General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the fuck I lost this game? What is dota 2? Whats happening

How the fuck I lost this game? What is dota 2? Whats happening in General Discussion

    Jesus christ hows this possible to lose?

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      Fucking ember with dagger and 2 items on 60 min.

      waku waku

        try pushing and pingspamming your teammates to come along


          Unwinnable game after 24-4 they don`t want to kill sf, and with 20 kills lead support can`t buy single sentry or dust :DDDDDDDDDD

          Bad Intentions

            y u guys gave skeleton king space :(


              Sf finish 19-3 FUCKING GAME

              the realm's delight

                broodmother = lane winner, game loser

                bum farto

                  ...and you finished 15-13 so after 17 mins you went 4-13


                    it looks like a thread that needs a "k" reply.

                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                      Sf no matter how bad a start too easy to bounce back on. So hard to hit r and e clear creep waves afterall.


                        You lost because 1.1k tower damage sucks. KDA means nothing if you don't take objectives.


                          ^Did you watch the game or are you just throwing out assumptions based on the endgame scores?


                            Eh Relentless my bro.. if it was so simple like that to win game just because you need more tower damage I will definetly auto atack towers than


                              276 tower damage wow ur so bad Kappa


                                I thought u quit.


                                  Bogi got distracted from taking towers and went to rosh for no real reason. Then he lost focus and did no more pushing after 17:30 min. That is why he lost despite really playing an excellent first 15 min of broodmother.

                                  His team made plenty of mistakes as well.. but the only one that mattered was a loss of focus on taking objectives.



                                    This game was probably impossible to win from min 1. SS and pudge were together and intentionally feeding while laughing about it in voice chat.

                                    42:27 Omniknight: pudge and ss.

                                    42:31 Luna: we have two intentional losers.

                                    42:39Luna Luna: this was not even dota.

                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                      ^Why did u have so bad farm tho