General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp about meepo ranking

Help about meepo ranking in General Discussion

    I was on rank 93rd before my last game. We won the last game and I expected to gain more pts and maybe advance 1 rank or 2. but what happened is I was totally removed out of it? Can someone help me regarding this? thank you.

    Giff me Wingman

      You lost a lot of points because you played unranked.


        It's actually because ranks don't update super fast and you played one high skill game which system calculated as a negative thing for your score.
        Winning against shitters makes your enemies average go down by a lot, thus your meepo rating goes down

        bum farto

          Nothing to do with rank there are dependencies on who you play with as it uses that to gauge the difficulty.

          Its a really confusing system which hasn't really been properly explain e.g. what makes it go up/down etc. but seems to have bearing on the skill of the players you stack with (not mmr as it can't tell)

          Unranked vs Ranked doesn't seem to have a bearing might if your unranked hidden is lower which for most it usually is.


            but there are players who are playing more unranked than ranked games but still qualified in top 100. my 700+ games for meepo are all ranked. only few are unranked but still i got removed. before the last game finished i was on ranked 93. so the last game should give another points and to be exact i noticed that it provides +2 every win


              ^you played a game in high skill, and pretty sure other games with low skilled players thats why you lose points.
              play solo at 5k+ or party with at least high 4k mmr players and u will be back into top 100