General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you pacify the egos of your team?

How do you pacify the egos of your team? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Ranked gaming. Is this skill bracket relative? or you just try to lead by example? pls provide youe words of wisdom based on your exp.


      when team start to fight i just tell them dont worry we got this. and we win. most of the time
      or i dont tell anything cause i am lazy to type.
      if some1 say you suck if you want to win you should say : yea i do i am sorry :( just started back playing.
      then he will stop talking


        if you are playing well and are suggesting smart things, people will listen.
        but when my 0 5 sf is trying to teach me how to play earth spirit i will most likely ignore his advice


          sometimes if you say "im sorry" the other guy can go "yeah you should be fukcin g sooryt you PciEc of SHTI"

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
          ED WUNCLER

            you lead if you are like a melee tank. if you are techie like me most of the time you cant just say let go ! and go behind team and leave the lane to mine somewhere

            ED WUNCLER

              when they say that i tell them . i am truly sorry . i am sick and i suck. then they stop!


                if im in your team, take my side or enjoy -25 mmr

                ED WUNCLER


                  ED WUNCLER

                    benao stream tonight?

                    ED WUNCLER

                      i bought some beer for the occasion!


                        well ok
                        ill start the computer

                        ED WUNCLER

                          nice !! :D

                          ED WUNCLER

                            low prio done???

                            ED WUNCLER

                              talk on your old post streaming and send me the link again xd

                              ED WUNCLER

                                of the twitch

                                ED WUNCLER

                                  i bought some powerade and gatorade too to have alot of electrolyte


                                    the worst thing is when your team trashtalkes themselves into a corner

                                    I had this safelane naga tell midlane terrorblade was stupid and he was telling me how I was some wannabe and etc. He had like 300 mmr higher. I didn't even respond but when he played like shit after dying thrice because he was feeling the pressure of playing like shit when he was talking big.

                                    I lost because the dude literally collapsed under his own self created pressure.

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                                      ED WUNCLER

                                        life is hard.

                                        Quick maffs

                                          You dont, you mute them


                                            depends on your allies as well, sometimes when you do well and try to lead your team they listen because they see that you are capable, other times they just continue to whine then i guess there isn't really anything you can do

                                            ED WUNCLER

                                              god damnit benao in lp again..


                                                i just say,

                                                i'm not taking advices from 4k's


                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  why dont u shut the fuk up and listen when i start raging on shit teammates, shit goes well then

                                                  ED WUNCLER

                                                    Sampson ur black its inside you to rage at any living beings. but yea dont get in lp . benao didnt rage and is in lp again..


                                                      i've never ever gotten in lp other than consecutive rage abandons

                                                      it baffles me how some people are eternally stuck there

                                                      ED WUNCLER

                                                        ^ ur so better then us

                                                        meow maniac

                                                          you don't. there's literally no way. you can be positive af, ignore them, etc. no matter what there's always 1 or 2 guys that aren't wiling to comply. just focus on your performance and tune out the negativity.


                                                            For me i like to use team language that tries to be empowering and not negative. Lots of "we/our/us" and less "I/me/you." If someone starts raging I will say stuff like

                                                            "You're smart enough to know that if we win a teamfight we can take rax. We just need to XYZ in the fight."

                                                            I also try to address minor problems before they become big ones. Like "Great job, all we have to do is push before they win late game"

                                                            And also if someone is feeding or having a terrible game I try to protect them from harassment. "they are obviously having a bad day, we can still win if _____. All they need to do is stay alive to _____"

                                                            ED WUNCLER

                                                              wise guy ^

                                                              ED WUNCLER

                                                                but still in normal skill :( . meh

                                                                ED WUNCLER

                                                                  you probably smart in real life games are not your thing :)

                                                                  ED WUNCLER

                                                                    if you played around 2000 games and you are still in normal skill mean your iq is above average or average. IF not then you learning


                                                                      I feel i've been good at games in the past. Truthfully I've lacked the time to invest in dota2. It's hard to play a lot of games which you need to gain momentum and get better. I have a hard time justifying 5 games in a row when I could push to get another dotabuff feature out.

                                                                      ED WUNCLER

                                                                        its ok . sorry for my harsh * evil language* i suck in english . i dont wanna be disrecpectfull . I just dont want ppl to say your right just cause you are in authority on a site. And if you suck in dota 2 its fine you have only 500 game played but took me alot years to be good . And yes its just a nerd game better invest in real life. If you see players with 2000 games played and in normal skill then you have to question their iq ability. cause dota is ... well... i.q... its so complex and in a way you can see the iq of everyone playing the game in a way.

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                                                                          ED WUNCLER

                                                                            i like to change and try new accounts. i realised (2k) i have only one lol . people talking on mics cant spell correctly english ( and i dont speak english) they talk redneck style and rage ALOT compared to 4k . in 4k its like every1 ignore each other. that mean their brain is good. :) selfish as fuck but still good. probably the comparaison we live in with the society and the money.

                                                                            ED WUNCLER

                                                                              you go to the bank . thebitch smile to you. you tell her your poor or she see your account . she will act diffrently. your a millionaire OH wow . mister what can i do mista. me slave mista. can i suck your dick mista

                                                                              ED WUNCLER

                                                                                and employee at the reception of the bank itself its a slave job 19$ hour.

                                                                                ED WUNCLER

                                                                                  dumb fcking bitch didnt realised that

                                                                                  ED WUNCLER

                                                                                    you only matter in the society whenyou have money . or wise enough to control the people with religion. that it.

                                                                                    ED WUNCLER

                                                                                      people thinking the poor guy askingfor money is shit are ignorant. they are not better. i oftengive them smokes or cash when the occasion presented even if im poor rightnow cause i left my parents home.