i dont know lol, hard to say with ur heroes winrate


                                                    ^ Mid fo sho.



                                                      +/- Can support (less games as any support)

                                                      self pip

                                                        Mid player with a love for mid rubick.


                                                          + Decent carry
                                                          - Mid and offlane need more work

                                                          Mr Perspective

                                                            - play too much sven

                                                            +can see ur diversifying lol

                                                            self pip

                                                              @AltSk0P: I only play offlane as axe :D Good pick against lesh and bs for me. My mid definitely needs more work but I can't work on it on a smurf due to the low frequency of mid so I use main acc for that.

                                                              @Mr.Green: I guess you play a lot of utility heroes? I mean at first glance it was mids but then I realise it's more greedy supports :D

                                                              𝓈𝒶𝒍𝓉𝓎 pyrcok ツ
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                                                                𝓈𝒶𝒍𝓉𝓎 pyrcok ツ

                                                                  not very much games. solid core. u dont like supporting, huh?

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                                                                      ^ You like melee carries?

                                                                      You should train more generally, KDA aren't impressive.


                                                                        Nice set of matches, i am pretty new lol


                                                                          ^ cant say much since ur new. i guess u've started with the right choice - aggressive farming melee carrys. just try not to be kited too much


                                                                            ^Ez Carries


                                                                              ^Support I think?


                                                                                50% Winrate, normal skill. U need to practice more & get better in few basics things. U play support better than carries, but u need improve not to die so much and positioning is the key!


                                                                                  Decent Mid by the stats but able to handle him/herself on a support.


                                                                                    stay in the forest m9


                                                                                      @The Harvester
                                                                                      + Good carry and decent support
                                                                                      - Mid desperately needs practice

                                                                                      mc ren

                                                                                        @AltSk0P dots around between high, very high and noraml skill which says maybe 4k+? but plays with lower mmr friends inparties and randoms in these games explaining the diversity inroles? You seem to generally win more when carrying which makes sense with a good carry at my predicted mmr, however support is still decent at least winrate, need to work on dying less, good be due to the nature of the heroes you play in support or positional error. Proabbly stick to carry.


                                                                                          meta picker

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