General Discussion

General DiscussionSome nations are better than others

Some nations are better than others in General Discussion

    Some nations are better than others in DotA 2? Maybe it's more time and interest in the game overall?


      Well, even if it isn't, there will always be people saying that.

      People will always say "lel my server is the hardest", "6k in that region is like 4k here" and etc.

      the realm's delight

        3k brazil = 6k rest of the world

        King of Low Prio

          All the best players come from Canada


            In terms of winning if you mean, I just wanted a brazilia player in the international ;_;


              prettysure all the best players comes from china


                pub scene: Europe> China> Usa> Others
                pro scene: China> Europe> Usa> Others

                P.S: i count russia as europe

                Dire Wolf

                  Of course China has the best payers they have like 1/6th of the worlds population